Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/910

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886 · SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 44-47. 1910. delivered to said committee designated at such time prior to the date . of said reunion as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and Vincent Field, chairman of said Board of Trustees: And promded further, That the Secretary of War shall, before delivering such rmmumy ma. property, take from Vincent Field zgood and sufficient bond or the safe return of said property in go order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. A roved Jrme 25, 1910. PP » _ J $@1919- N .45. ’J.` tliesol T th Hi d I fth Be d

 Hduslb of £?.2.‘Z¤t.ev..“t”.l£.‘£r »gsl;{t1v§§s1¤°ri;'Q E`; fi.“é*’J.’Z$ Y.; J.$¤.,'2.“fiZ€§’;¤

[P¤¤· Res-. N0· 49-] hundred an ten, on the day of adjournment of the present semion. _ Resobved by tbe and House of Re%·eeentati·ves of the United

_,n°£: States of America an Oopgresa assembled, That the Secretary of the

gm. salaries in my Senate and the Clerk of e House of Representatives be, and they "”°°'°”‘°" are hereby, authorized and instructed to pay the officers and employees of the Senate and House of ilepresentatryes, including the Capitol · police, their respective salaries for the month of June, nineteen mm me to Hm undred and ten, on the day of adjournment of the resent session; hmm p,,1,,,,,,_ and the Clerk of the House of Reggesentatives is authorized to y, _ on the said day, to Members and legates their allowance for cizrk _ hire for the said month of June. Approved, June 25, 1910. ‘ June% 1910. · - . .

 _ [lfT.48. J tResolt1 T tth f mgm
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, Resobued by the Senate and House o Re eseritatizwee of tb U `ted ¤$iiZi°£ii°xii>°if seg; States of America in Oongresa assembtgd, 'llhht there is hereb; aggre-

  • ’°“ ”“‘“‘°· prrated, out of any money rn the Treasury not otherwise apprdpriated,

the sum of five thousand dollars to enable the Secretary of State Ai¢¢.v-606- pursuant to an Act passed at the present session of Congress, ei A pgipntttci the gigman figiperor and to the_ German people_a rxiplica o e s a_ue o enera on Steuben that rs to be erected rn ashington, District of Columbia. Approved, June 25, 1910. J 25-1910- N.47. J` Resol' " ·· · [£:?;:··;;¤—;U .g&i;.g;;§§lz2nw&Tm“ A"§?°§‘§2§.I£‘§.i."¥'3‘i.%T§ $5. Zi.i..lT2¤‘2‘Ei.2'%‘.f°e‘2 Resolved by the Senate and House of R tat' the U 't d g,;§:f,§“,§,§}‘,!,‘;‘e§,a{§g;: States of America in _(/bngress a88embZed,e?Z'?I`Tlii;1.(t.nth¢i ivffrggident oiu/the Ugpétgdmtgnwt in United States be, and is hereby, authorized to invite the International Pr _ Congress of Itefrrgeratron, now about to assemble in the city of Vienna, N°°;’*'g;,0 mmm to hold its third meeting in the United States of America: P ' rorexgznsep however That no appropriation shall be a ked md minded, · s or expense’connected with said congress. gnu for any Approved, June 25, 1910. O