Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1443

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27 84 INDEX. · Page. Page. Alaskan Seal F*isherks—C0utinued. Albright, George, eealskins to be sold by Secretary of Com- pension increased 1818 merce and Labor; proceeds . 326 Albright, Jesse N., subject to future treaty provis‘0ns .. 326 lgension increased 1933 em loyment of natives 327 A right, John F.,

 fur-bearing animals in Alaska pro- I lpension increased  1777

hibited .,. 327 i A bright, Swain S., penalty; forfeiture of vessels, etc 327 i msion increased ... V . 1850 ' regulations for permitting .. 327 [ A ton, Elizabeth A. (widow), sgecisl authority for fur seals ... 327 ‘ Pension increased 1971 Pri ilof Islands declared a. special reserve- i A burrwn, tion ... 327 duty on, egg or blood 36 landing, etc., on, unlawful .. 327 1 011 free list, not specially provided for . 71 unishment, for . . 327 Albuwmnizcd Paper, kiltfing seals on, nmlowful; exceptions.. - 327 duty on ... . .. 62 use of iirearms, etc., prohibited ... 327 Albums, Photograph, ctc., » allowed for food, etc., to natives; re- duty on . _ ...,. 64 strictions .. 327 Albuquerque, N. Mez., female and young seals; exceptions. . - 328 appropriation for Indian school 278, 1067 in adjacent watem, on beaches, etc . . 328 for public building ... . . 1364 punishment for; forfeiture of vessels, limit of cost increased, public building 678 » etc , 328 Allmrg, Vt., hunting, etc., fur seals in Pacific Ocegm bridge authorized across Lake Champlain, unlawful . . 328 Swanton to 1358 appointment of additional officers, agents, Alcohol (see also Distilled Spirits), and employees authorized . 328 duty on, amylic .. 14 purchase of present leases for sealing on medicinal preparations containing. . 16 islands of Saint Paul and Saint withdrawal allowed in tanks, etc., from George . 328 distilleries free of tax for Governmaintenance of depots, etc .. . 328 ment use ... . .. 1014 food, clothing, etc., to natives 328 Alcohol, Dermtured, inconsistent laws repealed . 328 appropriation for chemists, etc., office of apgopriation for expenses . 328 Commissioner of Internal Reve- Alas rn Waters, nue . . ..,... 491,1193 additional aids to navigation authorized in- 537 Alcohol, Domestic, appropriation for ... 1431 drawback allowed of internal-revenue tax Albany, Ga., _ paid on, used in preparatiomrexappropriation for public building .. 703 ported ... . 90 terms of court at . . 1109 Alcoholic Compounds, Albany, N. Y., duty on, not specially provided for ..., 12 terms of court at ... . .. 1119 Alcoholism, International (.‘ongrc.s.q on, Albany, Oreg., _ appropriation for expenses of delegates, appropriation for public building .. . 1364 etc ,,...,.,,..,,,.,.,. 1034 Albata, Alcoke, William W. duty on . .. . .. 29 Pension increased, .., , .._,________ _ _ _ _ 1623 Albee, Jams P., A den, A. S‘id'l'|(l], [pension increased . ... 1524 msion increased ...,,__,____ _ _______ 1532 A bcc, Thognas J., 1966 Ad fi, _C. E., f muon mcr e cienc appro ristion or extra sc;-vicar 127 Aggmurle and Chesapeake Canal, Aldrich, Algrwmz Ali, purchase cf, authorized as partof waterway, nsion increased . .,,_,__________ 1629 Norfolk to Beaufort Inlet ... 640 Aiiuh, David B., Albmnarle Sourul, N. _U., Pension increased ... . _,_______ _ ______ 1970 appropriation for improvement of water- A drich, David W., way from Norfolk, Va., to 640, 938 lpension increased ,_,__,_,______ _ _________ 1520 Albemarle Street NW., C'., _ A drkh, Effie K B. (widow), deficiency appropriation for extending 783 nsion mc;-eased _,__,_____ _ _________ _ _ _ _ 1608 Albergcr, Morrw H., Alldiich, Lyman, ension increased ... . 1911 pension increased _____ , ___________ _ ______ 1985 Agert Champion Company, Aldrich, Martha H. (widow), deficiency agpropriatiou for refunding cus· lpension ,,,.. . ..,,,_______ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ 1773 toms uties to ... . .. 1295 A e, Albcrti, Lydzh E. (widow), duty on .,,..,,,_______ _ _____________ _ 41 pension increased ... . 1711 gin er ..,.,__________ _ _____________ 41 Albertson, Benjamin, Alezanjer, Dim]: C. (daughter), gensiou increased. .. . 1948 lpension ,,,,,.,.,___________ _ _____________ 1526 A in, Joseph P., A exander, Frances (wwzlow), . nsion increased . , . . 2054 lygnsiou increased ._,__,___ _ ______________ 1543 Amon, Mich., _ A rmder, Hannah J. (widow), appropriacion for public building , . 1364 Pension .. 2101 acquiring site and erecting public building A mmdcr, John H . · at, authorized . . ... 686 irension increased .. . ... .. 1780 Albright, Benjamin, A ezander, Joseph M., pension increased ... . 1823 pension increased ..,.,,,, _ _,_________,___ 3003