Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1796

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INDEX. 3 137 Philippine Tari] of 1909—Continued. Philippine Tar·ij` of 1909-—Continued. nurrantrz ARTICLEE—COHt1D\16(1. nvrnnnn ABTICLES—COH{.1l1\1€(1. [Heavy-faced tlgures indicate paragraph.] [Heavy·taaed tigurzs indicate paragraph.] Page- Page. ¢8fb0Y6 1885 --···--·-.-. . 15 139 columns cast-iron .. 26 141 c¤rdb0¤l’§iaP1=1i¤, ¤0|> Printed -···-- 153 comptogiaphs ... » . 185; 157 {HMI Qtuws -... . 153 confectionery . . ... 241 162

  • ’”“°°"’r”‘€‘°g'“’“°d’ °t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {Z3; {EZ °°"{§*“’ "“*2°‘ ‘‘‘‘ 1;; ‘‘‘‘ 1;.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ I {E: {S3

11181111 RC l1l'BS ... . . con mers 0 merc n me ..,.,,_,, carpeting, cotton . 108; 149 co per and alloys, bars. .,, 46: 143 hemp,_8tc .. . .. 127, 152 Fumps ...,.,,,,,,,,,_..,,,,,,,,__ 46, 143 carton pl€1’l’8 .. . 154, 154 manufactures .. . ..,,,.,_, 48, 143 cartridges . 131;, 147 ptipes . ,.,.,,, 46, 143 carts .. . ... 158 eets ... . ..,...,..,, 46 143 wooden parts for . 199: 159 wire ..., 47; 143 cash regigtemiggd parts ... covereeg, etcB,S$>i·[ electrical uses ..,,, 2;, 143 e ., w .. cover wit ... 143 Qcast iron (:;1rticles)of malleable, dutiable as , gauze, etc ., 47: 143 wro t iron . manu actures ... . .. 47 143 ng polifshed, tumed or coated bars, etc. gg, E1 copra. . . . 153; 144 o er . 1 copying 00 51 154 catsup ... 258; 164 cora1:..._ . 27 7: 165 cedar, rough-hewn, etc . 155, 154 im1tation 278, 165 celluloid and imitations .. S 278, 165 cordage, cotton . 94, 147 cement, bricks, squares, tiles, and pipes. . 9, 138 hemp, etc ... 118, 150 hydraulic .. lg, 1333 cogmlg ... gig, 164 ceramic ware-. 1 co s emp etc .. 150 cereals, prepared for table use .. 218; 161 cork; .. l . 1 66; 155 chains, wrought iron or steel 35, 142 corn . 217, 161 chairs, barbers’ and dentiste’ ... 163, 155 meal ... 217, 161 chalcedony, unmounted ..,., 18, 138 for table use ... . .. 218, 161 chalk ,_,,.,,,___,,,,,..,.,,, 6, 138 cornstarch . 218, 161 mnnnfnctnms ____,,_____,,,,.,..., 8, 138 corset laces, cotton . 112, 150 ,,°*··¤*,,,P·r*·= --·-·-··-·-----··-·······-- 5%:1-}% seem ··························· :312% gg _____________, _ ______,, , ...,,, co . . cheese, and imitation . 270; 165 c0sm6tl0S.: .·-· - ..--.---··--.···-·... 85; 146 chemical products, compounds, and 818:75 146 110YS. ..-.· 3:7, ments . ... , X 1 88, P 8111 ··~·-·-··--····· · • · h ‘ ___________________, , ,___, 244 162 ii ed, etc .. . 99-100 148 §h$c,,,yg_ E`}? ______________ _ __,,,, mg; 133 gilldés .. . . 18;; (gh' la _______________________ _ _______ 1 8 , ets . . 01,113;,; Dledicines ... .. wsj 146 gse fabrics ... . ...· 103:149 ghogglatg _____________________________ 246, 163 ath robes and towels .. . .. 104, 149 Christmas tree decorations, etc . 293, 167 l¤11t¢€d g0<>d¤ -···-----~-·-···-- · - · - 105» 149 chrouomgters, and W_]•[g_ _ _ _____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ tIlll€S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cidm ________________________ _ _ ______ 264, 164 laces and blondes ... .. . 107, 149 cigarette paper 150, 154 carpeting . . ... 108, 149 cigars, cigarettes, and cheroots .. , . . 301, 168 tapestries ... 109, 150 cinches, cotton ... 118, 150 lagnpv~j1cks.._ .. 110, 150 ribbons or bands for .,.., . ...,,, taimmirégs, nlyllipns, etc ... ______________ __ __ s oe an corse accs .. hmpplioiitct H--I lds for .,,,,..,,,, 132, 152 cinches, saddle girths, etc ., 113: 150 rib s or ban » _ cinematographs ... rgbbonspr liianilssgxr. . ' .. . .. wa erproo an e csu s... glxxliaglulblivder, canned or potted ... uuother mnnufacfturesil . , . , _ 1112: clams, fresh _________ , ,,,__,_,_.,,,,_, , ea s, coarse, or sa s, e .,. , 18 _______ _ _________ _ ________ _ ________ 6 138 mercerized .. . . 98} 147 c bliickr}, squares, tiles, and pipes lg; r;:vt’§,n(ha1;1tx;1ocks, etc ... man t _____ _ ,___, , , . . . _ c ··-•-··-—·-···-----~---~ s ¢ c]0ckE,u,;,$jl;:'a;e,€tB _____ _ ________ _ ,____, 184; 157 twme foncordage, etc ..., - 94, 147 cloth (sec textiles). 247 163 Y3L*§§Lt§· Ego of ···············-·· 31} ·-·'.'-________-__ , .--..-. _ I gl;l?]fff[f[Z[ZZZZZ .. 21:140 merperized ---··-------—----··----- 93:147 cochgmag ____________________ , _,...,.,.. 64, 145 sewmg, etc ...-·..-- 3%;, 1:7 . · ________,_,_ . ,.,.. 260 164 waste .. _ -- "

   ,. . ...   lg; couplings, Gif, i¤‘0¤ OF ¤t·°€1¤ulW9·Y ···--·   1}%

sh ] d drigd_ _____ _ ___,,_,_, 1 cows _ ... . .. 5 °°§§lc,;,,“j‘ §§c_j' _____________ _ ____,___ zu; 160 makers, edune ... 220; 161 coffee _______________ _ __________ _ _____ 242, 163 crayons, charcoal, etc ... 63, 145 coke ________________ _ _________ _ _______ 21,,140 cream of tartar ... . . 74, 146 colophouy ____________ _ ________ _ ________ 54, 144 creams, compounded ... 268, 165l colors, chemical dye ..-- - ---·---·-- M- 14§ Pu"? ······-—····· · ················· 26% 16** cm1___ _____ _ ______ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ______ 64, 14;; cricket bats, balls, etc . 294, 167