Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1754

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cclxxi V- M wgz, me. - . . ut 011 fresh ..., , ________ _ ________ _ _____ Vfumtwnggf -'¢}¢¤m¤. Vegmh Extracts, 38

 Or` ° ° ' ‘ ’ ' ' ' • • · - - -         §;)fldyging, etcw   cou,

1,01:110 hee gs, __________·__·__·'_ . · - h · · _ - o · · · 80 Vegetable Ivmllgory co 0 and not med1cmg.1_ _ · 14 a ’m• au dut on maninfactures of ' yam <·f·=<>¤¤ M --·---··--.·... . .. ms Y vided for ..____,__ ’_T‘??W‘T`}{Y RTT 7,, “ · li A·» . , _ on free list, in natural eww ,,,_,,____ 76 descwuqy §pp1‘0p¤8·¤09 for servlce 10 com- Wgetable Knives, `°`` V ze m]$10D_0D€D1BIg1Dg CapitolG1-gum]; 1307 duty on ______________ _ _____________’__·__ 27 ·¤ Dwlrwl, Oreo., Vegembze Substances, °'°“ » b°““d°“°° ····-··-—··—- · -·----· 238 ¤¤ free list, crude or unmanutacmred mz plats, etc., from Burns and La Grande otherwise provided for ... , 77 , <>i¤¢¤¤ to he tmnsfened. ... 238 Vegetable wax, » °'‘`‘‘‘ feglpber and recewer authorized ,,___ _ ____ 233 on {,68 list ______________ _ ___________ 80 V“Z€'W'f¢. _ _ Vegetables, 0¤ {me 11s\=,_<>1l .. 77 duty ou, articles immersed in alcohol, not Vakfwnw Amd, specially rovided for .. . 12 0n free_l1st ... 71 drugs, not edigle .. 13 Vulley.Cuy, Dah., _ _ _ in eir natural state, not specially proapprgnymuqn for public buglding ,,._,,__,, 1383 vided for _,,___,_ . ______,...,___,__ 37 acqumug gxte for public building at, au- prepared, edible, not specially provided therizgd ____,,_, , ______,,,,_,_,__,, 691 for ,,...____ , ,_,_.,__,,_,...,,_,,,, 36 Valley County, Mont., _ 011 free list, crude, not edible, drugs, not app;-Onngtucm for surveying public lands specially provided for ,,.,.,. 75 m . - - . - 741 Veils, Valley Forge, Pa., duty ou, cotton, ilu, etc-, ... 50 appropnsuou for erection of memorial cotton, silk, etc., made on Lever or Goth- ¤§’¢h ···-··-· . --... - . . - 1402 rough machine .,_ _ ____ 50 expemlimre authorized for memorial arch silk ., . ..,. . 60 · xp park . 822 Wllum, locution, plans, etc., to be approved by on free list ...,..,,,, , .,,_______,_,_ _ _____ 78 SGCNUTY of Wat .. . . . - 822 Wlvet Carpets, care, etc., by park commission ,,. _ , 822 duty on .,.,.,,_, , ,,,_________,__ _ ____ 55

 taystry-··~-vv-nn--~·••••-¤••• ...-.. 55

011 free list .. - 80 Velvet: and Wlveuem, Value, _ _ dut{· on, cotton, etc .. 47 meeming of, m Tariff Act ..,. 101 si k, not specially provided fm-. - ,______ 57 Vamps, Leather Shoe, Wlvets, Silk, , dug on . . 68 distinction between plushes and .,, _ , ,, 57 V¢m_ uren, Ark., Veneers of Wood, bridge authorized across Arkansas River duty on, nobsgecially provided for 83 between Fort Smith and .,, 229 Venetum Chain urpets, Van Buren, Me., duty on ...,..,,,,_ , _ , 55 bridge authorized across Saint John River Venezuela, to Saint Leonards, New Brunswick, appropriation for minister to ... 337, 1027 from . . . . 904 or secretary of legatiou . 338, 1028 Van Burm Street NW., D. C., Venice Turpenlme, condemning land for extending ... 1078 0u_ free list ... 80 appropriation for exgenses, etc .. 1078 Vmwon, Van oar 1}, Harold S. ., duty on .. . . .. 38 deficieuc appro ria.t.i0n for services .,,,,, 127 Venti ation Facilities, _ Vance, J. 1*., at af, included as transportation IH mterstate may dam James River, Mo., in the Big commerce .. 545 Bend ,,_,,,,,,,____,,_ . ,,,,___ 929 Venue of Federal Actions, ctc., Vancouver, Wash., provisions of Judicial Code relating to . .. . 1100 approprmtion for public building . . 1383 Verdigghg _ acquiring site for public building at, au- on hst . . . 80 thorized .,. 692 _ Vermicelli, etc., Vemillin, * duty on  : ... . . 35 duty on .. 17 Vvfmllivn, Ohm, Varmlshed Leather, appropriation for improvement of- . .,-- 653 duty qu ,..,,,.,...,.,,,_____ _ 68 - preliminary exammatxon of harbor, to be 'Varmluhea, _ _ _ _ made . 674 duty on, including old BIZG or japan .,.. 15 Vmmlum Reds, _ _ _ _ gugmgl paints mage with ,_,,. . .,_,___, 15 duty on, containing qmcksxlver .. 15 gpint., , . . . ..,.,._ , , 15 contaming lead .,.. . 15 VMS, V¢”‘m£m*’· . . . . . duty on, china, ehc., decorated, etc 18 asmgned to pecond judmml cucmt ..., 1131 china, etc., not decorated, etc .. 18 Wrmont Judwml Dwmct, marble, etc . . . 21 E terms of court .. . . 1127 on free list, platinum, for chemicel uses", 78 1 Wrmuth, Vaults, Safes, and Locks, Public Buildings, ? duty on ..-- - -·--··.-- 40 appropnztion for, and repairs .. 708, 1385 Vernon Street NW., D. C., _ gr electrical pmzecticm up ... 708, 1385 part of Uptreet between Flonda Avenue and _ __ dgfi(;igucy·appr0pri:1tri0u for 208, 1293 Nineteenth SUBGE to be knewu 85- - $$0