Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1151

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_ PROCLAMATIONS, mo. 2593 BY mm Pnmsmzm or mm UNrrm> Srrxms or AMERICA. umu emu. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it is rovided in the Act of Congress approved August '1‘•¤¤ ·>¤ 1¤•¤1¤¤¤¤¢ 5, 1909, entitlegi "Xu_Act To provigle revenue, equalgze duties and Tl%’¤rgg;1b$:dT°b`g°· encourage the mdustmes of the United States, and for other pur- "”"·*’·”· p0ses"-— That from and after the thirty-iimt day of March, nineteen hundred and ten, except as otherwise specially provided for 111 this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all amcles when imported from an; foreign country into the United States, or into any of its possessions (except the hilmpine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), the mms of duty prescribed by eschedules and pamphs of the dutiable list of section one of thm Act, and in addition thereto twenty- gse per ceutum ad valorem; which rates shall constitute the maximum tariff of the United States: Provided, That whenever, after the thirty-first dsx of March, nineteen hundred and ten, and so long thereafter as the President shall e satisfied, in view of the character of the concessions granted by the minimum tariff of the United States, that the government of any foreign country imposes no terms or restrictions, either in the way of tariff rams or provisions, trade or other regulations, charges, exactions, or in engr other manner, dnrectlypr indirectly, nigga the importation mm or the sale in such oreign country of andy agricultural, manu tured, or other product of the United States, which unduly iscriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign country pays no export bounty or imposes no export duty or prohibition upon the exportation of any article to the United States which unduly discrimiuatcs against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign country accords to tlge agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment wlnch ns reciprocal and equivalent, thereupon and thereafter, upon proclamation to this eEect by the President of the United States, all articles when imported into the United States, or an —0f its possessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and '1`Yuuila), from such foreign country shall, except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms of the minimum tanff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act. AND Wumums satisfactory evidence hast been presented to me taunt the Government of H1s Br1t.a,nu1c Majesty imposes no terms or restr1c· tions, either in the way of tanif retes or provisions, trade_ or other regulations, charges, exactions, orin any other manner, duectly or in irectly, upon the —1mportetion mto or the sale m Trinidad and Tobago of any egyncultuml, manufactured, on; other product of the United States, w nch unduly discriminate against the United_States or the products thereof, and that the Government of Hrs Brntanmc Majesty with respept to the Colony of Trinidad smd_'I1o}mgo pays no export bounty or IIDPOSGS no export duty or prohibition upon the exportation of any article to the United States whnch uudulgf discriminates against the Umped Stowe or the products thereo , and that the Government of Has BI'it8DDl0 Majesty ww}1 respect to the Colony of Trimdad and Tobago accords to the agncultural, manufactured, or other product.s of the United States treatment which IS reci rocal and equivalent: Nlow, '1`H1:1zm=01u=1, I! WILLIAM Howmm TAM, fresident of the “’”§'g'°‘},'*{§ ’*" United Stupes of America, by virtue of the Eower m me vested py ]r¤m'1`ri¤¤d•d¤¤<i Tvthe aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby me e known and proclmm °°°°' that from and after M&fG!1 {51, IQIO, and so louéghemafter as tue aforesaid Act of Congress IS m exnstence and the vemmeut of H1s Britamxic Mejestisé gm_poses no terms or restrictions upon the importation or sole in mmdagi aud _Tobag0 of the Iilroducts of the United States which unduly Qnscummate agamst, the United States, all articles when mpc the United States,_ or any of its possessions (except the fjmnlxppme Islands and the nslands of Guam and Tutuila), from Trinidad aud Tobago spell be admitted under the terms of the mimmuxu tarnif of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tami! Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909; 88741°—vo1. 36, rr 2-11--74