Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1504

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INDEX. 2845 Chwugo, Kama: Ostyand Toms Railway Com- Uhdutcr, Gwrggslgé, , Pan? — ` --.·-...·... .. . . 2055 time extended for bridging Missouri River, _ ?éneg;¢ W., _ City to Sibley, M0., by . . 198 nsion increased ..., , .,.,_,, 1726 Chicago Ryvef, IU., _ Ciggf Justice of the Supreme Court of the United appropnat,1011 for 1mpmvemcm. of; con- States, _ lgructa .. 1 . - . . . 658, 947 appropriation for . ... .. 529, 1232 prehmmary exammatiou of West Branch, salary increased ..,.. 1152 _ South Fork, to be made 671 to designate and assign circuit judges to C'hwkammgga_¢md Chattanooga National Park, commerce court ..., 540, 1l46 appropnauou for contimung establishment to designate mmpomry judge to hold dis- 0f .. . . . - I ... 724, 1401 trict court. in absence of the circuit co§vc{aucc of stnp of land to N. C 1401 mmf judge or justice. . . 1089 we 6 .. { .. 0 Engineers, appéiutmegt, etc., of commissioners .. gg to euéust claim(z;f1<;;rdl;x(:11ages, with 0 cc at 00ga; pay . . river an 1- vesse s , . .. 676 commission ofAI:?¥0HiC8!8t0GX8miD€ and duties relating to construction of dams report on visability, etc., of per- across navigable waters 593 mament Army maneuvering ground, to approve prop0sed_obst,ructiou of navi- C _ rangg, ctchpear ..,... . ..., 1457 ¥b% waters within the city of N ew y ver, ws., or ...,. , .,,,,..,,,., 866 appropriation for improvement of;. main- Chief of Stajz, Army, tménngo ..,. . .. 647 apprgE1ri1;t1c;n1§<;r Army 243, 1037 C'hu:bu•a` w oaLa*n.d• · 'eo `visiono to relinquishment. of cld, and grant of new, be detailed from general officars of under lease of Denison Coal Com- the line: . . 1037 C _ . . . 832 for military information division eh 1037 Incbaaaw men . pauses . . .. . appropriation for for remnant allot- 281 gor sccigcolscgools . . , 244, ments. ... or c er etc ... 246, deduction from awards to Choctaws and for Division ofkilitia Affairs, offcc of 1206 Chickasaws of amount for allotments Chifmw, Silk, to 281 duty on articles made of .. 60 deficiency appropriation for Court of Claims Chilccte, Mary E. (unkiow), judgment in case of ..,. 807 Ogension increased .. . . 2095 Chickasaw Indians, Okla. (see also Five Civi- `lcott, Elihu, ljzed Tribes), I']/ZZ111sion_increas9d. : . . 1779 ap mpristion for tribal schools. ... 282 C -C'ar•pg Immulums, D. C'., degcieucy appropriation for indemnity for appropnation for ... . .. 409, 1000 losses . . 223, 1327 acceptance of voluntary uid authorized 409 amounts paid for allotments to Chickasaw Childers, Alfred, freedmen to be deducted from award mili record corrected .,. . . 1918 t 281 Clrildrgryxtlicn 0 contracts with, for administcrin tribal af- under,sixt.ccs1;, unaccompanied by parent, fsgs subject to approval 0§Secretsry 0 Clnldr Fxglucgd admission . 264 0 uterior . 107 me 00 , limit on, for legal services; approval of duty on, Iithographically printed . 63 President required .. . 1070 Children': Dress Goods funds arising from sales of Ignds, enc., of, duty ou, woolcn, coiton, etc., warp ... 54 may be deposited in banks . . . . 1070 not spccialzaprovidcd for .. 54 approval of Secretary of Interior; use of Children’a_Guar ns, D. C., Board of, interest . . _ . 1 070 appropnatiou for administmtive expenses. 409, payment from funds of, to Sami: Agnes _ 1000 Academy . 282 for salaries . 409, 1000 Do las H. olmston governor . 282 for feeble-minded white and colored asaw ... , Chick ug Nation ’ children 409 1000 deficienc apprcgriatiou for Court of Claims for board, eoc., of children ... 409, 1000 hlunggrflent m case of 807 deficie¤§1yi£];pr0priati0u for board, etc., of Chick , k ., 1 c 11-..; 122, 787 congmction of public building authorized ’ Chdgr secgxrian gnsgitxgious ... 1298 at . ... 683 g en': ospita , . ., germs of court at. ... 1122 appropriation for care of indigent patients. 4% C k R t, 5 4;$;t(;»Tz{>¤ . 39 Ch 7501- gdditicns, etc ... 731, 1408 Clyi lg, g 1 s, enjamin, dfny on . . . . 14 ; pension increased 1794 Chico, Cal., _ _ _ Childs, Royal S., appropriation for dpublic budding . . , - 1369 pension increased ... . 1929 acquiring site an erecting public building , Chile, _ , az, migxorized .. . .. 684 appropriation fo; ininister to .., 337, 1027 Chabot: Pas: . I or secretary 0 egatiou . 337, 1028 ‘ appmpriaiiou for lighting. ... 754 articles from, admitted at, minimum tariff . . 2550 Chmlieua, Bud, 5 proclamation egmndingf copyright privipgmiou increased . . . . 1498 l legen to extimm . ..,. . ,,, 2685