Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1582

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fp . g INDEX. xcix

 Great Britain—C;»ntir}i‘1Jir<:1d. 338   Greene, El;I•ivm·d Forbgh h t N 1’•5°·

n a riation or t tary .. may in `euwnau avy

 pigoganadianjoint higcggmmission  ’ 343 retirgx   .’ ...   905
 for Alaskaan Canada boundary line. 343, 1033 Greene, Major General 1YaU•anaeI,

E for marking Canadian boundary . 344, 1033 appropriation authonaed for monument to

” for Canadian fisheries commission. . . 344, 1033 commemorate victory of Contmenhl

for expenses, arbitrating boundary in _ troopsat Guilford Court House under 899 Pamamaquoddy Bay ,... . . 344 Greenemile, erm., ` . for arbigrating North Atlantic fisheries 765 termsof c]<;urt at- --··-·. 1124 wit . _ yield an. _ for expenses Canadian boundary waters appropriation ior ublie building _ . . , . . 1872 commission .. . . . . 766, 1364 acquiring site erecting public building _ deficiency appropriation for grilintpommis- at., authorized . 685 sion on use oi Saint Jo River., 203, 1290 Greenhouse Swek, _ _ cooperation of, in improving Saint Croix duty on, not Epecrslly provided for ... 37 River, Me., to be requested. ._ .. 631 Greensboro, N. ., expenses for marking boundary line rn terms of court at- --··.··-··---· · - 186, 11m Pamunaquoddy Bay, tobe paid hom Greenaburq, fa., _ _ _ appropriation for arbitration com- appvrglzmhou for public building --···- 705, 1372 Gr mimgpn 775 Green ,g. C.} pubr b _ _ th md g Falk, mm c on 0 IC $11 011 sgpropriation foi· public building. . 2 . . . 705, 1372 _ it -·...·--·---·--------·—--·- - ··-- 682 limit of cost increased, public bmldrng 678 Greenmlle S. 0., tonus of com-g at ____ _ _______ _ _,__,,_____ 1118 terms oi court at 1123 Great Kanawha Riva, Gfctmmdii Conn., _ ,Pp,§Pi·i,ii0,i 50, ______ _ __,______ 754 appropriation for improvement of harbor 638, 934 Great ella Harbor, _ . K, Gr¢¢Mv90d, C'b¤fl¢# Sp _ Grpyoiiminnry examination of, to be made. . 673 delicw¤cy1;.ppmp¤¤¤¤¤ for --···----···--- 1319 at 5 • ua. • • ¤ appropriation for surveys, etc., by engineer · appfoP¤·¤§10¤ {01* Publlc building --·--- 705, 1372 g§c3;g___, _,_,_ ______, ... ,. 730,].407 Qdflddll,-HBO., - _ _ io, lighting cnnnnorg in ___,,... 755 appropriation for gublnc building-, Z- - . 1872 for expenses of joint commission oligo 1364 3;ts·:tnl erecting public build- 686 boimdxqzy waters . - .- , » ··-· · ·~-··-···-·- Gm Laker N H nw , Gaia Ge- . . . appropriatidzn for ezmpletion of buildings. 818 sp]:{;0P1'¤;¢i0n for Public bU11dm8_· - ·, -----~ 1372 for maintenance ‘ .. 609, 1269 limit of cost increased, public building 677 deHciency apgropriation for .. 792 Gr5gga,_J'. H., latea Rgpreaentatwqan Congress, Great Northern evelopment Company, elicrency appropnatron for wr ow of . 805 may dam ppi River, Coon Creek 893 Grénrfstogw, 21 Ra i inn ..,,. u y , ,,,.. . ... . ... Great Pedee gfiver, S; C., Grinnell, {moo, b _ _ _ 2 approlstriation for improvement of . 643 appmpmtion for pil llc bmlrggg .. 137 Great S Pond, Block Island, R. I., acquiring arte for- public bur ing at, su· Grappropriagm f<}r;ri.m;roveme¤t of . 632 Gru thonzed. . . 689

pi>Ar?opriatic?r3i1or impiovemont of harbor 634, 935 duty on iron or steel; for abrasives 24

preliminary exalrvnipration of, to be made. . 673 Gmugiémézde Glau-I at Clog, 74 Great S th . . on . .. . ... GTappr‘i§>uriatio¢i1yiorié’r,1;imvement of harbor. . 634 Gsxigigam, 88 t .•¤•••··•¤••••••••••¤·.-ooo-oe-son. gzay biiilcm Black R1%,;¥:i·1;oplar Bluff, Mo. 907 Growers of Leof Tobacco, _ _ Greece and gontenegro, no restrictions on, selling their own leaf appropriation io; fnmister to .. 333;, . . . ... 111 E . . .·-- · - · · · - - r . . GreeZ:;:i9cnL?>ru:•%r?rig:i£rl0li1'ompan%, ’ preliminary examlmitron, to be made ol.. . 955 may dam Colorado River at ead Gate Guam, _ _ _ _ Rock near Parker, Ariz .-·--·-. 1081 apprvpstrlripxn for rgncultuml expenmepgs 126 9 1],,.,,,..- , or Gndqh Cob`, { bli njldi author- for care oflepers, etc., naval station., 617, 1267 °°"°"‘§§.§Ii’§J’ .¥’}.-?.P iii on for public mn, naval mnt. ... 793,1276 Gum Bay Wu. - customs tariff schedgiles not applicable to, 11 terms of’court'a.l:. .,, , ,... . ... 656, 1129 mercllillglise for residents of, may be ca;g6’ 1051 Green H. C., rr on Y transports- d 5, ‘ riation { r refund of per- GMM, _ e . 1299 onfreelrst ...,,,. . ., _ __,,____,.. . 76 - mf 1 . * . . GT;na§ 1¥.iver, Lyndon, Ill ... 920 appmpstrngggn foi·reparrinsta.llation, naval 1275 gn", · n ... . bndggveiutlggiaed across, at Davis lgarfly. . 852 public works, naval magazine ,_ 1277 preliminary examination of, to be e. . 671 Guatemala, _ _ _ for diverting Mud River .----···------- 955 appropnatignyfog wer to .. . GreenR'· ,W ., orsecre o ion ..--- , approiiriratiorzilior public building. ._ - . . 1372 Guerner, S: G., _ _ _ _ wwe ,,,,,,,§i§,‘§i'__H‘}¥{‘f? _ _‘3?‘H‘““g . 2*: on my %. }i‘f’?‘?‘?T‘. . ?‘Y‘?T‘. .f’f‘fi'{‘f’??: on