Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1253

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oc1v INDEX. Waahi um-Oregon Corporation, Pun Vhurloo, Iowa, Pan. granntgd right of way for electric railroad, terms of court at ... . 735 etc., across Vancouver Military Res- Waterloo, N. K, ervation, Wash 264 construction of public building authorized Washingmn Railway and Electric Comfany, at 872 extension of tracks from Wisconsin venue Waters, Mineral etc., to District Line directed ... 679 duty on Canulisu, in bottles orjuing .. 5 Wazchu, reciprocal duty in Canada on, in ttles or duty on Canadian ... . 5 Eiga ... 7 reciprocal duty in Canada on .. 8 %ters, meml, Natural, Water Deparmumt, D. C., free of duty when imported from Canada, appropriation for Washington Aqueduct, not in bottles or jugs .. 9 etc ...,. 154, 953 reciprocally exempt from duty in Canada, for tilnratiou and coagulant plants . 154, 953 not 1u bottles or jugs .. 11 for emergency fund ,, . ,... 154, 953 Watersheds of Nmngablc Strearna (scc Conserfor McMillan Park Reservoir . 154, 953 vatxon of avigablc Waters). for lining tunnels . 155, 953 Watertoum Arsenal, Ilan., for water meters, public institutions, appropriation for testing machines ... 438 etc . . ...,... 155,953 Waterville, Me., for Georgetown Reservoir .. 155 appropriation for Xrublic building .. 425 transfer of land to Commissioners . 155 Wazervlzet Arsenal, . K, for investigation, etc., Gmt Falls water appropriation for improvements in gun power 155 departments. . .. 438 for extension of mains . 176 Waterways Commimbrn, Canadian, receipts from assessment to be credited appropriation for salaries and expenses. . 478. 695 to revenues of . 177 Waterway: Commission, International, for salaries .. 179, 971 appropriation for expenses until Decemfor general expenses .. 179, 972 ber 31, 1912 ... 448 for extending high-service system, in- deiciency appropriation for salaries and stalling meters, etc .. 180, 972 expenses . . 920 temporary dmftsmeu, etc. . 181, 973 Waterways Czrmmiaaion, National, temporary laborers, etc 181, 973 appropriation for expenses incurred ... 222 Water Hyacinth, disposal of books, charts, etc .. .- . . 222 appropriation for removi1¥, from waters of Waterways, Inland, Florida, Texas, an Louisiana to be appropriation for improvement of Rehoexpended for Mississipipi waters 212 both BV to Delaware Bay, bel. . 205, 806 for removing, from waters o Florida, Mis- Norfolk, a., to Beaufort Inlet N . C., simip i, Louisiana and Texas .. 811 purchase of Chesapeake snci Albe- Wuer Mains, C'., marie Canal . 206,807 appropriation for extension to Congress Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N. C. 206, 807 Heights . . . 177 Beaufort to New River, N. C ... 207, 807 for laying along Conduit Road, etc. . . . . . 177 New River and Swnnsboro, N. C 207, 807 for extension to Benning ... 177 Pamlico Sound in Beaufort Inlet, N. C. 207 for l¤Yi¤8, ¢¥·¢ ···· - ·-·-·-----··-·-··· 180, 972 Core Sound to Beaufort N. C . . . . 807 receipts from aseaements fm- extensions, Charleston wAllx€atox· Creek, 8. C.; 208, 808 Congress Heights, Conduit Road, CharleswnmMcC ellznvillc, S. C- . . 208, 808 etc., to be credited to revenues of Ssvannah,Ga.,toFen1andina, Fla. . 209, 809 water department; former hw re- Franklin to Mermentau, La ... 212 peeled . 177 Mermentau River to Sabine River. . 212, 8l2 Water Meters, D. C., _ West Galveston Bay and Brazos River, appropriation for installing, in specxlied in- Tex., bridges 214, 814 stitutions, etc . .. 155, 953 Guadalupe River to Victoria 214. 814 forinstalling, in private residences, etc. 180, 972 Brazos Rxversnd Mstagorda Bay .. 814 Water Pmur, _ _ Port Townsend Bay to Oak Bay, dam; for iméamvement of rmvngatxon, may Wim}; __,___ , ,,____,_____,,,_,,,_,, 820 provide for development of 233 Pu t. Sound to Lakes Union and dam couceming utilizing, for industrial md éyysshington, Wash .. . . . 820 pornmermal purposes to_be secured preliminary examination to be made of, 1n river and harbor exammatxonsn 231, 826 from Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet Wzrxr Power ljmnpany, D. C'. (ace Public . N. U .. 822 Utilities Couzgnission, D. CJ. I Psmlico River to Jones Bav, N. C .. 226 Water Supply of the Ifmted §!ates, } Beaufort, S. C., EOSSVSHDBIVI, Ga 823 appropngmon for investigations to deter- , Mcfjlellanville and Whnysh Bay, S. C 226 _ mine .. 458 l Charleston, S. C., to Savannah. Gs. .. 823 Water TermmaLs, _ _ East Pass and Apalachicola River, Fla., . 823 report to be made on, contiguous to river Haw Creek and Tomoka. River, Fla . 227 and harbor improvements, and their Pensacola Bay to Wolls Bay Fla. and railroad connections; scope of re· Ala ..,,,,_,,,_,. ’ .,,., { _,.. 2 27 ’ port _ 23 2,826 Pensacola Ba. , Fla., to Mobile Ba , Ala. 823 wam l'¢}U¢’y,_ Mm- _ _ _ _ Black W3Hl§t;I River and Fizvzemile gcquglgg mtg gnlé emcging public bmldjng Creek, A]3___ _ ______ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 227 _ at, authorized . . ... 875 Tennessee River and Tombigbee River Wvzteree Rirer, S. C., Miss . . 7 227 appropriation for improvement of . . 208, 808 Corpus Christi to 228