Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1893

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3234 INDEX. Sundry Civil Expenses Appr0pr·£ati0m—Con. P¤g€· 1 Superintendents of Irrvygtion, Paseunder Demcut of Agriculture, for paper- e emplo;im;pt authontqed fog systems on 1059 ’ tests ______ __ ______________, 753 _ n xanresarva 10ns`e . under mgcpartment of Commerce and Superior lfay, Lake _ Labor, for Lighthouse Service. . . 753, 1430 appgopnamon {01; hg ting channels in . 754 · Coast and Geodetuc Survey .. 755, 1432 Superwr Entyy, Wm., _ Bureau of Fisheries _____________ _ ____ 758, 1435 appmpqauou for hghting breakwaters and migcellgnequs, Alaska Seal Fisheries 'Z63 I _ _ piers . . . . ._ -. _ ..-.·.- 1431 lmgjmgmjgmn expenses ___,____...,. 763, 1441 ]1gh1;111g of jbrcakwater and p1€1'S, d1I9Cf»€d - 1080 ghippxpg qcmmmsioucrs ... _ 7 65 Superwr Jjfatyonal Forezst, Mmn., mvcsmgating structural matemls . 765 appgopmtgon for mmnucnance, ctc., of. 429, 1251 under Department of State, for North At- Superwr, Wu., _ lantic fisheries arbitration .. 765 approprmtion for unprovcmeut of harbor- . 657 bmmdary waters commimion, Canadian- 766 terms of court at Z . 1130 Canadian Fisheries Commission- . .. 1364 Supervising Architect, Treasngry Department, under legislative brunch, for statement of I appropriation for, execuuvc officer, supe1·· ap_¥ropriations ..---.. . . . . 766, 1443 intgrgdents, ctc . 3 ._ .. 4§7, 1189 Navy mrbwk, etc ...---,-.. . 766 for addmonal pay to Supervming Arch1- Botanic Garden .-... 766, 1443 vect -... . . _ . _ 708, 1386 House Office Building .---.-.--. . 766, 1443 for skilled employees on public build- Senate Office Building - - -... 1443 ings, etc ..--.-...-. 709, 1386

Eppamtus, Capitol and 3 deficiency appropriation for repairs, ctc., 12

0 ce mgs .--.. . ... 144 rooms or .-. . .. 1

1 in subways to offnce 1443 plans, etc., for buildéugs for Ggivgmmfgut

mgs ..-.-. . ... purposes may e prepam m 0 ce railroad siding to yiiawer §1ant .. 1443 of, at request of head oi department, reconstructing Ha of cuss of Repre- cbc.; reimbursement ..--.-.. 699 sentatives .. . .. 1444 Supervisor; of Census, Printing Investigation Commission: . 1444 appointment and duties. .--. . ...-... 4 paper inspector for Prmting Commuztee- 1444 compensation; allowances ..--.-.- 5 Alaskan investigation- -_ -.-.-...-. - -.--.. 1444 payment for services of deceased ----.----- 7 _ for Government Printing Odicc, for Supervwora of Surveys, Publu: Lands, qalaries ...--.-.. 766, 1444 appointmcutauthorizcd;c0mpensa.tion,et1c. 1416 public printing and binding -...- 767, 1445 Supplies Division, Postal Scrmke, superintendent of documents --... - - - 770, 1448 appropriation for superintendent, assistant, for Isthmian Cgnal -.. _ . 771, 1449 clerks, etc ...,.-... , .., 521, 1223 no bond required of Panama Railroad for for rent .--.--.,------.,,,-,...,, 356, 1328 Contracts, ctc . . 1452 Supplies for Executive Department; etc., statement of sales of public property, etc., to be advertised and contracted for by Secrm www mm m' 0** m:°*"n°‘*h° 22} -...-... _ .. gen su y comma cmu ; u _ repeal of permanent indefinite appropna- pmparatiogp of schedules, opening bids, tions fog shipping commissioners, etc.; articles included .-.-.-..--.-- 531 etc.; estimates  : . . . ._ .-. _. _ 773 bond of contractor to include all depart- {01- gntzahgbmt-Impecuou Servxce; osu- T3 p0n¤; ... _ i ggl ·.---..··. v re 0 urc uses comrm the ---.,,,,,, 1 custodxi of public property at Executive dgsbureiugoffipers ineligible forecommitbec. 531 ansxorr inventory, etc .-- 773 duvet purchases restricted _______________ 531 all suxps for salaries to be in full for serv- telephone, electric, and power service by 8 ;;=¤¤.i; .. . .. 774, 1453 Q l_ c0ptm%a..i/;. . ia _,_______,__ 531 u eau Lupp us or orezgn ar ease , abandoned néemumdise from, in American my be purchased free <>f mx, f}<>m bonded, waters may be brought in free of duty 88 and bonded mumxfacturing, ware- Bunn _ cum- -...·.. 88 dut3* 011, cables and cordggg __________,,,__ 49 SVPPZW, Navgz _ _ on me hat, bindiugtwin€;reta1iat0ry duty_ 73 repoyt of all 1ds submitted, etc., abohshcd. 591 not or_ma.nufactuxcd, not spe- Supplwsv °?ml S""”?c€» _ · S hadecmly provided for __________________ 76 ¤Pg;0lyu¤r::13;1l;3;c1ty dehvcry . 322,19333 una 0 . .. , duty Ou, ______ _ ______ _ ____________________ 71 for expenses of;{;ipping_ _ _. __,______ .366, 1339 sticks for _,_______________ _ _____________ 7] to be W1T·bd1‘§\W¤ ffqm the ma1ls precedmg on free lisa, sticks in me rough, cut {01- ____ 81 Supplie8W¢;}g};1r(;gS};‘;etr;80<2g . . . 362 Superintendent Capitol Building and Grounds ’ . TE" C ¤ (sec Capitol Building and Grounds, ?1Pg"?Pm*‘°¤ for--;--_ ---··-·--·---- · - - 750, 1427 Superintendent on Su <;e;i¢1;J$g*u?;>%0p51ation for- . . 215, 799, 812, 1312 Supvrinlvnde nhx of Pnivmw. D¤1¤¤¤m¢¤¢ Of Z;.pRr0priati0u for kim of witnesses . 405, 996 _ } dunes on boards of parole an peuitgmigyies _ 819 E · ·······-·-··~-·· mv % Superintendent of waging, Mmmm, and yar- rm- misccllsu00us,cxp;:111s2>0:;;;:::::;: 405, 000 l’€’·’».D· C-» . for salaries ..,_____,,,,_ _ _______ 529, 3233 apgmprmuon fqr, asswtants, etc . 337, 970 for printing and bind' for. .. 769 1447 f ¢¤*¤ www --··---·---.-·-·---..- 377 d¤5ci¤¤cy ¤ppr¤pri¤ti¤w;u§¤r miskellunwus ’ for purqhase of groceries, ew., for investi- ex .. 209 788 1299 pm .. . .. 970 m.¤...¤E§T‘§m 3::;;;:::;;;: i.. ’ m