Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1898

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INDEX. 3239 TMIT {M of 1897, _ Pm- Tow of 1909-continued. rage. termnnatnou of recnprocal commercial agree- country of origin to be marked on all for- _ ments uI{d€¥` -—·-··---·--·- - -·--···- S3 4 eign 311.10168 imported ,______________ 85 Tanf .»}c¢s, etc., (.v 07\» of, packages to have marked, etc., country of p¤j¤¤¤¤g of, crde ~.-.- - 2133 origin, and contents of .. 85 Tqnj Boa{d compliance required before delivery 85 at establmiwd by law, to make report on pumshment for fraudulent violationsu. 86 wool, etc-., December, 1911 . . . . 1363 prohibition against importing obscene Tavif Compilation, books, etc . . 86 prepamtnon of, directed, to include all pre- 2130 drugs, Ogtc., tg prevent conception or vmug 3w5_ __________,,,______,,,_ _ rtj ,,___,_,__.,.,__., 86 Tarif of IQOQ, _ lotta}; tiléigtz 3 aggertisements . . . . 86 appmpnatxon for expenses advaucing oom- detention of prohibited articles . 86 gxercnal, etc., 1m.erests as prov1di<é4 1 exception as to dnt? in bulk .. . 86 _ y . ,... , 186 punishment f r tc. l t' dciicnency appropriation for securing infor- by oHiciag..??. E . . .’. S6 mation to md in administering. . 119, 703, jurisdxction for seizure, etc., of prohib- 1363 imd articles .. . .,_,,,,,,,,, 86 customs duties levied on imports into importation of neat cattle and their hides _ jlfmted States and pomessmm .. 11 prohibited .,,,_.,..,,,,,,,,_____,_ 86 Phdnppkrégs, Guam, and Tutuila cx- 1 suspensiog byédprochamation if country _ cep . z. - 1 nots act wit contagious or infecdutmble list: Schedule A. Chemicals, 01ls, tious disease ,_.. 87 and paints 12 punishment for violations . 87 Schedule B. Earths, cartheuware, and articles manufactured by convict labor glassware . 17 _ prohibited importation .. 87 Schedule (`. Metals and manufactures of. 21 dmcriminating duty on imports in foreign Schedule D. Wood and manufactures of. 33 vessels . . _ .. 87 Scheggls E. gugar, molasses, and manu- 34 cxeuéptions under treatws or acts of tures o .. - . cngress ... 87 Sche<}u|e F. Tobacco and manufactures 34 retail tragle contigréous gountgiaes. 87 0 _,,,,_,,,,,__,__,.. . ,,,,,,,., no 1mports_ ow exce;g un or y Schedule G. Agricultural products and Il§ht8, 1mless’m United State; vespmviginng, ,___ , ,_,,,,,,,,,,.. 35 se s, pr those of countxjy of Oflglll 87 Schedule H. Spirits, wines, and other 39 not qpghcable to counmes having no 87 be nga; ___________,_,_______. _ , , snmxlar provmon Schcduylg I. Cotton manufactures . . . 41 machinery for repairs admitted free; bond, Schedule J'. Flax, gnemp, and jute, and 48 te pg.; reggggii 87 mg]; tures 0 _ _ ___,_______, , ,... 1112 H? 0I‘_ C 10 _ . V Schedule K. Wool and manufactures of- 52 gn formgu trade adninted, free .. 88 Schedule L. Silks and silk goods . 55 restnctnon gs to coastvyme trade ... 88 Schedule M. Pulp, papers, and books"- 60 vessels bu11t_ for foreggn account not Schedule N_ Sundries __,_,_,_____,,,.,_ 64 allowed 111 c0$StWlS9· trade ,__,__ z. 88 articles not enumerated, unmanufac- 71 article? fog repaig oftA151cr1can wggsselqéln taxed _______________ _ _____________ ormgn, ec. me may 0 wx - manufactured ___________________ _ ____ 71 drawn from {mnded warehouses free similar to enumerated .--· 71 of d¤¢Y ···-- _ ·-··-·-···-···-—-···—- 88 simikuw two or more ________________ 7] purchase of supphes from warehouses for womponenz or chief value" cou- 71 {<;[¤1§%0:1v¤é1‘dV§gi]€(§§£if)f:§ of duty or 88 Btmed .. - ...-----.-- - ·---- r ; ’ ‘°‘‘‘‘°‘‘ .‘ ‘ me Hm ______ _ _ __ __________ _ ____________ 7] free entry of goods from sunken vessels nn foregoing {0 constitute minimum tariff 82 Amerlcth Waters, abandoned two maximdm mm, arm March 31, 19lO, to _ sjws -·-·--- ; ··--- · ----—· . ----···--- 88 have additional wr cent levied. . 82 regulations of arjzxcles made m bonded minimum rates on p ucts of cuunttlps ITl3I1l1f8Ct]11'1Dg W&l‘8h0us0s .,,,.. 88 not paying export; bounttes, nor dm- | bonded smelfing warehouses . , . . 89 criminating against United States drawback yegu atmns. .: Z ,,_,,_ __ _ 90 pmducw _____ ‘ _____, . ...,. 82 applgcatmn to domestic glcohol m medncproclamation announcing, to be issued. 82 1118}, €¢€·» P1’9p¤-1’3¢10¤§ €Xp0l'l€d; - · 90 extmsion 01, limitation ______ _ ______ gg matgnals for vessels bu11t for fore1gu 90 - · · · · · [ gcgquutuz, ,,,, Z ... : ... . "“’°"§.“§Zi;‘f . TTY. f‘. .f‘}‘?‘€T‘T`T’T‘?€‘f’f‘f’. Y? 83 t duty 0.. dowtc ?m§m ,B,m,;0,t?1_B__ 90 “""'}.2`2‘Z,'§¤lLL¥€f;”}}T?‘i}T'T¥’T’T'f‘?‘.‘T‘.'???Y 83 { °"°°‘“¥m‘°mg“$3§s’1Z 33 ‘§§iKS°§?,h‘i§ Eileif ggmphyyq-pg [,4) xponrg in[0l’\’!l2¥·i0ll 8U[h0Y‘ 83 I Sainitag) '''''`` ized ... . . - ·_ ----- r ·-·- — · - . . A ‘* : ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ 91 (·u},;m H, .ip,,,,.;;y treat not lmpglred ____ 83 customs aglmmgstratxon prov1q10¤s ... notice otitermination ozlcnmmerqwl 8{H€€· , 9W“€"$h1P °f.““p°;z d°t°m‘m°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ mmm with foreign cqungngg under I mv01ce requ1r§me _ .: . _ , . 91 M ~f W ¤· *>¤giV·>¤ -~·---·---· 83 l °°‘”“‘“' “¥2 £""f§2E‘$§14éa‘4"4;¢1¤e‘ 92 ‘ ,· ’ · · ‘ - necessurv 0 m ‘ ’ · ` mde ,,:,hfS1§g(3g}i?§???. . 83 i d€;L¤£lQ;'};;‘}:§;q;°mP““Y ····· · ······ gg · · ‘ rts u on _ —, ·················*· V °°““‘°»?»$E}{1°§0&}1`iELiSh3?¥L £;'飰p3n..?-- 85l comm; permuted tg mym,,,,___ regulations for identification, em 85 appraxsal y customs 0 cer .. 88741°—vo1,. 36, yr. 2-11·—127