Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/568

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544 , S1XTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 309. 1910. ml},{};*:;’,§;_,°¤gt{,“¤· Complainants before the Interstate Commerce Commission inter- ’ ested in a case shall have the rgght to appear and be made parties to the case and be represented ore the courts by counsel under such wtiqins as are nqw permitted m sinjlilapjcirciéixéstances under the es an ractice o equity courts of the United States. m°•gy¤°g;*r*g_' *°°P°¤· Sec. 6. That until the opening of the commerce court as in section one hereof provided, all cases and proceedings of which from that time the commerce court is hereby given exc usive jurisdiction may be brought in the same courts and conducted in like manner and WIC AvP¤•'¤· °*¤- like effect as is now provided by law; and if any such case or proceediijg ghall have gone to final juéllgment gg deiree before theilogelni ` o the commerce court, appe ma ta en rom suc a jllllgment or decree. in like manner and, with like effect as is now ,,,TL‘l'°‘°'“°“""““' provided by law. Any such case or proceeding within thejurisdiction of the commerce court which may have been begun in any other pourt;1 is ljireby allowed beforef the hsgid date shall bedf;1rthv£tl:1tra3s— erre o e commerce court it not et rocee to 'u -_ Exceriien- ment or decreein such other hourt unless ighag been hnally subniittgd for the decision of such court, inwhich case the cause shall proceed 111 such court to final judgment or decree and further proceeding thereafter, and appeal may be taken direct to the Supreme Court, and if rerslilandedtqiich cause pliay be sent back tof the; coiirt from wgich eappe wast enortc thecommerce court or urt er rocee ' £:_°°°£°""'°"°° as the Supreme Court shall direct; and all previous plrocleedingsuig such transferred case shall stand and operate notwit standing the transfer, subject to the same control over them by the commerce court and the same right of subsequent action in the case or proceeding as if the transferred case or proceeding! had been originall

 begun m the commerce court. The clerk of the court from which

any case or proceeding is so transferred to the commerce court shall _ transmit to and file in the commerce court the originals of all papers iilezdm sucillil case or proceediéig and i;08tEt11£§fl trarjscriptfof all record _ en ries m e case or procee mg up o e ime o trans er. ,0;'}¥§§’Q°d,,'§','§;,§‘,§{‘,,{; It shall be_ the duty of every common carrier subject to the progy gangs gg; service Xsjmgs of this %Act, witpin sixty days afgaer tile tikang Effect of Ellis c o esigna e m wr1 mg an agen in e Cl o t tricl. log Cogimibia, upon wghlqrqf segvieel of all iioticesubnldlgpghlcesslgs may m e or an on e a 0 said common carrier in ceeding or suit pending before the Interstate commerce Co1ilI1iiTis§id)rl or before sand commerce court, and to file such designation in the office of the secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission, which designation may from time to time be changed by like writing similarly filed; and thereupon service of all notices and processes may be rinade upon such common carrier by leaving a copy thereof with such esngnated agent at his office or usual place of residence in the city Hmm in damn of Washington, with like effect as if ma e personally upon such com- 0, designmm mon carrier, and ID default of such designation of such agent, service pigpggqgicgoor oth?) prgcess $1 any procezding bebigore sgidgnterstate _ r co merce cou ma ma f auch noticccor process in the office of the secreltary of tlile Ilhtleilstliltg ommerce ommission. n§’,§f,f;,°,‘},§§F°“‘l‘°'°° Sec. 7. That section one of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate 34V;1k_g:· Hr; gggdexel- commerce, approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- ' ‘ sevpxji as heretofore amended, is hereby now amended so as to read as o ows: _§§’,*Qj%$,*},§{’_’};0n by "Snc·rioN 1. That the provisions of this Act shall ·apply to any p_;1;eéuS¤j:¤té&enc.. be corporation or any person 0I' persons engaged m the trans rtatiou Te;eg,.,,,h, me of o1l or other commodit , except water and except naturaluhr a L phone and cablecom~ y - . p rtl p_meS·mc,uded_ ficial gas, by means of pipe lmes, or partly by pipe lines and partly by ra.1 road, or partly by pipe lines and partly by water, and to tele