Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/688

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664 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. R$,,‘}'*°**"" °‘ States: And provided further, That the amount to be furnished by mm L , the port of Siuslaw or other agency may be reduced by such amounts . as said port may have expended in such construction of the south jettyl as can be utilized by the engineer officer in charge of the work m the execution of the plans ado8ted. Willamette mm, Improving Willamette River, rejonz For the purchase of the °'§,g,,,,m, to mn existing canal and locks around W' amette Falls at Oregon City, {afs *°°*¤ ¤*'°“¤° Oregon, or for the purchase of the necessary lands and the construc- ` tion of a new cana and locks, in the discretion of the Secretary of · War in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numberpd Two hundred and two, Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, Qylfmbution by three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this sum. ew. appropriation shall expended, excpipt for the acquisition of the neaessaxiy lands and énghts of vggy an for such maéntecedent www an re imnnary wor as may necessary in t connection, u ` the State of Oregon shall appropriate for the aforesaid purpgse a like ` amount; and the purchase of the existing canal and loc or the actual construction of a new canal and locks, shall not be undertaken V until the Secretary of War shall be satisfied that the State of Oregon will deposit the said amount in the Treasury of the United Stateniln aummymmme such sums and at such times as he may require: Provided further, "°’“ S"‘°· That the Treasurer of the United States is hereby authorized to receive from the State of Orpfgon any and all sums of money that have been been or may here ter be appropriated by said State for the purpose herem set forth ;_ and when so received the said sums are here y appropriated for sand purpose to be expended under the gn;-ection o the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of gineers. Y:,°[f,§},$‘§,$§,Q*f(§,'g,;l _ Improving Willamette and Yamhill rivers, Oregon: Continuing implroveiépegrit apglfig maintenanclp of Wéllguiptte River above Port- _ an , an am 1 iver, sixty thousand dollars. _’ ,,f,Q’§,§‘,*2,‘§,,,‘},'fd W"' Improving Columbia and Lower Willamette rivers below Portland, B¤1¤w P<>r¤1¤¤<!- Oregon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, one hundred {usd seventy-five tlgousand gogars, of which amount so much as shall necessa may e expen e in dred ° th w t h l t S Island forjtlie use of log tows and shoai2vgate1?bo(;ls.c Mme a wan 0,‘§“§‘n§•w{‘_{,j°{g Improving mouth of Columbia Itiver, Oregon and Washington: we ¤¤¤¤¤h. Lontinuing improvement and for mamtenance, includin repairs and operation of dredge, one million two hundred thousand glollars. °‘“""‘¥· _ For gpuging watplps of Ciolurabia River and measuring tidal and river vo umes, one thousand dollars. ' veuoum to vmwu- I Improving Columbia River, Washington: For maintenance of uppuovement bvvwplen tge mont; of Wal gniptte River and the city o ancouver as mg n, en thousand dollars. cascades. imlgpgggini, gglugigra Igiyieal at Cascades, Oregon: Continuing _ en , e usan dollars. ce'f5gg:§§yR·v¤¤=¤° fmriroving Columbia River, between the foot of The Dalles Rapids and the head of Celilo Falls, Orevon and Washington: Continuing impruiveuient with 8.VlEW tp opmhplleting said improvement within a porno o.six years six un re thousand dollars. m§§,§,§$S¤f;‘,Q},§,g{f Improving Coluinbxa Iliver and tributaries above Celilo Falls to the mouth of Snaket§1ver,dO5e§on and Washington: Continuing 1 rovcmen , mnet _ thousand dollars. Wggfiliggiggg-. mi)1nprov1ng Snake Ihver, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: Continuing improvement and for maintenance up to Pittsburg Landing, OI‘6g0H,•1D accordance with the present roject and the report submitted in House Document Numbered Iliour hundred and eleven, mm wm Fifty-fifth Congress, second session, twenty-five thousand dollars. · · Improving harbor at Bellingham, Washington: Continuing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu-