Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/33

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2; 1909. 9 And it shall be the duty of every owner, proprietor, manager, h,}{},§g";*;‘i°” “°m su(perintendent, or agent of a hotel, a artment house, boarding or ’ ' lo ging house, tenement, or other buillding, when requested by the Director of the Census, or by any su ervisor, enumerator, special agent, or other employee of the Census (lliice, acting under the instructions of the said Director, to furnish the names of the occupants of said hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building, and to give thereto free ingress and egress to any duly accredited representative of the Census Office, so as to permit of the collection of statistics for census purposes including the proper and correct enumeration of all persons having their usual place of abode in _ said hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building; and any owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent, ,.,t.1;°”“"yf°r r°f°‘°“1* or agent of a otel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other buil ing who shall refuse or willfully neglect to give such information or assistance under the conditions hereinbefore stated shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars. Sec. 24. And it shall be the duty of every owner, president, treas- f,§',}§?,‘Q,'§f‘}f],‘§,‘§,_f(f,§’,'§} urer, secretary, director, or other officer or agent of any manufactur- ¤‘i€¤· 6***- ing establishment, mine, quarry, or other establishment of productive in ustry, whether conducted as a C01’?1'8bl0I1, firm, limited liability com ny, or by private individuals, w en requested by the Director of ull; Census or by any supervisor, enumerator, special agent, or other emgoyee of the Census Office acting under the instructions of · the said irector, to answer completely and correctly to the best of ‘ his knowledge all questions on any census schedule applying to such _ establishment; and any owner, president, secretary, director, or other ¤cI§`§,“§E,’§,§'§$,{‘,;_l.‘{§_°f officer or agent of any manufacturin establishment, mine, quarry, or other establishment of roductive inglustry, who under the conditions hereinbefore stated shall refuse or willfully neglect to answer any of thesequestions, or shall willfully give answers that are false, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and uplqn conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding ten thousand do rs, or imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year, or both so fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. The provisions of this section shall also apply to the collection of the information required and authorized by the Act V°‘·82· M1- entitled "An Act to provide for a permanent Census Office," and by Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. U l_ I Sec. 25. That the information furnished under the provisions of ¤.~Ji°p}l'$pi)S.§Y °°°°i°` the next preceding section shall be used only for the statistical pur- R m t_ b ses for which it is suptplied. No publication shall be made by the licaltlionfl `°° °° pu ` gnsus Office whereby e data furnished by any lparticular establishment can be identified, nor shall the Director of the Census £ermit anyone other than the sworn employees of the Census O ce to examine the individual reports. EM m M { sm. 26. rim an sms and penalties imposed by this Act may be ,.¤.?.;?° ° ° enforced by indictment or information in any court of competent

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Sec. 27. That the Director of the Census may authorize the expendi- pulses. ’ " ture of necessary sums for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of the officers and employees of the Census Office, includin an allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding four dollars per da during their necessary absence from the Census Office, or, instead ofy such an allowance, their actual subsistence expenses, not exceeding five dollars per day; and he may authorize the incidental, miscellaneous, and contingent expenses necessary for the carrying out of this Act, as herein provided, and not otherwise, including advertising in newspatpers, the purchaseof manuscripts, books of reference and periodicals, e rental of sniiicient quarters in the District of Columbia or elsewhere and the