Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1937

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3278 INDEX. Wtserrumn, Fredenblc J., Page- Wood—Continued. _ Page- Pgngio]1 increased ,.,..,,.,,,,,. . . 1733 duty 0n,dpoleS, ll€1€gl`9»Ph, etc -·----·· - · - · 33 Wissinger, Lewis S., l‘¤·ll1‘0¤ UBS --------·····--··-· - · ·----· 33 OHSIOD, increased ,,,,,,_,_ _ ____,_,,_,,_,. 1934 ropgh-hewn posts, etc ,,.,,,,... 33 " %’i8td7"l:G," Lighthouse Tender, _ — slimi-ples ..-.-- ; ------·--------—-----—-- - 33 transferred to Public Health and Marine- sim ar to bnar, unmanufactured, cut Hospital Service . .. 912 mtv blocks -------------··-——- · ·-·· 33 Wvlnvall, Charles, staves . . . . ._ . , . . . 33 Wpgusjon increased __________ _ ____________, 1987 unmpnufactured, not spec1ally prov1ded 33 itherit , or ..,,.. · .,_.., on fm; Hg; _____________________________ _ _ 80 veneers of, notspecially prov1ded for 33 Withers, Wtlliam A., on free 11st, cabinet, in the log, rougli or Wpeusjon iucywscd ________ _ _______________ 1543 pewn only, not specially prov1ded 81 dh , W`ll' S., or Wpiiirslion fxggiiezibsed . _. . - 2049 pork, unrpsanufactnred . . _ ‘¢ la R' , ., ence pos ..»..

ippr‘i10]i)r?iationz1i<ti; improvement of ... - - - 646 firewood, not specially provided for . 81

reliminary examination of, to be made... 670 gun blocks, rough hewn, etc., not spe- Wilnesses, United States£'0w·ts, . cially provided for . 2 81 a ropriation for fees ...,,, _ ,,,,,.,.,. 750, 1426 handle bolts, not spec1ally provided for, 81 dggciency appro riation for fees. . 224, 1311, 1325 hop pales, not specially provided for 81 exclusion of evidence bg, in criminal pro- kmd g . , .. - . ._ ~ 76 ceedings against them, repea1ed-..: . 352 logs, not specially provided for. .- .. 81 not excluded on account of co or, etc., in pitch . . 80 www GourtBof Claims ... . . 1143 33 zplelmiiglly provided for . néion increzised . ... - 1577 round unmanufactured timber, not spe- ` Wiide, Augustus, _ cially provided for .. 81 Wpensiora r 1748 swgle blpgis, 11:1)l2Bilp9C13»lly provided for. 81 olbm i mm R. s 'p tim an ip planking, not spe- Wpension increased; . .. 1648 _ ciallytprovided for .. 81 oloott, Jacob H., sticks in e rough, cut for umbrellas, Wpgnsjpn ipcreased ... . 1561 canes, etc .. . ...,... 81 o , me · tar ...,..,,..,.,,_,...,.,,_, 80 Wdgnciencv appropriation for services .. 804 Wood, Ahimaaz E., ' 0 , `0·n, nsion increased 1745 nsion increased ... . 1638 W£eod, Alden S. WEE', George, pension increased .., . _.,,,,__ 1992 Wpension increased 1496 Wood, Ancil B., 0lfRiver, Miss., _ Wpension increased ...,..,.,,.,,,,,_,_,__,, 1968 appropnatnon for improvement of . . . . 647 ood and Mamf{acturea of, · Wo JE, cmes, Schedule D, ariff of 1909 ,.,_,,_, _ ______, 33 wpension increased . . .. 1593 Wood Ashes, · Olfmm Méwl, on free list, and ashes of . . ..,,,._. 73 duty on .. 30 Wood, Benjamin F_, Wolyamvt, Joseph, pension increased ... . ,,.. 1730 Wpension increased 1987 Wood, ghmks MW °lt”"?“”'z J°h"'· pension increased . . 1962 Wpension increased 2042 Wood David W ``'````` , `'`'``` olverton,_C’harles E., misiou incr " 1 2036 nsion increased . . .. 1850 P . . . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ·····‘······ Wggtm Wood Dzstyllqhon, admittgd to_ practice before the Supreme aPP'°P§au°¤ for investlgating methoigo 1252 ourt . . 1160 ·-···—·····--·---··· · ··-·~·~-- Wcrmm’s Dress Goods, Wood, H*?T9¢"'¢ Fs ’ duty on, woolen, cotton, etc., warp ... 54 PBHSIOH Increased .,. - ..,.,,,. 1773 W not specially provided for . . 54 Wood, James E., omem’s Relie Corps, p€DS10I1 Increased _,,,,_ , ____________ _ _ _ 1772 gift of landf adjoining Andersonville Na- , WOOJ, _JG'mp·S H., tional Cemetery, Ga., accepted from, 230 f pi-11151011 Increased ...,..,_,___ _ ___________ 2033 Womerrley, Mary F. (widow), { Wood, _John, Wgjéision . . 1980 g WPEZRSIE;1 lI1(2]I`€3S€d . , ,,,__. 2014 1 l 0 , . ld 1 , duty on, blinds, screens, etc . 34 pengiogyg/Hc;c§gL;d?T% _________‘_ _ ________ 1705 b ocks, heading, etc 33 , Wood, Orlando, bolts, heading and Sta V9 --·-·-·---—·~--— 33 ‘ pension increased .,,__,_ _ ________________ 1643 €?~8k$, 602 ».-.- . -·---·-· 33 A Wood Pulp, clagsbosrds - 33 E duty ¤¤_c1mm1c91 ______________ _ __________ 61 gulls fm' wheels --·-—··----·—···-—·-——· - 33 · additional from country imposing ext ········ f ········-· . ···-···· ; ; · ·· 33 Q duty, etc . . .,..,.,.,,. 61 maui ctures 0 , not specially prow 1ded I mee Icajly ground, from cmmtry im_ · palinor ‘‘‘ * ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘‘‘‘·'·· · 34 POB1I1g QXPOIZ duty, etc _,__,_,___,, 60

 ············ · ··-·········~·   I wylntervailing dutydon, from country

· ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘’‘‘·· ‘ ‘‘·‘·•··· lmpwlllg export uty on prinf Pmkm -·-··—~·—-···---· · ·-··—·-·-·—-·· 33 paper, etc ..., , ,.,.., 61