Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1217

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clxvm INDEX. River and Qarbor Im;1ro·q¢1rgmh—Couti¤ued. Parc. River and Harbor Lnprovcmcnu—Continued. Pun emergencuas, use o ensting balances . 820 printing of reports, etc., to be paid for from recomngendation of locd mginocr, etc- . 821 nver and harbor appmpristions . 234 limitatnou on single allotments . . 821 expenditure of consolidated works with reappropristion for preliminary oxnnim.- asard to traffic needs. , . 827 tions, ctc., from uncxpmdod bal- 223 of otmengs; use of balance; ... in 827 ancas . ance tance 0 rivatc coutri utions or for pmliminax etc. . 821 P work in pgogrens . . ..,. 827 specml au onty mq ’ for new projects abandoned, Okauogm River, work . . . 223, 821 Wash . 828 reshiction on supplementary reports 223, 821 Pend Oreille River, Wash .. 828 no projelslidmthenmd until spproprisézg 821 extension of appropriation hw of ene _. , gineem on watcrwn , kport to preliminary examinstmm aud surveys or· ugoqth of the Illinois? .. . .. 828 _ dereq . 223, 821 a.ppmpna{.)11¢§x {or compiler of Senate report 739 lmpmmding vt . on or ... 361 rivers, invutiptiem by board of deicieucy appropriation for claims , Army engnegajoiicem .,.. . . . . 224 for damn? to vessels y. ... 603,919 reportonidvusb1htytobemsde--.;. 231,825 for Ahmpee, ia ,..,..,,_,,,,,,,_._ 619 no further actjonjf unfavorable. $31, 825 for Mimimip i River ...,... . .. 619 sung and estxmate 1f project feas1é31’ 826 eight hom: a dgy mgzriction on dredging or 8 .. fcc excavauon services n`m1.1n.r to scope of report; to shoyegristing tergninzls hborem or mgclymjcg ____ _ _________ 726 and tnn¤{er hcéchua; necesmty io;31 826 not sgaoqgicable if not directly operating 726 none ensts, e , , etc .

)1g1izs,tion pzaatanipovgar gg, gg to legceugnmvemmt work for Hood 728

er assocm su ]ec . , 4 ro ,..,,.,..,,.,,,,,__,,,_,_

 of those subjects with mv· Riverside? Cal.,
 .. 231, 826 sp m ristinn for public building ,.. - 424

extension to my work of improvement Ear shaman Instituto Indian school 523 authorized Z .. 231, 826 deicimcy sppropdntiou for Indian school report; prepared dunng recess to be doc- at ..,.., Q ...,.,.,. 621 umenu of foll< . 231, 826 Road Omutmdion, etc., · Board for Rivers and Har to review all up ru riation for held exspcrixnmnts, etc. . 299, 852 examimcions and surve ... ZS2, 826 Roaflfhng Materials, separate reports ordered b . 232, 826 appropriation for investigations and experi— on request of Cougresgmal commit- ments in . . ... 299, 852 tees .,.., , . . .,.. 232, 826 Road llaruxgemenz, atc., _ _ limitation of scope of mm . 232, 826 up m riation for invesugahous, etc . 299, 852 increase to nine mem authorized; Ex: getsrmining beqt matqrialg, etc- . 852 rank requirement . 232 for chemical, ew., mvesugauom 852 membership reduced; rank !@\1i!9· Roads Natimal Fgruu, ment,. .. . . : .. 827 appropnat10¤for_co¤struction etc .. 288, 843 examination of all water and urmmal is- allowpnco of umber, free, {or telephone cilitics contiguotxspo improvements. 232 lmes . 843 general location, descnptign, atc .. : . 232 additional 10 per cent of all receipts to be cunngcutgon between wrmmala and ml· 232 R0d;¤1;_ted‘${or§cw;e¤tionwi;hScatee,ew. 288.843 ¤ . , so ace ost . intzrchang·%¢:1t|·¤$zr°bl?lSor•tiug, etc.. Recruits River, { be mad existence o ua nys . xs 1Q examination o , to , e necessity for nggexisting terminals . 232 P from Clarksville, Vs., to Weldon, compilation ordered of examinations, mr· N. C . . ... 225 veys, md aggropnstxom, 1902-1912. 232 Robinson, Ill., no include 62d ngrcqs. .: .. Z ... 827 xzpmpriation for public building .. . . 424 printing ordered of compnlatmn of nyer spd Ro `naon, Scmuel, harbor laws, 1907-1912; distribution 233 deficiency appropriation for extra servno include August 11, 1790, to end of 62d ices. . ... 617, 933 _ Congress . .. I . _ .. _ 827 Rochelle, Ill-! mae; w {mm of Ghnef of E¤s¤¤¤¤¤. 233 appmprsmm rm pumac minding . . .. 424 channel de thu md widths defined . ZB, 827 R°°h°"°Y'l* 17*4* . . . . wmbman?. of comm.; me of mum. ¤¤¤¤¤¤;;¤=g·•;;l·¤:*‘?j;¤¤¤¤¤= vm-¤ *>·¤M·¤¤ _ cient appmpdgqom ________ · _____ 1 _ _ 233 , u onz . . . . 8, 4 him of transportation m coxmectmn nth R°d•¤*¢'· _ _ _ work, __________________ _ _________ 233 appmprlatnon for public bmlding 424 employment of additional clerks for amor- Rock Oreck. D. C., gfgfieg, one .. 1 gig appmprzaéirg; for constructing bridge acmss, re ... . ..·····.-.·-··· · --···· $1 feet .. . . . . 151, 948 apps;-iariop for building at Engineer » for constructing new bridge across, az School, for river and harbor mstruc- 233 P2nstyévané1:lAvenuo NW QH8 tion . . . = .----.. tmc 0 a i I‘rmtinn Com mw to dams for improving navigation to provide be removcgi from M Street; hrgdgé bo. for future water power developments 233 on completion 949