Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1675

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cxcu INDEX. Philippine Tar·i_77` of 1909-·C0uti11ued. Philippine Tarif of 1909—Co11t1nued. DU·rm.m.E ARTICLES·—CODt1DH€d. ARTICLES ON FREE ms·r—continued. [Heavy-faced iigures indicate paragraph.] Page [Heavy-faced tlgures indicate paragraph.] Page. wheelbarrows, wooden parts for 199, 159 articles, for construction, etc., of vessels; wheels, emery, etc .. 3, 137 regulati011s I 349, 173 railway cm, 11-Ou 0; stag] ______________ 31, 141 native, exported withoutdrawback and whgygmnes ____,_________,__,____________ 3, 137 rg1;11r11gd unchanged U1 value; reguwhips .., .. 178, 156 lotions Z . 347, 173 wbjpgmckg ________________,__________ 167, 155 to be repaued; regulations .. 350, 173 whisky ,.., , . . 258, 164 bell metal .. . . 306, 168 white lead paints ... 59, 144 Bibles L ..--... 326, 169 whjtgwash substances, dry .. 58, 144 blind, bO0ks and music 1`0l' . 326, 169 liquid or paste __,_,_..,.,.,... 59, 145 b00kl(-3128, 2,dV€1’tlSiI1g ... 325, 169 wicks, cotton, for candles, etc 94, 147 books, exported and returned unchanged for lam s ,,,,,____,,,...,,,_,_,.. 110, 150 in value; regulations 347, 173 window glass ,..._,_,,.. 18, 139 in raised characters, for the blind 326, 169 wine lees ,,_ 74, 146 scientific, etc., not for sale, for societies, wines, sparkling _.. 261, 164 schools, libraries, etc.; regulastill .,... 262, 164 tions . .. 346, 172 stronger .. . .. - 263, 164 for individuals; limit .. 346, 173 wire, aluminum .. 50, 143 brass, scrap ... 306, 168 copper - . 47, 143 bristles, washed only ... 311, 169 covered with textiles, etc 47, 143 cables, submarine telegraph ... 321, 169 cables and trolley wires 47, 143 calendars, advertising .. 825, 169 covered with silk ... 47, 143 cambaog conditions ... 332, 170 gauze, cloth, etc 47, 143 ciuchoua bark, salts, etc ... 320, 169 manufactures .. 47, 143 circus ecauipment, etc; conditions . 339, 171 iron or steel . 34, 142 coins an _ currency ..,. 318, 169 manufactures . . 34, 142 collections of stamps ,,,.,,..,,, 327, 169 lead . 52, 144 commercial documents, executed .. 318, 169 nickel. ... 50, 143 samples; limitation ,...,_ 333, 170 1:111 gg, c0nta.iJ&ers of goods, wares, and mefchaume ...------ - -...--------. -..-··-... , me .,.. 351 173 wood, baxbers’ and d6Dl}1St»B, chairs . 163, 155 consulates, supplies for foreign , 342: 172 billiard, etc., tables. . . . - 164, 155 copper, scrap, matte, etc ______,________ 306, 168 bowling alleys, etc ., 164, 155 correspondence .,,,,,,,,,_,___________ 327, 169 common ... 155, 154 cotton, mw .,,,,,,,_,,,_______________ 309, 169 manufactures . 160, 155 documents, typewritten ,,______________ 237, 169 common or fine, manufactures, inlaid, drawings, n and ink, an ____________ 324, 169 Bic --·------·-·-··-·---··.. 162, 155 economic Egoks, etc., for societies, schools, HDB ·-·--·-------- - ----—--··----·--- 156, 154 libraries, etc.; regulations .., 346, 172 manufactures . 161, 155 for individuals; limit 346, 173 shavmgs, etc ... 157, 154 effects, personal, of resident, dying abroad shooksnstaves, hoops, etc - 1 58, 154 1 340, 171 tunsddupes, casks, etc ... 159, 154 entertainment, articles for public; condiwood ers ...,.,...,... 60, 145 tions . ., 339, 171 woods, crude drugs .. 55, 144 expositions, articles, animals, etc., for dis- · dyeing and tanning . 2 64, 145 playin; regulations . 345, 172 wool, bristles, animal hmr, and manu- family paintings, etc __,__________,_____ 324, 169 factures 137, 153 tlbers, raw or buckled, vegetable ... 310, 169 carded or dyed . 185, 153 folders, advertising ..,_,__.._, 325, 169 coxpbed 135, 153 gems, etc., for societies, etc ...,..., 384, 170 kmtted goods 139, 159 gold, bars, scrap, sto ,,_,____,____,,___ 315, 169 manufactures ... 141, 153 air. animal, washed only . 311, 169 textiles . 140, 153 hides, not tanned __,,,,,,_,____,_,_____ 316, 169 www ----------.---- 135, 153 historical books, etc., for societies, schools, yqms ..---- _ -... . . . . 136, 153 libraries, etc.; regulations ... 346, 172 wrnting mschmes, etc .. 185, 157 for individuals; limit ,,_, 346, 173 Yams, cotton ----.»---· 92, 93, 147 holdings of goods, wares, and merchanhemp, etc ...,,... 117, 150 dise __________________ _ _________ 351 173 _ wool ...,,,, 136, 153 hops ______ _ _____________________ 317, 169 - Z1¤€·b¤fS·§h€€€8, BN! --·--·--··------.. 52, 144 household effects of Phi1i>pine residents , other articles . . 52, 144 returning from slmsd- regulamgots or lumps . , 52, 144 tions _,_,.,,,,,__,________ ’ ______ 3 44, 172 ’ Anncggg ox FREE 1,1513 _ etc ~·-- - ····---··------···-~ 326s·169 y~‘exti¤i¤g1i$h¤er¤ph¤»et¤ ·---~------- ggg, 169 iron, song, pig, ingots . ZZZZIZZZZY 352; L3 Hmlllllm, P18; 9110,--; ·--·.. 2 , 168 `ewe , token u ld, _ ________ · animals, breedmg; certificate reqmred- 331, 170 leachgmp, pigs, . - _ l gag, animals, etc:, for exbibxtgon or competition liie-preservers, and life buoy I I I I I U t _ l 307, 168 _ for prizes: regulations .. 7 345, 172 litlmgraphs. advertising ..,,,_ _ _ _ `-`` 325, 169 articles, qngmals, etc., for display at ex- msgazinesjote ,,,_, _ __,_____ :___ii"` 326, 169 A pos1t.m¤s,eu;.; regulanons ... 345, 172 malt ,,, , ,,,___________________ 317; 199