Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1242

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INDEX. cxoiii

 Ong., N5?5 Tobacco,   tit J P•s•·

pnatron- to .. packages req_ or C18l!!&' qnan y °W:e¢ep¤¤cs Ki: in run so all ae allowed as mands . if K ..,.. K'?. 535 cancu1;l.ingstamps ... x no yment no 'ving mem or ‘im cxgare .. . . . . . dgslcendants . . .. 535 TobaogoITLeaf allowancefrxattornsys. . .. 535 statrsuos oi quantilz in hands ot dulers, reosipttobejvrm ... 535 etc.,_to:eco octeds;1¤u1:nnually.. 100 1\mb¢r° y Duh r 0 . . 106 iree5fdutywl1sni1nportedfrom0anada, :l1Iantiti¤sexsmpt .. . 106 hewn, etc . 9 arnoun{)°tqbemp•:1lrud.. ... {06 re¤pocall' m u Canada, types to mclud in reports. .. . .. . 07 hewryi,:xt:T?f . 11 clanilication .. ... ... . .. lm nb of matured and dead, in Yosemite blanks to be sent dealers, etc .. 107 NationalPark,Cal.; roceeds ... 81 repctsreqmred . . 107 Timber De_preda¢;lo·m, Public Zmda, 456 3llIl!8 to makemilagl . - {M tio orexpensm,preven' . notices; odioers e.-.~.. III 1€r}Z£:°m,§Dal==, _ _ punishmentforialsereports. .. 107 patent: for lands mktowtzmrte to anne to, · 653 U officera hableug. .. .. . ... or school, e ., urposes . person ’ . . .. . . ... Y sledtownlotsggu ts"? 653 information to be used only for statistical ‘ nof schooIhouses, etc.. 653 Egposes. .. . 1. . ... 107

 Forests, _ pub _ tron and examination restricted. 10fI
 ig presavatrye treatrnentéw 842 cooperation of mternal revenue and census .107

mls d maturedfetc.,-at homo- , reports to_ be publ1shed‘ October. U nl. and stsadersfurdomesticuse 287 Apnl 1 each year. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 Tinbs ovrlrgdahn Reservation, Towne, qa., _ _ _ tron for WMWCCDD, etc., of .. 520 acqmnng site fu public building at, auamominee, is., excluded ... 520 thouaed. .. .. .. .. .. 877 l' ’P1gll b forestiires 1015 a io%liIion for expmsa Vlu tesr

p , o ll
uirperfected claims, etc .. 1016 P PSoldiers’ Home  .. . .. . .. 450

deposit of proceeds .. . .. 1016 deticienc appropriation for Volunteer payment to claimants on approval of Home . .. . .. .. 619 claim and issue of potent 1016 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., _ disposition if claim rejected . 1016 aggropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. . 286, 841 1Eme Recorders, _ Tb , apap, duty on . .. . 2 sppropnauon for ground rent for em-98, 691 u m on . . .. bony ... Hraalg, Louis LZ, _ Toledo, Ohio, _ authority to construct channel, wharves, sp ropriatron iorrmgrovement of harbor. 216,814 etc., Mobile Bay, Ala., revived _211 enlargement of pu lic building at, antrnnsggrred to South Mobile Terminal 211 T gorized . . .. . .. .. .. 870 m u . .. . . . . .. omah, sa. “ Titanic, ’_' r$fpte:1r}1;Mp, _ gppropriation for Indian school._.. . ... 538 appropnatron ·for gyment to widows of eticrspcy appropnatnon for Indian school. 1.21 seakpost cler ost on the . . . . . . 550 acqumng site and erecting publrc building Thankso Cor§re•to Capt. Rostron, ofli- at,autbonzed..- .. 876 cern, ga crew of ‘ Carpathia"— for Tomatoes, rescuing survivors of slupwrecked. . 639 duty on Canadian, in cans, etc . . . . 4 medal to be presented to Captain Rostron. 639 reciprocal duty in Canada on, in cans, 1~»15i%h°"““3‘°“ "">.z‘o;¢.;;‘v..11.z..,r,,‘··· ···· y" "°° 1...1,,, 15.*% ···· 1 ············ ’ , o o , wer, . ., _ oppm .. 482 approp.:·1ia‘;`tiito`:1t°for of, fronéu Bm ¤.¤s¤¤2:u¤»i’¤: peruse building nurnnss amy nm¤po11;P°s1£.§` i6' ' at... ,. .. .--.. 872 Bndge,M.1s... .. ... 211,810 Ibbaooo, _ dm for _ _ dug _ wd forimprovement oi; locksanddamsn a ropna mvesuga nn ro PP methodsofgrowing,et¤:...-H.-- 276,835 preliminary examination to be made of for collectingstatisticsof lea£,onhand.. 477 watsrwaytoTenn@ee River. . .. .. 227 commrmron created toinvestrgate preliminary examination of, to be made, by foreign governments of encan 504 Demopolis to Columbus. . . . ... 227 composition , . .. .. -. .. 504 Tomolga {lion, Fla., _ _ appropriation for expenses, .. ... I .. 505 prehmmary exammatron of, to be made manufactured, exported without ps for inland waterway connecting Haw internal rgwglnue tax, subject to oluty 13 ‘ T _ Creek . .. . .. - ... R7 if .-.. . .-.-.·.. ornplvmnuc . ., T0bacm_ Dgmmgggp, _ _ I shop suthorinod at general lighthouse depot 1017 new boxes required for Clpfs; quantity Tom: Rwq, J., _ allowed . . .. . . 664 appro nation for improvement of . . 20-4, 805 punishment for violations .. . .. 664 Ton-lfizoqc Sloqwvss. salesatretail .. .. 664 onnversand1nlandwaterways,tobecolguqwoncetoemployeesfreeoitsx- . 664 lated . _ . ... 223 n