Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1587

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civ INDEX. Hilo, Hawaii, P¤8¤- g Holy Gross National Forest, Colo., Paceappropriation for improvement of harbor; , appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. 427, 1249 contracts . 666, 952 Harrie for Aged and In/irm, D. C., resurvey authorized . 952 appropriation for salaries and expenqes. . 407, 998 for public building . 1373 de ‘ciency appropriation for contingent employment of special architect, etc., 1373 expenses ... 786, 1298 , division of block reserved for building site. 696 for water sugglgy . . . 1298 half reserved for building ... 696 Home for Incura , D. C., remainder restored as public land .. . · 696 appropriation for care of indigent paconditions 696 tients ... 408, 999 _Hindg, Robert EW Hameopa¢(»ie_Hoapiml, D. C., Ngziqnal, deficiency appropriation for burial ex- ¤PP¤’0Plj1¤¥·10¤ fof 081*6 of ¤¤d¤86¤¥· P8- peugeg, etc ,,.,,,,,,... , ,,,,,_, 781 H EQBDKB ···- . . . 408, 999 - mner, mn., Hgigiyliilgnaigh or mei . . ... 25 evprevrieiien i¤r_¤¤l¤4=s¤1t¤r¤1 ewiee ue Hingu, per Mississippi River Valley, equipduty on im or mei . 25 ¤¤e¤¢, ew -----··------·----··--- 7**3-1440 Historical Aieomzm, Ammem, Hwmmd E"’"¢·?» . . appropriation for printing and binding $u°W°d m CIHPPQWK Pine timber 1¤¤d¤. annual re rt .. 768, 1447 unsold- · - ; ---·-· ; ·~···· _- ; ·--·--· ;- · 862 Hkmm; places, gw pnyxpenltg fc; timber in addition to price 862 appropriati n for erection, etc. tablets for_ °¥' D ----···--~····-·-····--· ·· pp Pmué ________________ ________ 382, 974 allowed settlers on lands excluded from Hiwasaee Rawjlgrfa. and Tenn., Ref¤¥¤¤ 0<>1q¤y zrentx N- Mex- ·---. 896 appropriation for improvement of . 652 °°c°¥}d, ¤ l°W€d if {PWM? 06% 6V? ··--- - · 896 bridge authorized across at Charleston and l’°q¤¤'9¤{€¥-WB; I¤¤‘¤€¤ ¤X¢l{1d9d ···--- y - · 896 . Calhoun, Tam, __________ _ _________ 137 allowed widow, etc., of alien becoming Hmyhwnd gm], insane before completing his nat- Ou {ree ligt ________________________ _ ______ 79 _ umhzation . . z .. T. . 929 Hub Nails, assignment of completed, in reclamation duty gn ________________ _ _________________ 28 projects permitted . . 592 Hogs, canceled, etc., solely because of erroneous census inquiries oi, slaughtered for food, ‘ allowance of withdrawals for nagmd all hidcsproduced .,,_...,,_ 228 _ tional forests, may be reinstated, etc. 1084 duty on ... , ...,...,,.,.._ 35 rights of successful contestants ,.,,,,,... 1084 H sheads, full time of residence allowed for ejected, (dquty on empty . _ 33 _ Wisconsin Centijal Ra t. .. 885 Holdrege, Nebr., time for second entries extend 885 a propriation for public building .. 1373 granted Eddington; con] reserved- - 1349 Holidays, Government Printing Ojce, lands relmquuahed under reclamation act appropriation for pay of employees for. 767,1445 open to . _ . I . 9 18 perl; 0 appropriation for, 1911, made avail- on laude temporarily mthdmwn for power able for leaves of absence .. 1448 _ Sites, etc., not impaired 848 Holland, Mich., opening to, imallotted, etc., lands, Fort appropriation for improvement of harbor. 654,946 Bertheld Indian Reservation, N. Ear public building . . ... 1373 Dak ._ . ..,. 457 acquiring site and erecting public building Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, S. Dal:. . 440 at, authorized . 686 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., Hnllemda, Window, undispcsed of ceded lands .. 913 duty on cotton .. 46 Rosebud ndian Reservation, S. Dek_ _ _ 450 Hollow Ware, provisions for, in Hawaii . 446 duty on cast-iron, coated, tinned, etc 26 Homestead Entries on Irrigation Pr0'ects, Hollow Ware, Irrm or Steel Enamzled, ctr., leaves of absence allowed until] water is duty on utensils of, for table, kitchen, and I fumished . 864 hospitals . 28 i not deducted from required time of resi- Holley, John M,, · dence .. . .. 864 reappointed on Board of Managers Volnn- Ilomestcadl Pa., teer Soltlieref Home ... 876 appropriation for public building .. 1373 Holloway, J. B., { IIam1s¢mdSettIcra, cleficiency apvopriation for services .. 1318 I allowed additional time to establish resi- Holly Springs, i iss., l dence, etv., in c·er1».in vases .. 189, 903 appropriation for public building .. 1373 l leave of ubsenve for three months . 189, 904 acquiring site for public building at, uu- l allowed commutzition on lands of ceded th0TiZ€d ----·---- · --·-·-·--···-··-. 690 i Ulfliéih lfmdrl, litalmdeprived by lack Hollyzmod (,'erneteTy, Rirfmwnd, Hz., i of water from completing residence,. 1074 monument authorized over grave of Presi- { in former Siletz Indian iieservution, Oreg. dent Tyler in -.-----.-.. . . 1345 may receive patents; conditions, _ _Z 1356 Holmes River, Fla., i llmrwsteada, agpropriation for improvement of -. 645,941 enlarged, allowed of arid, etc., lands in H0 ton River i Idaho . 531 time extended for bridging, Va. and Tenn. 330 entries of surface oi coal lands {or, subject, . Holton, Kane., to mining rights, permitted , 583 appropriation for public building .. 1373 Honduras, acquiring gite for public building ut, au- appropriation for ministerm 337,1027 themed ... 689 or secretary of legatnon . 337, 1028