Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1864

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INDEX. 3205 Secretary of Commerce and Lab0r——Continued. Page- Secretary of the Interio1·—Continued Pageto allow salaries to additional clerks for may grant railroads lands for reservoirs Hawmlization purposes in offices of etc. on trust allotments to Indiansl clelks Of courts ·-—-------------- - - - 830 payinents to allottees _______,_, ’ 349 to approve plans, etc., for memorial of dis- may issue certificates of competency to covery of Lake Champlain . . 924 Indians for removing alienation reto convey Alter Read (*,0 Detroit, Mich_, as stgrictions __________________________ 856 a public highway .. 235 may lease for ten years building for Civil to lay water main and electric cables across Service Commission, etc ______,_____ 795 Galveston Channel, Tex . 372 may lease water to Masonic Lodge Hot to make regulations for radiycommunica- Springs, Ark ____,,____,______ 7 _ 90 6 tion on ocea.n-going steamships .. 630 may reappraise and sell unsold lots in to make requisitions to pay for additional _ town sites on reclamation pro`ects.. 465 clerical services in naturalization may sell Cheyenne and Arapahoe lndian cases-, . 830 agency and school lands, ctc., E1 appropriation for; regulations, etc .. 830 Reno, Okla., for Masonic orphanage. 190 to prescribe lights, iishways, etc., on dams may sell lands, etc., no longer needed for across navigable waters .. 594 irrigation projects _________ _ ________ 395 to transfer light-house tender "Wistaria” may withdraw notices issued of charges, to Public Health and Marine-Hos- etc., under Reclamation Act ... 902 pital Service ... 912 authorized to modify contracts, etc ..,,.. 902 Secretary ofbltate. , member of board on office building for appropriation for, Assistants, clerks, etc. 483, 1-186 bureaus, etc., in Washington ‘. . . 699 salarv increased . 1186 reclamation projects not authorized until for replica of von Steuben statue to be recommended by ...,,,,,... 836 presented to German Emperor .. 886 requirement for statement of payments in deficiency appropriation for salary 1290 Indian Service to November 1, remay purchase sites, erect buildin , etc., pealed ... 861 for embassies, legations, angsconsu- statements of employees at Indian lates ., 917 schools, etc., repea ed .. 861 member of board on new building for De- to allot lands to children of enrolled Yakipartment .. . 698 mas . . .. 349 replica of statue of Gen. von Steuben au- to approve location, etc., of right of way, thorized for presentation to Germany Comanche Indian school lands, under direction of Joint Committee `Oklahpma . _ 588 on the Library; and ,,,..,,.., 605 Siletz Indian Reservation, Oreg 582 to ascertain losses y citizens in Samoan to approve plans, etc., of dam across Colo- Islands 1899 __________________,_,_ 592 rado River at mouth of Pyramid to invite Association of Navigation Con- Canyon, Ariz · _ .-.- . . 909 gresses to meet in United States . . 667 protection of rights ot Indians, etc .. 909 to negotiate with Great Britain for improv- ‘ to c0ntrol,etc.,Glacier l\ationalPark,Mont- 354 ing Saint Cl-Oi; River, Me _________ _ , , 631 to convey lands on Red Lake Indian Resto select, etc., employees for far eastern ervation, Minn., to Minnesota and division in Department 119 _ Manitoba Railroad Company . _. . 292 Secretary of the Intembr, to direct expenditures attending admisaptpropriation for, Assistants 511, 1213 sion of State of Arizona. . ._ .. 578 or assistant to, attorneys, clerks, etc. 511, 1213 admission of btate of l\ew lllexico .,..r.. 568 deficiency appro riation for condemna— to dispose of reserved lands on Siletz Intionxof landpfor Meridan Hill Park, 1310 t d_ d1anfRese§v;1t13n,(:;eg.t 367 D_ _________________ _ _________,_ o is seo una 0 e an me/c., or erchief clerk may be desi rnated to sign otli— _ piihold Indian Reservation, N V; Dak.. 455 cia] papers, Bmw EH _________________ 1213 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, b. Dak. 440 adjustment and completion of railroad land Rosebud Indian Reservation, S. Qak . . . 448 grants by _____ , ,________,,__ _ ______ 834 toeychangelandsin Ka,nsas'NationalI•(irest. 960 authorized, to request transfers from the to investigate, etc., portion of southern Treasury for reclamation projects. .- 835 boundary line o Alabama ... Z . . . 844 maximum amount, $20,000,000 . 835 to make annual statements of all witheontracts with Choctaws and Chickasaws dravvals for power sites, etc . . 848 for administering tribal affairs, au- to pay delinquent taxes on Omaha allotthorizecl subject to approval of . 1070 ments in Nebraska from tribal limit on. for legal services; approval of funds, etc .. . ... ;.. 348 President required _________ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ , 1070 drainage assessment on Omaha vlndmn directed to open roadway through United _ lands, Richardson County, Nehru . 369 States reservation for extension of heirs of 'Ilay-cum-e·ge-shig from Chippe- Fourth Street D» C ----·-- - ---- 243 wa_t¤l>¤l funds ---·---- _ -·---· ·_ -»»·-- 330 duties, sale of lands to Seattle, Wash., to percap1ta,Sac Fox Indians,R1chardprotect water supply 959 _ son County, l\ebr ... . Z . 308 irrigation units of acreaggz and water drainage assessment, amount increased- 368 charges to by fixéed y, before en· 836 to provgargelqigigfisieimployms, etc., for Bu- 370 tr1es,etc.,a 0We ..-----·-~--· ····· : ····*· : ···· . may convey to Wyoming public lands for to reserve lands for Indians relinquishing those to be mliuquis 9d_ __________ _ 295 allottments on reservoir, etc., sites, ma grant lands to Cheyenne, Wyo 29l Flatheed R·€$€“’%¤°¤» MOD'? ~··--—· - 297 gawlins, Wyo ___,, ,,i ,,,,,_ _ __,,.. . 325 condemnation authorized ,,_______,_ 297