Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1884

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INDEX. 3225 Spurs and Stills, Page- Stamped E1welopeo—Coutinued. P¤S€- 0n free lnst, for manufacture of earthen- appropriation for manufacture- ... 364, 1337 ware, etc .. 79 use prohibited for printing address, Sqgéqrg 353, ])_ ("_, gf,g_’ 0u__ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ ________ _ _ 364 utle of United States released to occupalts existing contracts not affected 365 of lor 20 ········--·-----·-.. . .- 2024 for distribution . ... 365, 1337 Squqre 300, D. C., deficiency appro riation for manufacture., 802 nnlroad switch authorized into square 328 Stamps Divakabn, Igat Office De rtment, from ---·--··-- · ·------·--.··..-.-- 238 appropriation for superintendgnt, etc. . 520, 1222 Square 328, D. C., Stamps, Foreign Postage or Revenue, railroad switch authorized from square 300 0¤ h`€9l18l9 -·--·. . .--... 79 into ... 238 Swmgv. Inmwl Rwmw. _ undergéuud ccgnduitd to Potomac River to 8 P}'0V1d¢ddfo§' 11¢V;w1;N·1¤8¤ of WX 011 H0 m, aut. orize ... 238 018915 an Clgafé ------·····-·-· Square 534, D. C., Stamps Ifostoge, appropriation for condemnation of land for apprdpnatxpn for manufacture, etc . 364, 1337 interior Parkin . 981 Stanard, Dgwul, Square 678, D, ,, peneion increased _,,,,,,,.,,_,__,,,,,,,,, 2007 porxiou for widening First Street east trans- Stanchj} lllerton, ferred w Commissioners . 383 penmon mcrcased ... ... 1493 Srackangast, David Standards Bureau Department of ommzrce pension increased ... . 2074 and {AUG;. _ _ St. John, Lorenzo S., approprumon for Duector, assmtants, pension increased 2099 etc ------ I; - li- -_ ---- --·----- _527» 1230 Btadrhouu, George H., officer to emgna as actmg deficiency ¤vp¤>pri¤¢i¤¤ fw -----· : ··.. 792 Duecwr ------- _ ---·-------·------- 1231 Stackhousc, Kem G. (daughm), for appqratus, machmery, etc 528, 1231 pgngion ____,_,,,,,,,,_,_,,,,,,,,_________ 1966 for coutmgent expenpes _ ..., 5 28, 1231 Sw] C l A member, International Commntee on °l°’°’· "””’· · *11 dM 528 1231 sppropnzmon for instruction expenses. 244, 1037 Welg ¤¤ an %=}8¤1'¢¤ --·--- _ --·- , leaves of absence to instructors 244 delegates}, International Commmttee on ord l 1 Electncal Umts . . . 528, 1232

 HE I ¤(E d )’ - _ · · . · · - · · - 1668 go; (Eg;-g oflgygpndga etc ____ . _____ E ____ 5 $8, 1232

8¤·f··*e*· ¤~v I--- °' "l“°$‘*‘“l““m£l$L‘°%K° §u§§**` ° 8,5;-';:1°"Jl,'§;'°@”d ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ lm g;;? ___,,.._,,,.,., I , iugés, 1232 v¤¤¤*6¤*¤¤··€¤d ··—~-·- - ---·-···-··----- Im ¥3£}E¤?§§‘?’.§Q'2‘$é'Z??a‘2{.?¤},.‘l‘i,?.°°'.-“”.-.Z-Y‘?5’}$3€ S¢“I°"4¤ kl} ”’°“¤ for expenses, determination of physical P°'m°¤ mc ·----·· · ·--·-·--·-·--·-· 1628 constants ________________ _ ________ 1232 Smiwqv "* D·» for construction of laboratory ., 1232 pension lncrwsed ‘‘° ‘ ‘'‘‘°‘*‘‘*‘··•‘‘"‘ 1691 deficiency appropriation for machine for _ SMH- Paved Go testing physical constants . 216 P?¤¤°¤ 1¤°¤’¢=*¤°d ----·······-··---------· 1834 _ for {might truck ______________________ 216 Sung": ]“P°b *’·· 1 1660 for eq‘1;1pment.--i..-:.B£é...d . 224 pensmn m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ for in rmgtjou 0 wing $11 measures Swim, _ ed · md ... . .. 801 Stdntybou, no; specially provided for 15 for fggl _ E _ _ _ _ _} 1313 lm', _€°"9¢ -y troy un to e stan ar 0 e m 0 pensnon increased .·-··---·----- · ---·· 1962 tg; U ized state ..., 1354 S¢¤l”i"§» L<?’* L·» 2050 weights cgrrespondixig to standgud troy p9¤S10l1 1DCf€8B0d -.-·-· · ········-- · - - - · - · pound 0 , rgquued at mmts and SIG", ]08€ph, assay gEceg _____. , . ,,,.., . .,.. 1354 pension increased ·----·---------···-- · — · - 1631 Sumdefer, Imul S., Sltlllilfvi, Jplm, 638 pgmigg increased .,... . .. 1817 S P°‘}“‘;1¤;_“°'°““°d -·················· · ·‘‘‘ 1 Standing Rock grim Reservation M pak. tam or mm., nd S, ,, ¤vyr<>r;ri¤¢i<>¤ for i;¤1>r¤v¢*¤¤¤¢ 0* h¤l>°*-- 633 appropiiation sor benefit or xnaim Ou, or public bmlding , _ - _- -- 1382 mm mm funds ... 284,1072 acquiring site and erecting Public bm]d‘ time extended io; paging installments for ing at, authorized ..···----· - ----·· 684 [aud; on opene portion of . 266 $m»,,£[0r4_ 7*,%, _ _ _ forfeiture on failure ..·-··--··----·-·-·~· 266 app,-,,pyjm;jUn for public l!1.11ldll1g... ... - 1382 eommutatxon allowed .~·--.-..- 266 wcquiring site for public blllldlllg at, fees, etc., required; 1sB\1e of patents . 266 gugh0yizgd_ ,,,,,.,.,.. . .. . . 692 disposal of unsold lands .·.. _ .·-------- 266 Smmm, [[qnry_ 2040 eettlemeng. xlflclgims of lxcensed traders 1068 ' eased . . · · ms u mus 0 . S¢§;n[;u;"d;;?rInwmal Revenue, u¤ullo% lands on, opened to homestead time extended for presenung elairrgs for 0¤“'Y_ --·—· y --···· g ················ 2500 ill ally collected, on forexgn bxlls of gmnjilq, Smrlm, alms Sterlm Stanfield, exiglange ...·...- . .-.--- --- · 1%,779,1291 Stpe9,l;0n_N_ { ____ I _ Bi ,61% _____________ 1543 , ams us a wm or . Slzmygzl gggiggpegor freight or expressage appropriation for rpaintenance, egc., of- 429, 1251 p p0¤_ _______ _ ____ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ 362, 1335 proclamation bgundgngg of ____ 2753