Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1502

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INDEX. 2843 Charlotte_Harhor, Fhg., _ P•$¢- Chattanooga, Tenn.——Continued. P¤8¤·· Chp1rell;r:g1n1:;.{rz{;*hexammation of, to be made. . 670 time extendeiit for lock and darn in Tenr · , . nessee iv t .. . . 181 appropriatiornfor public building . . . . 1369 Chauncey, Jen Rodir a · acqumtilrg engl for public building at, au- Ogensioné ... . ...,.,.. 2000 we om ... . ... 690 vous erbert ~»€harlotte, gv, 0., _ maéa increaged ..._, _,, 1615 ·~-—o-appropriation for assay omce at. . . 1 498, 1201 Clixizers or Draughts, or public building ... _ . I . ._ .. 1369 duty on, im, bone, etc ...,.,..,.,,,,,, 66 °“‘“‘g°1'.‘¥€1§‘§;12§§3’c2£1?YY’l‘?.P‘Tf‘f"}T‘f?f‘Y‘i 693 °'£§:J§i'£ 1..*,.,.,.;...:,..1 of customs 1 1... amoyt for fiscal year . {gg Chu; terna]-revenue taxes; condition ,,,, 965 terms court at. . ... 186 e Charlotte, M K, ’ duty on, and substitutes for ... 36 app)ropriation$»r improvement of harbor. 634, 935 Chgese Knives, Char ttes·mlIe,' a. uty on ‘ .. 2 7 tems of court at; ... 1128 Cheeseman, Eliza T. (wulow), 25 ' Charms. nsion increased .. . . 18 duty ion, china, etc., decorated, etc -. 18 Chpegreqemke Creek, J., china, etc., not decorated, etc . . gi Chazppmprgtion 21; improvement of . . 636, 936 silver, etc., jewe ry . .. 7 uncle iver, ., Chamey, Ejie (daughter), a propriation for improvement of . . .. 647 nsion . ... . . . . 1799 Cheholis River, Wash., Cgter, Henry W., azpnroprriation for improvement of - . 665, 951 nsion increased ,... 1494 Che at1ionalForest, Wyo., Cgds, appropriation for mamtenance, etc., of . 426, 1248 duty on, not specially provided for ... 64 proclamation enlarging ... 2717 on free listi or educational institutions, 74 . ... etc.; imit . the o enatc ee, to ... for the United States or Library of Con- 73 Chellinlger, D., 1514 gmx. . .. . .. . . nsxon mc . . .. hydrographic . . .,. . . .. 73 Cgelsea Creek, Mass., _ printed more than 20 years - ... 73 Clgrglimiaary examination of, to be made.. . 672 Chase, A' B., a ass., ‘ mic:. increased ,,,,,,,,,,., - ... 1625 ap;1-dpriation for public building . 704, 1369 me, Dudley L., time extended for treating fire suderers in ngign increased .,,.,... 2072 marine hospital . ... 184 Chlfre, Elvira E. (widow), Chelsea Naval Hospual, Mass., Minn _,__ , , , .,,,,,_,_,,.. 2002 dredging channel for Island End River, cig;) Frank, across grounds of, authorized ... 369 67}:ng% incrg;sed .,,.,.. ~ . 1 574 ChemicalDand_ Phyncal Reseordtes, Public , ma ., omam, swim; in:]-eased .,,_,.., 1795 appropriation for .. 743, 1418 C'Ii:e, Hamilton Pa resespches of, presence of potaslr 1 18 ‘ in rease sa ts .. . . . 4 Chlzzflgzltntda E. (widow), Chemical Compounds, Mixtures, and Salts, mion ,,,, . ...,..,... . 1928 duty on_, not specially provided for 12 Clmtain, John WZ, containing a cohol ... . . I2 ngign increased ...,.. . . 2056 minimum mw. . . ... 12 Cmteen, Jonathan C., Chemical Wood Pulp, ngion increased .,.,..,. 1930 duty on; countervailing duty 61 Q1B;j5e[d, [mac WZ, Chemicals, Oils, and Paints, ngign increased .. . . . ... 1739 Schedule A, TariE of 1909 12 Clgijield, Marcus M.. Chemistry Bureau, Department of Agriculture, ugigu increased ..,. 1562 appropriation for sa aries . 431 (igfhqm County, Ga., and Beaufort County, for chemist, cltiglg; ... 1254 S, C., or inspectors, ratory e pers, etc. .- 1254 may bridge Back River branch of Savannah for general expenses . . . . . 431, 1255 River at Savannah, Ga . 180 for inspecting food products for export 431, 1255 Chatham, John, for executing pure·food law . 432, 1255 chpension incrlgasedéll 1495 deficiency appropriation for general ex- 215 tmlwodree wer, . an ., penses a N riation for improvement of . 644 for enforcing pure-food law . 224 P P gn improvement of, below Columbus, Cheney, Abiel, Ga_ ,___,,_, . . 939 Chpeniizon increased . ... 1774 ha 1 T -, rm . C a;?£;0,-gtiolzgr impmvgénggt of Tennes» 652 duty on articles of cotton . gg R` - be ow . . .. carpets .. . .. bridgesgigrthisgleizl &::0;1T9!1Il€$06 River 908 Chmsilk,tIno§[)spec`gally provided for ._,_.. 57 _______ _ _______,,.. - ... owe , e er ., to Hxllfjity _________ _ ____,. . ...,,,,.,.. 908 I pension increased. .: .. .: . Z ... 1926 omega or Cnickamauga and Chattanooga 293 t Choqwrme9on0;’m3¤{lfr¤y;•t Swtuyr, Wi., P k 3, bg __________ , ...,,,,,,... exchange ng 0 way rom ecpefs terms Ogagouylz agi? ________,,. . ,..,,,,..,. 1124 dwelling to, authorized . 924