Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1684

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INDEX. 3025 Milk, Th0’{Yw$, P¤g°· Mineral Substmwes, Pilse- M{5;1$1§7!{l;P<;’¥•;€a5€d ~·-- · ---- · ·-··-.-- - . 1565 duty OF articles of, not specially provided 1 _ 1 _W or _________ _ ______________________ 18 p61lS10!} 1{1€!`é3$€d ··~- · --·---· 1892 Mineral Substances, Metallic, Md?-8, Willwm W-. duty on crude, not specially provided for. . 30 pension increased . __. 1506 Mineral Waters, Millslvnes, duty 011 _,______,,_,__________________ _ _ _ _ 40 duty on burrstoues manufactured into 21 nrtiiicial 0;- imitation _,_________________ 40 Millvzlle, N. J., Mineral Wax, appropriation foil public buildérflg .5 . ia. . . 1376 on tree list _____,,_,_____,,_,_____________ go acquiring site an erectinv pu 'c ui ing Mineral Wells, Tex., M.] Jat, autl101'1zed . ,_ , 686 Mapprgpdatgou for pub`?'_c building _________ 1376 1 ne ames mera 0 , emmenso , M%enisi011:Tin§;re¤Sed. . .. 1841 Mon freglgzt, fgr public collections, not for sale 79 1 ton, . . mera prelimiuagyiexamination of harbor, to be 6 4 on freé list, crude, not specially provided ma e . 7 or ..,.. _ __ 77 Milum, Humphrey, Miner! Diamonds, Mpensicin incregsgd . ... 1656 Mon freilzigt, not seg . . 75 zlwau ee Lan ompany iners’ or Diem laska sale of lands on Che eime River Indian persons entitled lor wa eb due 848 Y , S Reservation, S. Dak., for towusite to . 602 notnce to be Bled. : .. 848 Milwaukg, Sparta and Northwestern Railway jur1qd1ct1pn in actions; procedure . 849 mnpany, posting 0 notice .. 850 granted right of wzgy t.hI0\%1 military rifle 9 execut1r§ jg-;1gmerits% sales, ego ... 850 ’ ran e, etc. parte is ..,.. 2 8 appea ; 'sposa o minera s, etc ... 851 Milwaukee, %*is., , ’ punishment for taking away attached appropriation for improvement of inner 56 M , gropertg. . .l ... 851 harbor . , ,,,.,. ; ... 6 iners _ egcue pp iances, for expenses, Volunteer S01die1~s’ on free hst .. . 77 Home ...,,.,. . 733, 1409 Miner! Safety Lamps, deficiencii app]1;>priat.i0n for Voluntpeél 1321 Mon fre; hat- ..1-.é . . .. _ .. 77 So iers omg, ,.. 3 , tnes, tw emtact TW construction of appmisers’ storesauthorized 684 internatéional convention restrictirig laying 2332 at _____ , , ,,_____,,,..,,,,. 0 . - .., tgnug of court 3,t___. ______,__ , ,,,,, , .,, 1].29 BTLTZGGTL, DZPGNMZIDI 0{ uw I7ll0I‘i0T, Mimzm National Forest, 01-eg., approprpation for genera expenses, sala- Mayplpropriation for maintenance, etc., of 1250 f trlies, tetcz ., . . . .f. 742, 1418 ‘ 7 L _ or ans emng a om nes, e ., mm gcczpting ’ site by donation for public Geological Survey 00 --·-·.----. . 742 building at __________________ _ ______ 697 for investigating mine explosions, etc. 7 42, 1418 Min; Expgosimw, for rent, contingentcxpenses, etc . 742, 1418 appropriation for investigating causes for testing, etq., fuelsubstances .. 742, 1419 gf ______________________________ 742, 1418 for report; on investigzmmrs, etc . 742, 1419 investigations of causes of, transferred to for mine rnspectors .. 742, 14l9 Bureau of Mines . . . 370 ger tevlsunce books, etc . . ... :9 M' I ·t , or ren .. . . 1. 9 ziipinroqsrzriigtiiiri for salaries nucl expenses. 742, 14}%; . testaijigwilcipsido parties, charges, etc ., ·\ I; '. f fAl k oa ,et:..- " :. esta is ee . .. ‘ ‘. Miner,1l;;’}i4:`;·(le;(?l.€) as a C muws ( I appointment of Director; qualifications. . , 350 ' l ld 1495 · experts, etc 3'0 Jlijr$3•Sli');f;i';t;;$1gr$; Company, investigations to be conduvted by . pavment to .. . ... 1371 ¤ offrces, appléaplcfs, employees. eto., to be M ,- ’ , K z lf, `rl · , , providev or ,.,,_,,,,,,,_,,,,. _. 370 "g;gior?i$;€rg;g;:]_(i1??__ __,_,,_,__,, , ,,,__ 1657 E transfer from Geological Survey of investi- Jgner, WTlln)rm W,, Q gations of structural materials ..._,_ pension inrreased ..». 1800 repéaled .·------- {13 Mmeral Fuel Supstances, 742 1419 g fuel Substimges; ... gig 3 pm Fiaflvn OY testing, GUI --··----··- mllw PXP QS\0¤~ -------· 1 -----··---· L tgats fgr outside parties; charges, etc . . 7 1419 i appropriations, experts, eguipment, etq . 3i 0 Mineral Land Entries, exc uded from inspection or mmes, etc., in _ patents not tgdbe cgenield for, solely bfecause my ; t mk bt§esi3 .. · . gég

 b U 1,etc.. a o *eeec u , _ 

Mineral Aleglgga mow ery 0 0 office building authorized for, and other time extended for Ifiling adverse claims, bureaus, etc., in }Vash1n¤ton.. . t . . . 699 etc ________________ _ ______________ 459 first edition of publicationgs0f,’l1m1tedL.. . SS3 Mineral Objects, additional copies authorized . 883 duty on, iurr(pe5s;ad in alcohol, not specially 10 Jl élgggfgppliancw etc 619 rovl 6 Or·· -··· • ···············- “ _ _ _ #1 · ··-··-·- “ Mineral Eesources of the United States, w » llmes of the Lmtrd Stateg, appropriation for preparing report on. . . :43, 1418 , census of, to be taken m_1§>l0, etc _.,.,,__, 1 M or printing and binding report on. . - 7 69, 1446 g cepsus pcligclglesegi rnqgilrposij 5 . . 1, 4, 227 ineral Salts, l 0 re :1 _ y en n g ecem er , on free list, evaporated; certilicate re- _ i _ prec·eding enumeratxon . 4, 228 quired ..,.. 17 limited to actrye .,_,__,,..,._,,_,,_,,_,, 4, 228