Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/884

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CONVENTION——SUBMARINE MINES. Ocmomsa 18, 1907. 2333 CHILI; LE PRESIDENT DE of the Dominican Republic; the LA REPUBLIQUE DE CO- President of the Republic of LOMBIE; LE GOUVERNEUR Ecuador; His Majest the King PROVISOIRE DE LA REPU- of Spain; the Presidlgnt of the BLIQUE DE CUBA; SA MA- French Republic; His Majesty JESTE LE ROI DE DANE- the King olp the United Kin dom MARK ; LE PRESIDENT DE of Great Britain and Irelang and LA REPUBLIQUE DONHN I- of the British Dominions beyond CAINE; LE PRESIDENT DE the Seas, Em eror of India; His LA REPUBLIQUE DE Majesty the Kin of the Hellenes ; UEQUATEUR; LE PRESI- the President ofg the Republic of DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE Guatemala; the President of the FRANSAISE; SA MAJESTE Republic of Haiti; His Majesty LE R I DU ROYAUME—UNI the King of Italy; His Majesty DE GRANDE BRETAGNE ET the Emperor of Japan; His Royal D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- Highness the Grand Duke of Lux- TOIRES BRITANNI(%)UES AU em urg, Duke of Nassau; the DELA DES MERS,EM EREUR President of the United States of DES INDES; SA MAJESTE LE Mexico; His Majesty the Kin of ROI DES HELLENES; LE Norway; the President of the Ite- PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- public of Panama; the President BLI(%UE DE GUATEMALA; of the Replublic of Par uay; Her LE RESIDENT DE LA RE- Majesty the Queen ofllie Nether- PUBLIQUE D’HAITI; SA MA- lands; the President of the Re- JESTE LE ROI D'ITALIE; SA public of Peru; His Imperial Maj- MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR DU esty the Shah of Persia; His Maj- JAPON; SON ALTESSE RO- esty the King of Roumania; the YALE LE GRAND-DUC DE President of the Republic of Sal- LUXEMBOURG, DUC DE NAS- vador; His Majesty the King of SAU; LE PRESIDENT DES Servia; His Majesty the King of ETATS-UNIS MEXICAINS; SA Siam; the Swiss Federal Council; MAJESTE LE ROI DE NOR- His Majesty the Emperor of the VEGE· LE PRESIDENT DE Ottomans; the President of the LA REPUBLIQUE DE PANA- Oriental Republic of Uru uay; MA; LE PRESIDENT DE LA the President of the United Sitates REPUBLIQUE DU PARA- of Venezuela: GUAY; SA MAJESTE LA REINE DES PAYS-BAS; LE PRESIDENT DE' LA REPU- BLIQUE DU PEROU; SA MA- JESTE IMPERIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE ROUMA- NIE; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU SALVA- DOR; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SIAM; LE CON- SEIL FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DES OTTOMANS; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ORIEN- TALE DE UURUGUAY; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- UNIS DE VENEZUELA: S’inspirant du principe de la Inspired by the principle of the m*;,‘f'°°°° °' °°'“'°“‘ liberté des voies maritimes, ou- freedom of sea routes, the com- ‘ vertes a toutes les nations; mon highway of all nations; Considérant que, si dans l’état Seeing that, although the existactuel des choses, on ne peut ing position of ailairs makes it