Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1122

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INDEX. lxxiii George Woahlgagton Iunorlol A.••odatio»rv— Pm- Gill, Honorable Po¤·i•:k_F., l Pru- Qontmnod. _ deicwncy _ appmpnstun for contented suthenmg1 nag to commence dgcuguqxpemao., ,,___ _ ___,_,____ 931 un $1, ,0(I)§_m 881 G€l1•\an,8¢cphmF., _ conunmgzemmt _ ... . 881 Glm;dlmd¤t»;pr1co ...,,. ,; 651 Gnome Buildugg D. {I., Z. D., _ anchm mtlgnscd; unda Bmrtlmnnnn 881 fu .,.,...,. . ,,,_, Q5 Reg. completed- .. mer plnnn to Mngpmvad by Commisim of 881 scqn;iri:;’g}:.oan_gl enacting publk building 876 qu; ¤n¤wm¤{é¤E.`f§ZZIZZQIZZZZZZZZZ sm oe., °I °' ```'`‘‘‘‘ T '````°'`° ¤t¢;Ent¤d;ccn¤ncti¢¤m¤1c6o¤s,otc. gl no¤icQi0¤m1¤£<:h1Didzictof(k>lnmbi• 997 pn nous ... . .. . . m ... . ...,.,,. . Gary: Woghigngton C'., Givwd,_K•¤u., _ 4 _ _ gppmprumon for can of xndngont mqnumgnumdunchngpublmbmlding pntiguts ... . .. .. 172,967 _ st, . . ..,... . 874 nsmizuéuzgaluuna, uma: asv me ue uma sth- relinquished wo, Georgetown Rnowoi, D. &, umunlluned ... 684

ion¤modeling,ctc . 155    E.  6%

acquiring sit; fw publi: building at, 879 GB-I§·1l‘:or·ng8¤§ool,D. 3., Nu In authorised . pmprhhnn orcxponsns ... G•o•ydo•n.l7••é•a¤iqHo•p€tnl,D.(}., ` %ch•z$_adtoNntionnlT¤niningSchnol _ qqmupdntinn ht an Q indngent fg ul; ... . .. 171 • _ paints. ... 172,067 Girli ihgningsdnool, D. C., Nqeional, Gooryu, _ gppzupmtiou for can md nnmwnmca of npgurtiqnnnntd . . .. 13 _ 966 ynnorlicuxm ova imma pnbln: Glaser ., bn:} Atlm coded to . 2 •ppmprhta¤n' i ‘ pmvunnnt be ... Ml) Georgia Nordwm lands witlxlnvz Midvnleowwnsitn, term; of court, Atlanta. . . ... , . 1017 for ndministnhvc pnxpcms of ... · 64 “ G\l11§'V1].l¢ . . . . 1017 Glngo¤g,_Ky.' _ _ _ _ Georguz, _ Q S. S., _ _ acqnumgutemyi omctnng public bmldnng sppmpnntmn for pnging enluhsd men, nt, authonssd ... . . _ 874 deposit: stolen y psy clark 330 Glass, , Gcnnovg Ambauador, _ _ _ _ duly on Chnndisn, plats, not beveled . 6 deiicmncy apargypgnnuon f¤1;rq1mb;¤n3g.. 605 xncapmgglvggdty in Canada on, plow, not _ 8 numberofdirocwr¤modi!iod-..,.1..;.. 656 Glenwvc Oreck, G¤·rncn8€ulg»mv•tinAmefim,_Fir¢t, mliminuyexnminstionof,tnbcmsdc... 224 nppaupmuon for contnbucum for mmm- G£nhoy¢:_Compmg, _ _ . ment nt Germantown, Pa., to com- may budge Tug Fork Bng Sandy Rxvor, memgntn ..,... 445 G Gl$1b».vyu, W. Vs .. 24 , ll. , . 4.,

 ¤·ib tion} - b'd thorizod acm! Fork, B'

I ment gang; n geS::dy River st . ... . . 24 msn settlement. in Amemcs . 445 Glenwogq, Iomgmd _ mic buHd_ Gerrnnny, mrmgn erocting u sprroprintinn fur smbnnndur to . 95,688 mq sg suthorizodg .. 874 oroncmtuyofembary . .. 96,688 Glenwood pqinga, Colo., _ _ _ _ grr Eciogd secretary .. .. gg, gg uqunring nwmgl emcung public bmlding 874 ooereury ... , • onumned . Gettysburg, ’ ieth A 1uomory‘ Bottle , Globe, Ari:.

 celebtntlng    ..   .. 625 construction oi public building snthorinod

G agprup;-vuqou for 2% ... 626 st 871 . . b_l'l*“'I! . · Inmdk . .• ·· . I. I I ’ _ ’ · awp msgtd .. IT . .. ... 442_ m ¤tHnrb<1=f’Ccv¤,em .. 223 Glgzitmaacri %¤<=¤¤•¤¤. wblic \>¤i1di¤s ·¢- 25 hu uf, duty wm mpuma hum cum., 10 .ppmpm' tignf in or u‘»·¤¤¤· ‘ ,,,,},,0.,,- 1; ’‘'’‘ ‘’‘’‘'‘’’‘‘‘‘ :"¤,",,’,`3 ," MN ;...»»i‘€»%T;g{&y“Z?¤¤¤é··... w ..?Lif???€’f.‘T?i‘2.‘¥‘?f?.i'f u 7 a'! GM ( mr

 for ¤¤i¤f¤¤l¤¢¤, ¤*¤»» if-- 283-8*0   fm. ncogmga of ______________ 4,31

·····w.‘·..;*.;·:.,*¤* ¤~··w ‘ M-·* °'¥I1"· 1- . awww, . “Y.{’T'?TT’} 523 »¤%·°$·¤ ¤¤¤y*»'$`éZ¤·¤· €»i·ZZZZIS --·----· 8 Gin Rmpruuui · ict:} 522 b 'dgo cms Berkeley County

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appeootclmgonlicncnollounentn .. 522 W.Vs ·-··---·--.·-·--· 131