Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/455

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1900 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 30. 1911. A the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that lie is now ‘ _ receiving. _ _ · w““"" B· w"· The na%1el of B. Way, latte of Ejolrppany I}, Futsttgiegixzmenié ` ouri 0 unteer eers, an pay _ a pension a e ra e 0 thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ °°°’¥°w·°"“’“’Y· The 61im% 01GeorgeCW. algranburgr, late lpf Company I, Foglrth Regii ment bio 0 unteer av y, an pay im a pension at e rate 0 twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.

c,°_mm_ Thel nam? tif E1g1.madCNCrt;>1ss]g11an, md? of Greexnleiaf W.  -

man ate 0 ent an in atteries isconsin 0 unteer t . Artillliry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per mon . ` "}f}“,°,§; R The nam]; of H. I&I}uif?ran, lat: of Ccflngpany D, Fifteenllih mm. egiment ansas 0 unteer av y an pay a pension at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per morith in lieu.0f that he is now receiving. B°""“‘“""H°'¤“‘ The name of Benjamin F. Heskitt, late of Com any H, Thirty- third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pa a pension at the rate of thI1'i}%l0l.l8.I'S per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. W¤<* B- S**°*‘¤*¤*· N_Thli name of t Iard Shermané laljlzgrst lileutenalnt and adjutant mt Regimen owa‘ o unteer av , an ay im a at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in hlzau of that pliieiliiioiiow · receiving. , -'°**** P- *·**’°‘Y· T The nam`? tif John Igy, late of (gpgipany I, Tenth Regiment . ennessee ounteer av `,an pay a nsion tth t f twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that hgeis nowarecegriliil I 0 ’*'**<>·¤·¤¥·¥·****¤ Thelnéapie ofV'I{homas Little, laite of gtgnpany F, Third Regiment n `ana 0 unteer av , an pay ` t th t of thirty-six dollars per montlllihiii lieu of that heaislfildsvirorliatileiviriiglia 6 '*`*¤¤<>¤=¥**·<*•***~ RThe name <&fCTimothy Igtodrdillltate of COIIIEBJIY C, Seventy-sixth egiment, an om any _, y-seventh egiment, Illin V 1- unteer Ipflantry, 8.11;l;K8%7 a pension at the rate of thirtyoldlelleiis per mon in neu o a e IS now receiving.

  • 0**** °<¤>***‘**~ The game if {oh? Coompsé late of Cgmpang H, Eleventh Regment entuc 0 unteer ii ant , an a im t t

rate of thirty dlollars pir month inrlieu of tlialt he is iiopvsliicgdivling. B ~'¢·**¤ K¢¤¤¤*Y· The name of John 'ennealy, late of Company E, Sixth Regiment · \;'olun(;e§r Infantry, piay hinghat pension at the rate of weny-our oars rmonnm euo a " .

  • ·¤¤¤*¢v “’¤¤>¤· _The name of Lindley Watson, late of Sixth Bgtlixiyoghigcgldlggteer

gg§;t;SAp1;t;HI;¤li(‘¥;;tla;ni;l Egg Olprliimzi pension at the rate of twenty-four e IS now recei , JM B¤**·=¤· Tl;eTname of gesise Bollg, late of Ciompany ll?gl‘liirteenth Regimen ennessee ’o unteer av ,an l' ~' of twenty-four dollars r monilhrirn lieu iiillrhitltiling iscnlgiirm at mg mm li? _ receiving. <*-w¤¤¤¤¤di<=·>*¢· RThe nanH>H;1>f_Carsv{e Enclirciptt, late of Complany C, Ninety-iirst egxment ons 0 unteer ant , d ' rate of twenty-four dollars rmontlliyinzlieu gpghatlhl I pension mathe 1}*9 e is now receiving. ·¥¤<=<>•> B¤**¤a The name of Jacob Bo es, late of Company D, Nineteenth Regiinlgnt, and Coimpanymli, Scventy-seco¤cl Regiment, Illinois Volunteer m.?.1‘i€’¥.; iii. .}E‘1~l'.a it ?. £2'..‘?’?.§‘ "”·""’ ’“"" °* ““"*' ‘*°“**S W - _ _ 08lV1Dg. “““*“** “’· H°**“*· m;`ll;eT1;;;i11e of Y§;l};n1;;i€;V3}{ea§h&linIt¤E oi; Compgny I, Fourth Regis _ oun e an , a hi ‘ at the rate of twenty-four dollars per montlhyin llieupgir theii liepgniioirii receiving. W‘***¤¤= *>·* I *¤· Th f Willi D. V · ‘ ‘ " °wR{’;‘.12 H3 °:$$&2“.‘§°'i¥, %Z"»1’°§Eg}§..‘;€.‘£ m aes IC ,_an_ pay ma ns' tth, - four dollars per mollllllr lll lléll of that hizxis Ilgliiviecefvigg? of twenty