Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1765

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colxxxu INDEX. Woods, Elliott, P¤S¤· Woolert——Continued. 1*88**; deficiency approlpriation for services, House duty 011, mats ...-.·- - ·----···-··- - ··-·- 5v 0l·Hce Bu' din , power plant, etc- . . 1306 nettings . .. 54 for, Senate Office §u1lding . 1307 ornaments. . .. 54 Woods, Henry L., rags . _ Z 53 payment for services directed 845 ready-made clothing, not spec1ally proacts as commissioner Kentucky eastern vided for .-..-..-.. 54 , district legalized .. 845 ribbons .. . ..< 54 Woodward, Okla., rugs for floors. . ... 55 terms of court at; moms required .. 825, 1122 screens ... 55 Wool, shawls . ... 54 classification of, under Tariff Act . 52 suspenders .. . . 54 duty on first class . ... 53 trimmings . . ... 54 second class .. . .. - 53 webbings .. . ... 54 third class 53 yarns . ..,. 53 advanced beyond washed or scoured, Woonsoclcet, R. I., not specially provided for ... . . . 53 appropriation for public building . 707, 1385 carpets and carpeting of flax, etc., and- . 55 limit of cost increased, public building- . . 678 combed or tops ... 53 Wooster, Ohio, manpfactures of, not specially provided 5 construction of public building authorized 82 or- .. . 3 at 6 · omamented with beads or spangles. - - 55 Workhoaae, D. C. (see also Washington on tape skin ... . Asylumfand Jail, C.), stee .. appropriation or genera expenses . . . 1002 Wastes . . . 53 degcigncy appropriation for . . .. . 785 Wool and Manufactures of, inmates to be released in the District on ex- Schedule K, Tarifl of 909 ... 52 piration of sentence- .. 464 Wool and Woolen Schedule, su erintendent, etc., to be appointed 786 report to be made on, the first Monday in duties, authority, etc .. 786 December by Tariff Board, it estab- jurisdiction of Commissioners over hshed by law . 1363 _ prisoners, etc, , ,.,,,,_,,._,,__,___ 786 Wool Dutch Carpets, mtercha eable appropriations . 786 duty OH . ..~·--·---·-·--·... 55 title to sitengor new, to he in United States; Wool Extract, condemnation authorized ... 122 duty 011 53 Workman’s Oompertgation, Employer'; Liabil- Wool Grease, ity and, duty 011 -------·-- · ---·--··-----------.. 38 commission to investigate authorized; com· Wwlw, - position, recommendations, etc . 884 duty 011. Mt squares ··------·--· - --—·----· 55 deficiency appropriation for expenses. . . 1315 gggdirégs. ...-.--.-..-.-.. g Wmlcag Art,b BI us ----·-—·--·--------·-·-····—· on list, States, educational societies, bcltings ·--·--·»—-·-- · ---------·--·--- 54 etc., nbrt for sale; conditions ,,,,,_,_ 81 bmdihgs. ...-.. . .. 54 for presentation to institutions, etc. · exbl8l.1k€liB - . ·-.. . . . 54 ceptions __,_,________ _ ____ _ ____ ’ ____ 3] bockings -----···--—·---·--··-··-----· 55 for temporary exhibition, etc., not for braces ,_.,, . . r 54 mle; conditions . . . . 81 gzargs ·-··-···-··-· · --·---—······--·—·· 3 sixistence more than twenty years ____ 81 ning. ... . . o merrcana 'ts ° ‘ buttons, etc., for tassels or omaments- . . 54 abroad".? . 81 °¤?P9t$ ···----·····--·~··--··-···----- 55 roduced mor t ‘ - cloths, not specially provided for ... 53 P portationf. llérllilfore lm 82 coat linings, cotton, etc., warp ... . . , 54 Worm Gut, `````'` H0! SP8€l8uY P1’0Vid€d fo1’ ·---··-----· 54 duty OD UJ&IlU&CCl11’€S of not specially pro~ cords .. . .. 54 vided for ,,__, ,_ gg ¤<¤d¤ md mais -·-------·---------~-. 54 on see ust, u¤m¤¤¤actméa`.‘.°j Q I I Q Q I j Q jj 74 ¢0V9!’S ------··--------.-.. 55 Woven, Fabrics, dress goods, women’s and children’s. . . . 54 of camel’s hair, etc., classiiied as wool .. 67 druggers .-··---.---------. 55 Wrapper Tobacco. edgings. . , ..-------.. 54 duty on. ... 34 em rgrderresx ,,__,____ _ ____,_ , ,,,, , _ _ 54 Pwappring Paper, felts, not specially provided for . 54 I duty on, not specially rovided for 63 gglrigglliéé -.--~---·---.-..·----··- ---. 244 I Wr¤ppiny_Pqp¢r, Postal gmiice, _ . ... . a ro nation or ... . .. grages . .. 55; Wrr-iizllhsf) 366’ 1338 _ cons. ...·------~-·..-·-·~----. t dur on feathers, artilicial ... gunps ...,... . ...,,..._ 54 I Writirilg Paper, Y etc - O . l - 66 gonngs ,,,,..,... . ,,,.,,.,_ 54 { duty on, ,,,,,__,_____,,_______________ 63 head nlzsté . gi Writ: of Certporari, U . , --·—·----——-· - -----—-----··- ·=¤p¢¤¤¤ 0 r>¤>¤¤<><ii¤s¤ in dimi¤i¤h¤d· msgrtmgg _________________ _ ___,,_____ 54 i ’ ’ Italian cloths, cotton, etc., warp 54 Q .0f records, etc., to be 901 not ?ecia1ly provided for 54 E Writ; of E,-,0, ````‘‘'`‘‘'‘‘ ‘ `‘‘‘‘‘‘ hut ta rics, not specially provided for . 53 expense oi, proceedings in diminished knitted articles. .: . 54 transcripts of records, etc to bé hqgg and lace 3rt]_(;]gS_ ____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ 54 jlgd ____ _ _ _____ _ i I, 90]