Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1688

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INDEX. 3029 Model Exhibit, Patent Opice, P¤8¤- Mon,ey, Honorable Hernando D., P¤8°· deficiency appropriation for rent, etc., new made a member of Lincoln Memorial Comquartgrg for _______________________ 123 mj5gi0u_ __________ _ ________________ 898 Models, _ Money in Re t of United States Courts, agreement with Germany relating to recip- withdrawalndnllly on order of the court . 1083 10031 W01’kll1g Of, etc ... 2178 unclaimed after five years to be deposited Models of lnwmmbnts, etc., in the Treasury ,. . . 1083 on free 11-St; fostflctlvns ..·... 77 payment to parties entitled on order of Models of tatuary, etc., the court ,,,,_,, , ,,,____,_.,,,,,,,. 1084 on free 1lBl}. t ... 79 permanent appropriation for; appli- Modgltjt, Wtllwm T., cable to prior deposits ,.,, - ,,,.. 1084 M$m11orr;¢1pcroaov_ed E -i 2099 Money-Order Serpice, Pootal Serene, 5 1338 oc wna orest_ a ., ’ appropriation or sup ies ... . . 36 , appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1250 requirement for issuuig office to mail notice proclamation modifying boundaries of . 2772 to office repealed .,, 415 11;;%:) {aw H- 0- (daughter), 1536 Money-orders Dram, Peetopsce Depen- --·----·-•···--·---····---—--·-~·· ment Moellerj, Tlnwdore W, appropriation for superintendent, clerks, peonsion increased .,,_,,,.,, . . 1860 etc ________ _ _ _ 521 1223 M ze, wauam H., 9,,,,,, ‘’‘‘`‘‘`‘````` ’ Mgimibu i“9'€”·S°d -------·--········ · ····· 1279 M;2HSi0llLiD‘g;<l>L¢l`l?®g;, ...-·- . -------· 1786 vfggogiligd W, 1479 Mtmhegan Ishzm? rp., 1430 P2 ····-·-~-· - ---··—---··-- appropriation or ight station . 0.020 John Kr submarine s` nal buoy etc. authorized at. 535 nsion increased ..,_,... 1712 Monk gem? (I? ’ l Mgzler Jonathan H. " ‘ ll Bd ________________________ 1934 Moimgvsnmirweo-Z --------·------------- 1472 iligrgirgiod 2006 Mpeosioncinctrgaased .. .. 1828 Mg;:;%,tng€:fyéd`-····`H--U---Munn 19 4 WWW W WW, _ _ _ .` 7 appropriation for compensation m lieu Mg;;1,;;Zn&g§§0&;SD_, _ of ... _. . , _ 716, 1393 pemion increased _,__,,.. . ..._.,,,___ 1846 deficienc appropriation for compensation M N at 1:0 I Fm t Nw and Cal M0kdumi;E‘§;g· EJ ·-········· · ‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘ 889 gggropriaiigu for gaiintenance, etc; of. 428,1250 . . ¢ . ‘• Mo ongahela Pa., “P!;'F’P?"““°“ for 1i¤¤v;ls·v·=¤;6·g‘§ gg-Mp- 662· ggg ,,§,‘,,,,,,,,,,,e1,,, ro, public i,uu.n,,g._ . _. .- on pm lmmmly examma °“ 0 ’ acquiring site and erecting public build- M§lé'€;“;h 34 ing at, apthoriged .. 687 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘‘’‘`‘‘`` Monongahela Rai wud vmimtly, _

l$lg,i,"i,i'i,mal.ré,‘Q},ssdg .. . ... 1529 my *g;§§$,, ”f,‘;“°“g2h“1“ R“'°‘· N"' 188

· lds, .’ '````'````'```````'`'`` gn has ust, gow heme,]-s· _____., . . 76 Monvnyalvla R")? }?“·» f Lock MOM [Mmm, O,.eg_’ · appropriation olri improvement o , 638 a pro riation for fulfilling treaty With .-... 283 ?·“d.Dam °‘ 2 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - Moyer, Ignore, for lighting., o .. 7;,4 Mpemion increased ______________ _ _________ 1613 bndgelpoooporooed across, l\ickcc¤¤p<>rt to 892 Oleg, Samuel, 1 I1, 8. ... . . .. ngion increased _ __ ,,,__.. . . . . 2016 M°rgantown* W' Va ’`‘‘‘'`‘‘‘‘ 195 · _ `* New Geneva Pa . . . 188 llgzm B*€”"·*'6’f ?’“'%’9°.C°T"p“"y* _ ,,64 wom to oiéspon, Pa 195 may bridge Mississippi River . . . . . . _ f ted I d f 1 k Moline, gust Moline and Watertown Railway Tight Oonway gran mms an S 0 Oc B 930 may brgdggagguth Branch of Mississippi time Gigtimded for bridging, at Browns.70 909 River, \V3|;g]·f,0w1]. to (Jampbe is , VII 0* Pa '°'‘'’``'`'°'``'’ 8 ’ Island, m ____________________ _ _____ 964 Prttobuog, P2--X --·--·-- ---- ) -----· 2 69, 908 V Ml' ,Ill. M ies secu 0 ntitrust ases. giipiopriation for public building. .; .. Z. .. 705 i)inn?ispd)iction of district courts under laws bridge authorizedp across Mississippi River 9·g81¤Sl3 -·------ · -·--------··------· 1093 to Bettendorf, Iowa, from .. 464 Mrmfequ, ·[08¢Ph, Moyer, pcdm., 1854 Mpensiop mcreaioled ,... 1960 ' ‘ ... onroe s , e., ygirgygx, ·°'``` l appropriation for purchase of land, fo r range mimi increased ________ _ _______ _ _______ 1960 { marks, naval trial course ... 617 lglybdenum { Monroe, La., duty OIL _ _’ ____________ _ ________ _ _________ 30 i terms of pcozurt at . 1114 Mo , , Monroe, if _-, _ __ Max/igles from, admitted at minimum tariff . . 2638 Mappropxfatgon for improvement of harbor. . 600 · onroe . .,

 ____ _ _____ _ _ _ ________________ 30 cqugtguctign of public building authorized

Moniy, Brazilla T., at;_ ... 682 · · _______ _ ______ 1509 Monroe, W w. Mpension increased . . . .w { li b .1d. 3,,,, vnetary Commission, Notrbnal, _ appropriation or pubblo gi l1&ng .. .. . 1 u publications oi, to be prmted as public acquiring site for pu c U1 ing at, audocu_ments_ __,,,_,,,.. . ,.,..__ 2],7 thorized ,,,,,, , _,_,___,__ _ _____ 693