Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1512

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INDEX. 2853 Cobb, Wtllgam H, Pace Coeur d’Alen¢ Indian Reservation, Idaho, Placpo¤¤10¤ mcfoased ----···--------- 1887 deficiency appropriation for classifying Coberly, Newton, ‘ lands, etc., of . 213 pension increased ... . 2098 for allotments. . . 811 Colbcleligilgl , 1964 survey hatpd suotpstit ·--·---···----·—· - -.-... m sum or classifying Coburn, Charles, Indam Allottee, unreserved lands in, o nod tigig? I 2*1374 payment to .- 2064 Coeur d’AleM Indians, Imno, Cobunl, Dgloo, appxgpriation forfulnlling trea with, - 275, 1063 pension increased .. , ···.. 1897 Cow Alone National Fowl. Ivzbo. Cobur~a;)f;r;und, 1902 appglopriaéion for rnaintenancs, etc., of- 426, 1248 P6¤81 reased ·---- ·· ·~····---·- - - T0 MDS 011 111g..; ..,,________ Coburn, Fratgwex, Indian Allotue, 0*566, 2688 payment . . 2064 appro riation for cxp;=nm` ents of cultivat- Uobwn, George H., ping, in Porto 'co , 438 pension increased ..,.. . .. . ,.,, 1935 duty on, substitutes for, not specially pro- Coburrt, Newell, vided for ...,_____ _ ________________ 39 pgnmgn mcyggggd ________ , _ , ,,..,__ _ _____ 157] OH free ····· - . . .······ - - - - 74 Coca Leaves, Co_#'¢y,_Ch1ystoph¢r C'., duty on . ...,,,, 14 pension increased .._,___,_,__, _ __________ 1557 Cocaine, etc., C'ofey,_Rebecoa E. (widow), dut on . ... 14 pension . . ... 1761 Cowulus Indicus, Uofcyvnllq Kam., on treo list ___ 74 agpmgnauon for public building .,_______ 1369 Cochetopa National Forest, Colo., Co 1l,_ H-, appropriation for rnaintenance, etc., of. 426, 1248 pension increased ... . 1528 proclamation . 2706 C'°.0’r*•»_~$'4¤‘glb (wldow), Cvdtivwal, Pension -··... . . . . . . 1914 on free list ... 74 C°.Vm·¤?% Elwlbt Cochran, Charles G., P€¤¤10¤ 11l¢l‘¢¤¤8d --. . 1785 pension increased 1641 C°fl’°"§» Jqllm Cochran, John M., P°¤·¤l0¤ 1¤<¤¤¤¤¤d --·-.--.. . ·... .. 1741 pension increased ... . 1503 Czfllar I’\9°r*» $r•¢l» Coooa, uty on ..· , 23 duty uu _ _______________________________ 39 for railway wheels or tires ...,,_ 29 powdered, unsweetenod - .. - 39 C°h“·E°r»_ M¤·”·» _ _ Ou hw list, crude ________________________ 74 prehminary examination to be made of, iibor, leaves, and shells 74 harbor ·--·-··-·-··----·-·—·· - ----- 953 Cocoa Butter or Butterinc, ctc., C°]*“· @”‘l» duty uu _ ___________________ _ ___________ 39 m¤¤n increased . . .. 2014 Coma nsamh duty on, mats . . 70 C0li!°';;°“ ·---········-·•··-···--··· · ······ Mu _ Cowzlxxglgs '`'’‘'``` ''`' 70 dovnaticognpermittcd in weight of silver ISM dudi"l,(;I·•;li:le°¢lf.?f::::::;;; I Z I I I ZZ I I I I Z I I ZZ $33 ¤*¤¤d¤gl lygd r¤·¤¤<l of tho lluroao of on froo list, in the shell and copra. . 77 ;;’““ " ’ r°°°Kmz°d ” aulliouw Oil, nntmnngd°rd°°riz0d_""·"_“·"n 77 Of . . . . 1354 Cvmnino Cmm , Ariz., ’ · · · ands who? to mom to no bonds -,3 °p£»?iQnc;ii»1l§;°Jtr¤;l(§t;l$?.?€??l? ‘‘‘‘‘ ll?} {3%

 y•••••»•·.».~»¤-••••s. D   8   fortm-···.• I

Cooonino Nattkmal Forgot, A1-iz., fggzrtjogligl 85,.,,, _______________ {“§25 777 appropriation for mamtenance, etc., of. 426, 1248 for hgngpgrting minor __________________ ’ 777 giant of lands for Lowell Observatory in- · . 452 princigl and interest of United States Cproolsmaggvn modifying boundanos of ----- 2708 aids and csrtmcstcs to be paid in Od-Liver , g0l ... . ... . . 192 duty on . ..---·.---~-----·-·- - --.-... 14 Caine, Foreign Gold, Cody, William, issue of gold certificates for deposits at Nev pension increased ... . 1734 _ York_or San Francisco of ... 965 Cody, W,/Ow I _ Cmns, Metallic, appropriation for public building . - 1369 Qu me rm; - ·; ·-······--- - --··---·-···· 74 acquiring site for public building at, au- C°’”'» ood mr ram, thor-ized ... 693 7 C3; rm? lm ---- - ----·--·----——--·--- · ·--.-. 74 Coe, Demos L., du’ . - ty on .,,.,..,,,_,_,_____ _ _ _ 65 l’°““‘°“ “‘°’°”°d ························ 2**98 [ Colbam, crmzot ni, Coe W? P-» , . . pension increased ...,,,,,______________ __ 2]]2 deficiency appropnauon for ¤o¤’1•=¤¤ ------ 127 I cozbmmz Ba Tm Shoals cmz, Coeur zfzilcne, Idaho, _ _ _ l unexpended balance for im roving Ton. appropriation for dpublic building . 1369 { nemee River to be used){or- , , ,,,_, 871 acquiring site an erecting public building Colbert, William T., at, authorized . 684 pension increased ,__________ _ ______ _ _____ 2122 terms of court at . . ... 928, 1109 Colburn, Nathan, office of deputy clerk 928 pension increased ..,,___,_,,___________ _ _ IQ47