Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1930

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INDEX. 3271 Welsh, _John H., d Page- West, R0be;·t 1;., page. p€I1810I11l]Cl‘€3.S€ , .,,___,_ ____ _ ______ 1732 ’ l------.- ·· wm, _J·»r·;· W. d wE2`ZT`§E?nL’§¥’»${“f€d ‘ ‘‘‘‘······ ml umn ncrease ,_______ _ _ _ _ 1885 · · mascd __________________ _ Wgghy Mary <w¢d»w>, w€§“€}3'§iL'2§ · ···· 1533 WP°¤Si°“ -····--··---—·-···------- - -------- 1756 assigned t0¥0l11’th judicial circuit. , 1131 elsh, Thqmas, statue of Francis H. Picrpont Wpension Increased _ ___,___ 1654 from _____________ _ _________ 2133 elsuqd, Thmnas, West Wrginia Northern Judicial Distriéi - - - · . JEBSIOII xncreased ,,_,,._,,,.,,,,...,, 1616 counties composing . . ... . ... ’ . 1 129 elty, yiarpn, terms of court - . 1129 Wpensmn mcrgaged ____,,_ , ,,..,,,___,,,,,_ 2018 Clarksburg ... . ... . . . 1014 gymha Nfytipnal Fgrggt, Wq3h_ and Orgg_ , Martiusbing ,,...,.___,, , ,, 1014 gpprgpnatmn for maintenance, etcq of 430, 1252 Parkersburg ... . . . . 1014 Iwpygclgmgtion mgdgfying bouudgyigg of ____ 2703 Phi1ippi_ ,... . . ... 1014 enaLchec_Nati¢ Forest, Wash., Wheeling . 1014 appropriation for {maintenance, ctc., of. 430, 1252 West Wrginia Southern J1l,d1)C'|:(1lDi:8t7"|:C[, proclamation dimmishing . 2710 counties composing ,,____ _ _______________ Ugg mmsfernug pmt of, m Chelzm _,,... 2710, 2717 terms of court 1129 Wermlchcc, Wash., “West Wryinid “U. S. S. appropriation for public building . 1384 appropnatiori for repairs, . 621 acqumng sue for public building at, an- payment to owners of gasoline launch colthorized ... 692 liding with barge or. .. 1872 Wmner, Jacob, Westchester Creek, N. Y., Wpension increased 1838 appropriation for improvement of - - 636, 936 entwqrth, Charles H., Westerly, R. L, f _ bl wld nsncn increased 1707 appropriation or pu ic b ing . . . . 1384 Wgnetworth, Eli C'., Western National Bank, York, Pa., • Wpension increased ... . 1621 deficiency a.pg_r0pris.tion for. ,. 778 entworth, Henry, Western Union elegraph Company, · pension increased ..., 2018 deficiency appropriation for reimbursement W"""’<"”‘» ”’,,,"ym{,· <""*’*"”’· for %°,;mg1;.z;,g;.;1;;tg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘ $33 ` Wgrezg-;10.?a:>l§, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M2 wwuaqi, Jawb E., '`'``````'`'``` Wpensgon increxed 1722 3¤ ·····-~-····---··-·~-··· 1530 lnathu . W§;,,,i,,,, mcféwd ________________________ 2062 ¤pp»q;§mu¤¤’m pgxblic 1»u11a1¤g._ _. .. um may, James, deiicmpcy a_ppropr1a.t.1on for public bmld- Wpcnsion increased 1931 uiv mm ······-·····-······---···-- 207 ¤·»~<·~M»·=~ -4-<~»-··~»>» 2,,18 "’"*i:z?;;, 1794 pension . ... - ---—···-·-·--·----···-—· m»A{-»»m», . . Wgizsayxzymmw artic es from, admitted at mmimum tanff. 2654 Wgmnmer Frank '`‘`‘`°`‘'`'`'‘°°°`‘ Wm Avigig; (sw C<>¤¤m¤¤w<¤=·i¢h of A¤¤· pension §,,cm,,gd ________________________ mg Wm, Charles, ’ Weston! Lydia E. (widow), us.i0nincr€aSed•.··---·.·_~-··-··-l".- ‘})€l1810I].., ...-,. 1464 Wx, Edwin B., · “*?’°”» :C°?‘"·· . Wpemion 1944 gppmpnguon for1mprovement0fharl»0r.. 633 est Galveston my czummz, Ta., Wetmore, Hvnvmble Gvqwc P•·¤*><><*y· _ _ appropriation gm- im I-Ovement of _— ____ 650, 944 made 9. rpegnbcr of Lmvuln Memorial (om- West, George, and Son FInc0rp0rated), ml88l0n. .. . .. 898 abatement of internal-revenue tax . . . _ 1817 Wetumpkq, 4in., _ msg India Colonies of Dgygmark, _ appmpnamm for rwer and harbor plant at . 644 articles from, admitted at minimum tarxff. 2515 ww, Nellie 1), (widow), Wm India Islands, _ { Wpensivn- . - 1 ---·----··--—--···---------- 1860 tonnage duty on vessels from ports ID . 111 < eygaqz, Besm (daughter), 1857 West Indies, etc., ““‘°“ ······‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ appropriation for weather service expensgig 1237 6nC;'gg;;·‘;s£gwd°’€» 1736 in-·-·--·-ll'.·--.·-·-··'·---· , { [X I .••..-·-··•·..-· M Fmwh, . . . a"“§”’"2;"’;i£‘£§'f.{?£’§Z;.,;’$2;.1e¤t0i . 632 Wart,i<·lcs from, admitted at mmnmum tanff. 2659 5 Weglymgh Fore Rim, Maw “t· 'I°”“Z’ B·· E m rimion for ixixproveineut of . 934 ”,;$;¤¤}ggn¤¤jr¤¤¤d -----·--·------·-··---·· 2018 i i,$§;,§°;m·y examination 0:, m be m¤de.-. 6:2 WJ)€;lSi()nin(y;eaS8d___ ____ _ _________ __ _,,,, 2000 U".-..·"-'--N.I---------.- m' {OMR C" I on free list of American Gsheries. . 77 Wpcnsmu increased .. . -.--~---· 1731 e ’ eat, John N ., W7·<¤l¢b<>M» f t .311 pension increaséd ________________ _ _______ 2093 ; duty gu, qmuuiactuxes o , no spew y West Point, Miss., _ P’:°V*d€d mmf ‘‘‘‘'‘’ l appropriation for public building. ._ -·--- - 1384 = on fm hstv lgjmau u ’°‘``' limit of cost increased, public building at.. 121 § Whalffg, Jqhn ·» 1476 West Paint, N. K (see Military Academy). E P€¤S10¤ mcmased -·············· · ········ 88741°—v0L 36, PT 2——11·~·129