Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1850

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INDEX. 3191 R°bi"‘s°"’ 'I°b¤ Page Rock Island Arsenal Ill Contiu · · ‘ _ _ , -— ucd. Page. R,}}§,E;,‘;: ‘········· · ···------···- 1842 ¤p§);¤5x;;03l;<;#tH1mtiou plant ... im Egg cuswu IDCIBQBB ,___ _ _ ____ . ‘‘‘‘ : ······· - ······ y Rgmlscn, Jbhn AE ·····-·--·- · -- 1542 R0cg¢Zi>1pn<;1ra%1;g, ctc., bndgcs- . 720, 1398 ¥“?‘”’i°“ i“°'°”°d ·-·----·--·~ - ·—~-----·-- 1937 ap m nakiouhr ubr b ·;d· zcwmm, John .1., }§,, gm P ‘° ‘” mg ----—··—-- 1380 pension increased ... . . ,__ 2013 1imit0fcdB];.iT!£-} ‘‘‘‘ gl ‘‘‘· BH ·i)· · = · ·· 7°6» 1380 Robinson, Jogepmed Rock River c ease , pu c mlding 677 eusion iucreas ’ ~ Rélim., Lawrence :4, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1571 °“]'E§‘&t£}]°'i€?d “°'°”°’ “°” B"°“* ‘“ ···· 333 P<2¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¤¤>¤¤¢d -··-------. . ‘ 1 617 Rock Wing; w Q; ```°°`°‘‘‘'‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Robmsqn, Loran G. limit of coét ixgzrgase ' ‘ P·2¤¤¤<>¤ mcrwed -·.- Z- .. 1549 Rooms, d’ public b`”1d‘°g‘ " 679 R0b1n»8?n,!4u£€ttGA. (1,l)'I,d01lI), dutyonm··-··--_---·-'·-·-- 66 P€‘m°¤ mc’°“°d -···--··- · ·--·-------- - . 1986 Rockfellmp, Alber: GW 7```°°°`°``` R°b"”':m» !‘“”“"` H·» pension increased ..,,___________ _ ________ Img R PR nm"' ·------·------- - ----.. Z)58 Rockhall, Md., , Y , *1 8 IO I1 - Pqnsmu mcmmedun ~ · - · l - I . l . . i · · _ . - - - i 1821 pp pb0:;f1gn. ifi)? 1mproveme11t of ha:639 937 R°b"“°.”>B'W“’d¤ Rockhold,EdwdrdG.;-_-H·""-nMHH- ’ Rolgnslou glc§$$9d· · ·-·-- - ----. . . . 1778 pension iu(;rgaggd_ ______ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1533 M0", - -, Rockin ham Earzlwnwarc P§Ym€nt· to- --·-·--. - - -.----. . . . . 2022 dutyggu ________ _ ____ ’ _________ _ _______ 18 Rvhwqn, Samuel, Rockland, Me. " deficnepcy appropriation for extra serv- p;·g]imjmu·y' exgmjmmou to be made of _ 1C€8·_- · . · · · .- . . . 129, 807, 1319 harbor ____________ _ _______________ 953 R°bm¤?"*» YY"!./Edd S ·. Rockport and Aramas Pass Railway Cam ny, P€¤8‘°¤ ¤¤pr¢=¤¤¤d ····-·-- - ·····-·- ; ·-··-· 1523 may bridge Morris and Cummings gggu- Robmaqn, Lwulemmt Colonel W W, yr., ne] Tex _________________ _ ________ 588 deiicnency appropriation for credit in ac- Rockpmg, ML, ` c°“¤Y·¤-- -··----··-------·-·------- 778 0 ro riation forim rovemeut of r__ Rvb¤1wz¤,Gy·· D., Rocggillg 0mm., P h“b° 631 R PQ¤¤¤0¤3¤€r¢¤86d -..----- 1559 appropriation for public building _,,_,,____ 1380 vbwn, ac uiriu site for public build' - pqnsion 1688 q therizgd ____ ___________ 689 Robwm, Jglm S., Rockwell, Emma E. (widow), peusnou mc;-eased ..,...,...,, 1761 pension ____ _ ___________________________ 1856 Robson, William L., Rockwell, John E., pension increased . ... 1939 pension increased ______________________ 2079 Roby, George, Rockwell, Thomas J., p€DS10ll increaséd ... . 1890 pension increased ...,... . ,,,,,,_,_,__ 1508 Rochelle, Ill., Rocky Mount, N. C'., construction of public building authorized appropriation for public building ,, 1380 at 681 acquiring site and erecting public building Rojhelk Salts, . 12 R ag, Eythorizfd . 687 uty on .. ocoa, an xzract 0 , Rochester, N. H., on free list ... 72 construction of public building authorized Rudd, Timothy, at 682 pension increased ..,,..,.,. , _ 1900 Rochester, N. YZ, Rode, Hmry C., terms of court at ... . .. H20 pension increased .. . .,.,.,.,, 1916 Rochester, Pa., _ Rodelaheimer, Lena (widow), appropriation for public budding .. 1380 pension . ,.. . ... 1986 acquiring site for public building at, Rodmbeclc, William H., authorized . . ... 691 pension increased 2028 Rochester, Samuel, Roderick, John P., pension increased . ... 1620 pension increased ... . 2114 Rochester, Major Wuliam B., _ Rodgers, Ezra, deficiency appropriation for credit nn ac- pension increased . . .. 1691 vounigg _______,__,.. . .. . . . . 1300 Rodgers, Jqnwg A., Rock Asphalt, l,imest¢me, pension mcrcased 1612 duty on ,,.,., _ ._,_,,,,,... . 18 Rodgers, J., Rock Creek Bridge, D, f'., _ I pension mcyeased 1665 appropriation for gtrengtheumg, GDC., Bt Rodgerg, Wrzllmm F., Calvert Bmw; ,,_.,. . .. 387 peuswn increased 1556 Rock Creek, D. C., _ R0d·’, appropriation for constructing bridge ¤·C¥0SS, duty ?¤, 00PP€1' ··-·----—---·---------·-. 30 em., at Q Street . .. 979 } fishing . .-.·-..-..·--·--.. 28 Rock gmk pmk, p_ (3;, l imp gr steel, cold rolled, etc ... 25 appropriation for Care and lmpmveméut. 392, 983 11.%].11, IIOII O1' steel . . . 24 Rock Crygfaly _ _ mgzkel 31 dut Ouarticleg()f,DOtgpQc12.1lypIOV1d€d fO1' WIYGK UGH OI' Bt€€l· · -.-.--·· · . . . . . . . . . . Rock Zgzmz Arsenal, 111., Roe of Fwh, appropriation for nil-stomgé tanks . · - - 720 duty 0D· · -·----··--··- · --·-~·-------·-- 37 88741°—vo1. 36, rr 2-l1—-124