Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/392

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368 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 233, 234. 1910. · incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act, and those derived from the sale of the ands reserved for administrative, educational, and missionary (purposes, after making the deductions as herein provided, shall be use for the purpose of (purchasing sites for day schools, erecting tlhe necessary buildings, an equipping, supporting, and maintainin the same. Issue or patents in Sec. 4. That when the sales herein provided for have been made, ‘°°‘ patents shall issue from the United States to the purchasers of the tenor and le l effect of other tents for public lands disposed of xppmpnausn. under the puilic-land laws. Andxlior the purpose of carrying out the " pgovisioéisiofl this Arita therebisrgggebyhappromiateg she sum of three thousand dollars, to reim u as ereiniprovide . rmmmuen or in- Sec. 5. That the lands heretofore or hereafterallotted, those retained °“"°""" reserved, or otherwise dislposed of are hereby made subject for a eriod · of twenty-five years to a the laws of the United States prohgiiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country. ` Approved, May 13, 1910. ing 1:;, 1910. CHAP. 234.-An Act To amend sections one, two, and three of chapter thirty-two [ .2180.1 hundred and ninety-Eight, Thirty-fourth United States Statutes at La , with refer- [pubucy Nm 17;] ence to the dl‘l.l.118.g€ %‘l'I·8I.D. Illdllll lands in Richardson County, Nlegnska. ` Be it enacted by tile Senate tl7Ld]Y0tt8;?g..I1?0[»‘€86%tdZ7:?J€3 of the United ¤*i*·i· £i.”““’ ¥fi.4.'”€"°°€€’$t0"£$€"i’ “"3””'.i’ aTi‘“°t“°°’i‘i.‘i“ %'i1‘i;J"'§" “'Eii Lands in memni- ree o c p er 1 y- 0 un re an nine -e1g , 1 y- our ’°{‘,§’f’}‘“§Q N§l"‘m, United States Statutes at Large, entitled “An Adt to enable the Indians ¤¤=<=¤¤¢¢ allotted lands in severgtly within the boundaries of drain e district numbered one, in Rich son County, Nebraska, to protectiiziheir lands from overflow, and for the segregation of such of said Indians from their tribal relations as may be expedient, and for other purposes," approged {Inge fourteenth, nineteen hundred and six, be amended so as to rea as o ows: w;’_¤s·¤;¤;¤% ,%:1 :}:22 _ “_'1‘hat the_Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, amiaee. in his discretion, under such_ rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to paydper capita to the Indians of the Sac and Fox tr1be,_of Missouri, allotte lands in_severalty with1n the boundanes of drainage district numbered one, in -RlClI8TdSOH County, Nebraska, the proportionate share of such Induins in the_ one hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars ‘paper pr1nc1pal’remamingto the credit of said tribe under the ven. -1, sus second_art1cle of the treagy of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred me _”e___ and_ thirty-seven: Brave ed, That sufficent of the amount due said meme messes. Indians shall be retained and expended by the Secretary of the Interior, · in paying the assessments that may be made by sand drainage district on the al otments of said Indiana for the purpose of protecting the lands Amount momma. embraced in the drainage district from overflow, not exceeding nine mgzgggistivn for dollar? igty ccnésdpg acre, and there is hereby appropriated the sum o I ly; thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, o enab e t_e Secretary of the Interior to make the r capita pay- mlents hereén prcgvgled. by any surplus remain, it shallmbe credited to t e remain ero thetri . ,,gg',{§g{_°“°” *°' “Sec. 2. That th_e Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized, in his discretion, to pay the assessments that may be made on the Sac and Fox tribal lands by said drainage district, not exceeding nine dollars and hfty cents per acre, and there is hereby appropr1ated for this purpose nine thousand five hundred dollars, to be deducted from the paper principal ’ of one hundred and ’fifty-seven Qmjgodmmut thousand dollars: Promded, That the amount disbursed under the ro- ' visions of this section shall be reimbursed from the proceeds dergred · from the sale of said tribal lands.