Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1088

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INDEX. xxxix

 Employees, _ Pun- Conasruolion of Public Lands-—Continued. Phnesdfm·Augu¤t,1l;`11,tobopudonday 44 creation   497

adjoummsm ... an o ... in Dzioembcr, 1911, to be paid December 627 encept by act of Congres: ... 497

Conspvoowx, etc., i Ruuu-mt' bade,

for 191-2, to be paid on day ot ad- M4 applicatggnl of alltitrust lng to imported 667 )¤¤!¤m¤¤ . ... c e .. i¤¤Deoer:1gpr,1912,1;·obopaiddayotre- mm liabliitgrfofprinclpal q&a1%en&..b.,£é& 667 ces ournmen ... enzure roperty vn e m Congreuional) (ue library ol Con- C hglnterstate transit .. 667 STK . no , Congreasnoyug Regd, H of nforsteg¤glau1;d1fore¤nba¤y,f98, 690 propna on rqurtz ORE Rep- tum W resenulives, elm adstance . 87— at .. 622 {gr Senate, clerk hire, eu . 36 Constitution o{ the United Swan, M mgb memengers no etc. special' ses- men to prgposed Conqéus fm &0D.•...H.§§’.i., . , 37 otlghelectioxi tSt§daéo¥s by e vote M6 reporting e ouse Represent- epeop eo e lates . . atives. .. 368, 746 loan of obsolete nlles, etc., for celebration of fareportingdebates, Senate ... $64, 742 one hundred and twenty-dfth annideiiciency appmgriation iorertra services, vernry of framing of, b repagng ebatea, House of Kepreé16’932 gageant Committee, Pziladelphia, M1 aerna vu., .,.,.,,..,,,, a .. in extra services, !¤P°*“”$' d batee, Conntmaion Plants Naval

  Z    615, 930 Cappropriatipn forlnpeciliod  ;  347,§)6

WP? !l¤'¤¤¤h Olllidl 1¤ exchange WNW? A¤¤¢¤*¤*. i¤r01;a“rliarnsn¤-y Hannrd .. 632 appropriation for _ briémging home lromgg 691 Gonnmu, , · abroad remama , ppropnh ‘ iorimproveunentofharbor. 814 iornlaries . ·. 103,696 Cotmectwut, M6, Conaular Clerks (see Consular Aaeietants). apportionment of Reprenntatives 13 Consular [nspecton, _ may b31;d§1e t River, East Had- 55 apgiéopnation for mlanee ... lg, 6% .,.,,.,... . ,,,, expenses , Conmdicut JudnHal Dim-ict, deficiency appropriation for expenses. 936 marshal’ creased ,,,,. . ...,,,,,_ 79 Consular Ojoera C £$1¥d'u1C07l1l., appropriation’ior instruction and transit appropriatioridlor improvement of, above 202 { pay . _. ..6. . ... g, g Hartfo ,.,_ . . or uansporlauon an m posts below Hartford ..., , ,,,,__..,.,,__ 446, 802 for heirs of, dying abrod .. 99; 691 bridge authorized across, between East for rmpng home from abroad remains _ HaddamandHaddan;, 55 f of.:...- . 1§,ggg prehmmary exammatn , to or _ . : from Hartford, 3:11;;., to Holyoke? 821 deliciegcy appropriation for tzausportaé22’ 625 Man ... on ... , ‘•Com»e¤z-url" S. $,1 347 Conoular éeaee Diplomatic and appropri in r . NWN 1'V1 6 » Connell, clltbhgd Ffegema Repmmxoziu in appropriatim for Director of the ... gg, Q mgm; or ealanes .. delicien appropna’ tion for to widow deficiency appropriation for nlaries .. ,622 op my 931 Conaulotes

 aprroprladxml forclerkbireat . {  103,696

electncstreetrarlva franchisein Hawaii orcontlngentexpenpes . 104,697 granted to, and anociatea ,. 243 dehcnncy appropriation for contmgent Conan-¤aupn_qf Newby Waters, dc., .. 622, 625,966 appropnauon for diuoml national fm-sat for c lure . 622 r ““°’“%22"‘=.1;sw;·s;.‘¤nei;.,“”’·”’2 °"’.‘,§."{.,.a.e..* r me Ie sas or ooopera vn to or . . . .. etc., forest dren; balances continued Consul: Geneml, _ , available . 855 appropriatlquforaalanes. .. 103,695 land acquired lor, to be subject fn nghts UM•!¤9••>¤f D••¤¤¢•. _ ufway,etc-.1. . , . .,, 855 *prpropnat‘kl¤ iorpreventron, etc., among rulea to be gescnbed, use, etc., under Indians, . 519 eaaemen .etc_ ... . ... 855 !orexamma¤ono!prevalenceof,among to be expreaed m conveyance ... 855 _ . . 519 maximum mms appropriated and made Conlomoug Queues, D. 0., _ ava;1ableforp11rpoeesof,1912w1915, 300 appopgfxauem for prsvenung spreadcs on ¤,,,..,,.,..,..,,."‘° ‘;}‘i%’.;au;r.,..r, ‘···· ; ··‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · umn.; ‘‘‘‘ rz.; yl, * lands withdrawn for, open to metalliferous _ 1911, increased 3 mineral entrieg, gu; __,.,... . .,. 497 Canlamera on Hanufaotwo _ oil and claims not . . . . 497 tree _ n of, returned filled with sLatusoglaimsmitiatedprmrtoIune25, foreign products.:.-., . 12 h 1910 . .. ; 497 C proongpfx enu? rceqmred .. 12 eetead eaert land en , e . Creek, . . cmexceptal; conditions 497 appropriation for improvement of. . N7