Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1905

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3246 INDEX. Tillotson, Laura I. (widow), P“g*’· Tifw, L0¢0”*·0t'iW» PM2; Pension __________________ _ ___________ ____ 1961 rlutyon. ... --·-·- Tolly, John WY, Tzrrell,_C. Q., late a Representative in cingress, 1317 nsion ___________________ _ _________ _ ____ 1764 deiieiency approprlation fo1‘ widow 0 -··- T“¥§’"*-B“j“”i"£" 1530 T‘§ZZ;££’”§‘;.‘L’Z:md use pension increas ..· - ---- · ········ · ······‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· T'l , H F., Tissue Paper, T1&) Oue?I?é _..,,,_,,,___,,,,,,..-.. T1%g17t,¥u(7;;1•"·'•‘°°""""""°°'°"`-°`° tdlgngnis inquiries of acreage of, on farms. - . 4, 227 duty on . ... 30 duty on, hewn, sided or squared, not sawcd. 33 Title Gymanty and Sarety Company, 1-Gund, for spare or wharves .. 33 deficiency appropriation fol' paymg, Silféty on free list, unmanufactured, not spe- on bon 0 deputy surveyor . . . 1308 eiall provided for . - . .. 81 Titles to Lands in District of Columbia, _ excepted {om prohibition against rail- appropriation for investigating United roads carrying products in which 5 . . ...·.. · ----·-- 749 ' terested . 47 Titsw , . owa , punishlrlrient for unlawfully cutting, etc., pension increased. 1 L .,... 2036 xs ptngbgcc lands, Indian trust allot- 857 Tmtswnglrglg Marion (widow), 2068 n , ,,,.,.,_,,,.. . . ...,,,,..__... Timber Depredatzbm, Public Lands, · Tigris, Damkzl, T‘ap m1;¤ation‘lf31;l;1:penses, preventing- 739, 1415 Tpensipn intireasgdn .. . .. s _ . . . 1787 , z us, ona an .,_yr., sales froin unallotted lands in pension . . . ; _... 2100 reser‘vationg;&roceeds . - . Tuwrville, Pa., f bl b my 1383 Minnesotaan isconsin, excep a propriation or pu ic u mg . . . . fromtrustallotments; proceeds . 857 Togiweo, _ _ _ _ _ _ Timberon Indakm Reservations, appropriation for mvestigahng improved appro riation for grwtection, etc., of . 271, 1060 methods of growing, etc . . . . . 422, 1242 Liianominee, is., excluded- .. 271, 1060 classification of, under Tariff Act . 35 Red Lake, Minn, excluded . ... 271, 1060 duéi on, cigars and cigarettes . ~35 Timber _ _ er  : . : 35 appmgracztion for investigating methods 1259 ;g y provided for .. $3 arms.-,Mn,`i;6jL;,ii7{, `'`'````````````'` scra ...`.`.`.`IZZ]ZIZZZZZZZZZZIZZXII.IZZZ as ` pension increased 1968 snug . 35 Time Detectors, wrapper .. 34 duty on movements, etc ... 31 on free ist, stems . 80 " Tinm, “Norwegahn Steamalrip, reimported to pay internal-revenue tax, deficiency appropriation for refund of fine if exported without., ... 73 Ti to master ... . . . . 1295 specialphplrovisionp I fog, 1mported from 84 mor, _ 1 pine s an s ... . . . Tlarticles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2543 T§>cal¢:?1a;·tdI‘§alr¢uj¢;fct1;r;.§6;b{, _ 34 n, u e , an 0 . . . . 0 free list, black oxide of .. 80 Tobacco, Domestic, _ nin bars blocks, , or in or gram- ackages re uired for snuff and che ' ntéd pigs gm so P ri iii k‘ ’ wing ms . . an s 0 ing .. ore; dutiable when native mines produce markinq rerguired ..., . _ 109 _ 1,500 tons a year ... 80 not app ica le to exports in bond ... 109 Tm Plates, sales of perique, etc., from one manugluty on .. 23 facturer to another or for export 109 Tense Wire, · _ combinations of materials éiermitted 109 duggop .. gg mtelrnayrevenlue tax _0n snu ...,_ lg ic es . - .. c ewing an smoking ..,,,,___,,,,__ 1 gfgérgggg ...··- - -----.-.------·- gg new bgggmquired for cigars; quantity 109 bulgiong of. . I :{ ... g pninislzmepltgori vmlationsii I j I I ; 3: 1% em roi erieso . . .. saesa re _,_,.__________________ 1 gll;11'i¢S of-f -·-.--- - ---- - -----·---- · ---·- g packagsli Icgénired of cigarettesg, quantity 109 oons 0 .. . . . ow ,____,_______ _ ______________ laces -···-·--------·- · --·------·---·-·- 30 and canceling stamps .,__... . , _ _ 110 ornaments .. . ... 30 _ imported cigarettes _,_____,____ _ ,_______ 110

!bb0¤¤ -·--·-------·-- - -----·-----··--· 333 1¤l3€l'l13·l-l‘8V€Du0 tax 011 cigars and cigar-

0 s. . Z .. . ettes .,,_____,___ _ _______ _ __________ 119 Timtliég/i,mE;ngs.(. - .) . 30 distingtion between cigars md eign;. 0 _, WW TL Olf, » 8 BS ... . .,,__. .. ..__ 11 P€¤¤i<>¤ ··--··- · -··--·····-—---··----···- ‘ · 1944 Stimps to be provided for new ratings of T*PP€";*» Edw¤’d» _ qlgilrs and cigarettes ... 110 PGLBIOD IDCTBRBQG 2004 1’Bstr1ct10u on pgck,gg€s’ wrappefs, ctc ____ _ 110 hmoggi, _ 1670 ]0$¢¢;’yb9&%ers, intgecent pictures, etc., 0 _ ----~—~ · -···~····-—-··-· or l en wi ..,_ _ __,,.___ 11 P300, will M-, _ penalty for _,,_,________ _ _______ _ ____ 110 Tmiggrenpy appropriation for . 1306 new provisions to take effect July 1, 1910. 110 an 00***% _ _ uustemmed natural leaf, not subject to tax. 110 ty OD, COIIOD, atc., Mid mdll mbbéf . . . 48 buy1¤g gud gelhng, yuhoux mx mowed- 110