Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1716

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INDEX. ocxxxiii 8°”9°'.M· Pegs- S t kR‘ 0 ` deiidrency appropriation for credit in ac- adlggrhlpnatihirrlforqrriirlpmwmentd Plg;3 l Sm-, !,°g3:;8&'Yi,&h&i:·"l ‘··········· ·· 1309 S“u9€"W8» N- 1% _ _ wna , ti _ _ appropr1atron,foI annual share of mainte- Sa;IAl:pl§z%l3s,0l1li£;?mpmvGment of h°Ib°r 635 nance -·····-··-······---—-- - - - · $43, 1033 time extended foi dam across Mississippi Santa Barlmra, Cal., River ... . ..-...- - -·-- 902 931 appropnstion for public building .. 1381 Sauk Rapails Water Power Company ’ prelrmigary examination to be made of har- 955 time egteriélgia toddarlzpk River at l' --·-·-· , ··-··· - ·------·······-·- ' ... 90 Santa Barbara Forrest, Cal., Sault Saistg Marg: Eiichlfm 2, 931 slzgprgpzatkogp for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1251 Sxmpngion fczrlepiglic bwding ,,__,,,.,_ 707 · · s, wm . appropriation lor public building .. 707, 1381 deficiency appropriation for dontested-elec- » granted part of public-building site for tion expenses  ; .. 1317 _ street purposes; conditions . 448 Saunders, John L., S l1ghtFang iogisigyl Sgation authorized at. - 537 S deficiency appropriation for ... 795 e oun y . . aura , lands granted to N to pay bonds on gz; list, bologna ,__,______________ _ ____ 79 8 F1si;ed1}>y . 563 Savam•adCo;§dCarnp¢1ny, Om 1 1 Mm ¢, . ex. grant 't'ona area to ease o appropriation foir Indian school 278, 1067 9 Nation lands.? ..,.,,.. 832 constitution tg £r&v·ide for capital of State Savanna, I IZ., bl ml ‘ at, 1mt' .. 559 appropriation for pu ic h .. 1381 Santa Maria, AdoLfo,_ acquiring site for public building at, audeiiciency appropnation for paying award of thorized ... ; ... . ... 689 Spamsh Treaty ClaimsCommission to 129 Savannah, Ga., · Scum Ilaria, William, _ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 643, 939 deficiency appropriation for paying awards or rmprovernent of waterway between of Spanish Treat? Claims Commrs- Fernandma, Fla., and 644,941 sion to children o . .. . .. 129 bridge authorized across Back River branch i Santa Konica, Cpl., V I SOI _ of Savannah River, 3: . 180 a prop ti or expenses o unteer — ‘ prelnn1nary° examination waterways to li drizrslullorne 734, 1410 be made from Louisville to 670 dencincy agirpriation fur Volunteer Sol- terms of court at . . ... . 1109 · diers’d ome . 211, 220, 1301 Savannah f _ t f bov Santa Rosa, C . approprra on or rmprovemen 0 a e _ . deiiciency appropriation for public build- 207 trtpgustzi . .6 643 ing ..-.--·- 3 \1g)1S , -; C0 011 Y 1 Y Scam Rosa Sound, Fla., requnrcd ---------·····-·-·--------· 643 appropriation for improvement of narrows be10W_A\1g¤¤*¢¤·, G8 ·~·········-···-·- 644, 939 1-U---.--~·--· ···--·· ·-·- ------·--- ---- --·-·£6H•·i-·§£(;lQ· 754 Santee River, S. C., am au onz mw, ¤ ew eo , ‘ · { t { ____,,. 643,938 S. C .. . 922 $;,Ig;m§5r:;20?n35rn1gtpr]$T:ErI3eTlV,0Da@., and atmouth of Stevens_Creok, C. and Ga. 180 S. Dal:. (see Sioux Indians, Different prehm_:)r:)arywe ron of nver and har- 670 Tr; _, r e e Santiago, · _ _ I range lights authorized at Bloody Point. . . 536 deficiency a propriation for participation Savannah Rwer, pack River Branch o_/Q . in Exhibition of Fine and Apphed 203 brrdgecauthornzed across, at Savannah, 180 __________ ____ __ 8,,.,.. . .-...»-·- Smmbm 6;-,%, Savings, l’qa1al (scc Postal Savings Deposiappropriation for maintenance. etc., of -·-· 1251 ‘ WNW)- Santo Domingo (su Dominican Republic). SMF Pl¤l¢·‘7· _ 1 25 _ $,,,,,0,,;,,,, duty on steel crrcu ar ... duty on, and all salts thereof ...·-·--·----- 16 Saggéy on back 29 S I , G . ‘ ······ · ·······‘·······‘‘‘`· aggp';»opg§g ion for improvement of harbor. 643, 939 beudihteel ··---—--·---·· · ·--···-·-·-·- Sar ta B , Fla., umu ··············· · ··*‘‘‘·· · ·‘·‘‘‘‘ " g?pi?ropri%liion io! impjovement of -·--·---· 645 cmS·"cut· ····· · ·······‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4 Q Saratoga Springs, N. ., _ _ drag -········ · ··‘····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘`‘ E9 nggroprigtion for public budding -·--· · 707 _:;¤i?{l ·-·------ - · -' -·--·················· gg S ll y I. · - » · : -·-·- - ·-·-- - - · ·· · --—· -· S{;§,,,y;;,, leather ________ _ ______ _ __________ 68 ppp specrally provided for .----. - - Z 1 I Z I gg apl€%mil11i;€.rr3»i(:raminatiou of, to be made. . . 670 Sawtoota l\'a{wb·nal Forest, Idaho, _)_ ,8,,,,,, White appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. 429, Lol my 0,., _’ _,, . ..-»·--- 15 ·$‘·g·~·v €¤’P¢”» 5,, S“'""”°°d* ,, 33 Sm l»ll»’0(i¤n&yi4ff `é`ér}i,%1};ét}i·Zt%`i2%ZL~F Pairs} "“§¥ °"··°“"'°d b°°'d‘i’; mi; ‘‘‘‘‘ is ’‘’’‘ si ’ o.,mmr.3§ZZ»,, Saglliegee Im' logs, mug or cwu 0 ·} un l . may bridge Ponriecticut River between duty; on, not specially provided for 36 _ _Old Saybrréog arpd Old Lyme, Conn. 228 Saagatuclc, Mich., S“‘b“·" ln §g’t‘“P “" ati *0 . 0 420 1239 appropriation {QI- improvement of harbor 655, 947 BPPIUPDZUOD Y0? €!'8·d1€$UD-¤ ······—·— · — »