Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1645

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clxu INDEX. Naval Establishme*rnt—Continued. P¤8¤· Naval Sugzply Account—Cont1_nued. Pageappropriatiou for equipment . 629 credit 0 be made of matena.{ taken, or _ construction authorized of two first-class stores turned 1Il, from shgps . /92 battlcships; cost ... 1287 to be deducted from opemting expenses two fleet collicrs; cost .. . 1287 Of fund -.-...---·-·---·-·---·--~- · · 792 eight torpedo-boat destroyers; cost .. 1287 to govern purchase, issue, cbc., of all naval four submarine torpedo boats; cogt .. 1287 stores .. _ 1279 appropriation for; eight—h0ur work- Naval Torpeqo Statwn, R. I., day restriction 1287 apprgguatxon for.: ... 612, 1271 one submarine tender; cost .. . . . . 1287 Naval aining Statwns, _ appro riation for . 1287 approgriation for Califomw. 609, 1269 one guugoat; cost .. 1287 or hodc Island ... 609, 1269 one river guuboat; cost ... 1287 for Great Lakes. . : . 609, 1269 two scagoing tugs;c0st- .., - 1287 for Rhode Island, rgpaus, etc ... 1276 appropriation for construction and steam · for California, buildgngs, etc 1276 machinery . . .,... 1288 deiicieucy upproprizmon for Rhode Island. 791 eight·hour workday restriction on con- for Cahforma . 1304 tracts for battleships . 1288 Naval Tnhl Course, Me., prior contracts excluded ... 1288 appropriation for purchase of land, Monroe limit of cost increased of collier to be Island, for mngc marks 617 builtin Pacific coast yard .. 1288 Naval War College, Coasters Harbor Island, for submarine torpedo boats and subsur- R. I., face destroyers. - ... 1288 appmgeriation for maintenance . 609, 1269 eight-hour workday restriction on con- Namgab Streams, tracts 1288 investigation of watersheds directed iu vessels previously ordered not af- connection with plans for improving. 669 fected .. - 1288 Navigable Streams, Watersheds of, for armor and armament. .. 1288 cooperation with States for preservation of. 961 contracts to lowest responsible bidder. 1288 Nuvigable Waters, purchases from trust combinations, regulations for construction of dams across. 593 ctc., forbidden 1288 Namgation, limit of cost increased for battloships motorboat mgulationstoprevent collisions, mba built at mvy·ym·d¤ 1288 cm ._. 452 N¢wal—Gun Factory, Wazhmgton, D. C'., · Navigation Bureau, Department of Commerce appryriatiou fpr machinery, etc 611, 1271 _ and Labor, Naval ame, Plnladelphah, Pa., appropriation for Commissioner, deputy, appropriation for maintenance . 610, 1270 clerks, etc ,____,___,,,,,,,_____ 526, 1229 secretqry and foreman mechanic au- for sal2.rics`and expenses, shipping servthqflzéd .. _. ., .. 1270 ice at large . . ...,., 1229 for paying beueficwnes for qxtra. services. 610 for motor bouts to enforce navigation employment of bcneiicixmes ... 611, 1270 laws, etc ,_,,_,,_,___________ _ ______ ,1230 Naval Intglhyerwe Qqice for wireless communication expenses 1230 apprrjgpppxon for c axis, ctc. ... 506, 1209 Navigatebn, Commissioner of, Naval zlgtzq, _ _ _ _ appropriation for deputy, clerks, etc. . . 526, 1229 gppropnauou for srmgng1`?.ud egxgnppmg. 612, 1272 authorized to clzmnge names of steamers emylqyees, etc., nn avy purtment. 1272 "A. B. W0lvin" and "Cambriv.". . . 234 Naval Mz ytug, D. C., "Na.0mi " to "E. G. Crosby " .. 326 appropmmou for storehouse for . . . 717 Navigation Congress, Intenumbnal, Naval 0bcgrz{aL0v;q, D. _C., appropriation for proposed meeting ... 667 apfroprunuou pr asmstants, etc . . . . . 508, 1211 invitation extended to Association to meet or computatwus, books, appamtusptc 509, 1211 in United States . .,... 667 for coqtmgent expense;- 509, 1211 Navigation Laws . Mw fegrjgnmngzuance of grounds, etc . 618, 1277 Nappropriation for enforcement of .. 1230 G ¢GOT , a pnvame hwg for correcting, not to preclude algkopriatiou for pay 605, 1265 gragmng of pensions subsequent to retirement of pa.ymasters’ clerks . . 606 theuemctmeut ---·----··-··... 1458 allowance for quarters, Female Nurse Naval Ream-dg of Lhg Rebellion, Corps __________ _ ___________________ 306 aptpropriagionfor clerks, epc., office of. . 506, 1208 schedule of all, and allowances to be or coqtmuing publicatnou .,_,,, 506, 1209 gem; to Couging ,,______________ 606, 1266 Naval §tatwyw (see also Navy-Yards), _ accounts of volunteer officers for serv— detaxl of hue under gmt} officers permmed ice in War with Spain to be opened un mauufactunng and repmr depart- gud mgettled ___,_________ _ _______ 1266 ments at --..---.·..---·----.-. 614 for pay, miscellaneous ..-. · --·----... 606, 1266 Naval Account, _ l1m1t for clerical, etc., services 607, 1267 estab]; tg]; Bureau of Suppheg and Ac- for contingent ,,,,__,,____,,,_,_,,_ ,, 607 1267 coun .=--·--. 792 V allowance for civilian em 10 . . . , stores ou hand to be c ... . . . 792 establishing plan of accguxxng 2.11307, 1267 stock and Hlateugl pgxrc ed S or expeudx- cggt of work ____________ _ _____ 607 tures to 3 c arg 130. . ,____,,,_ 792 3d`u3i;i clgjing ` dam. ·gg$· H ~ payment for, tygdbe made from general ...,,,_ ________ 5 607 account 0 vanccs ... . ... 792 , cm, ghiw bum advances to be charged no proper fund . 792 WB€}_)31Tl11G!.\t.., . . , ____ , _ _`H’_ _N8vy gm returned wadvances acc0unt_by warrant 792 direct and indirect charges to by p¤mha¤es_ from spepific appgupnatious of cludgd incgtof work ______________ ms? d981g’¤8¢8d 0b]6(!fB;].1m1t . . .. 792 momy ;ggqgmtsg°sh°wcl¤_______ 1%