Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/261

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238 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 255. 1912. {§!'{7ég1‘.2i (IEA?. Act To authorize additionalaids to navigation in the Lighthouse —— .. » m ¤’ P\¤'P°•¤· [Public, Nant] _ B itmacted theSenateandH Repvzcaddiouof the United ¢¤¤¤•¤¤¤*¤¤¢· Stat; Amerizyo in Congress That the Secretari of Comkilild to navigation of . . . mamma merce and Labor be, and is hereby, authonaed to esta_hsh and rovide the following additional aids to navigation in the Lighthouse Service, under the De artment of Commerce and Labor, in accordance withehtlggaiilespective liigts o;°c(;>;1i hereinafter respectively set forth, hi e . · M¤r¤¤¤•l New W That the 1§10gI?0:§ of Chmmerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, '°i¤T‘¢,"p. ei; authorized to construct and equi additiona1dl$ht vesels for general °°‘*· slerlyice, at a cost not to exceeg two hun and fifty thousand o ars. ¤¤*<“•¤*°*· rms? uonmonsn nisrmcr. . “*°°•°"'*‘°'* Th Secre foomm dLaboris·hreb authrized %?·`w`m’m' in hj:d.i80!0tit:);1¥ tg use thecdéisromriation of two humhed thdusand ‘ dollars for a tender for the thghthouse district and elsewhere made me Acts of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight y-fifth Statutes,] pngzdthree and thirty-one), and March fourth mneteen un and mne (Th1rty-fifth Statutes, page nine hundred and seventy), for the construction of two tenders. '"°""'°*“‘ mm uenmousn msuucr. “·*¤·‘;'·°’·°·’.,,..,,..,·'* Th stmt r commerce 4 Labo · met thoriasd to ¥•’:·‘P-°“· comggtée theugaegtablishment dlfu the lightmand station mar Thimble Shoal, Bayé Virginia, at an additional N _ ud cost not to exceed thirty-mne thousand ollars. _ _ G,,"“""’5,,_ ,,;,_ ;,. The Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized, m ¢¤•¤¤¢'¤ his discretion, to usefor the establishment of gas uoys and other aids to navigation in the channels leading to altimore, M land, the apgropnation hundred and twengsg-five thousandudollars V°U°·P·*¤- made y the Act of Congress argiroved arch fourth, nineteen hundred and eleven (’I‘hirt -eixth tatutes, ag? fourteen hundred gid thi·1it%kone%, for the estaglishment of rangegig te in Fort McHenry ann , ary an . “"“"“""°'* sum uonrnoosm msrsxcir. °;,?,?§JZ°§'§'e$'°" 'I`he Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to P¤·¢·v·**•- efromplete the lighting and marking with ands to navigation of Cape dglalzrgiver, North Carolina, at a cost not to exceed y thousand °'""""'""°° mourn uenmoosn ms·rmc·r. g$.E..';‘{-sg" Tm That the of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby,

 ° `“` ‘° z;§.“.£2‘5?.2·;“ *"“ ‘*'”°.‘;.f"‘l‘.§‘;z.¥.f’.t*I.‘i'°§*’1’.*.Z.°“‘ "“° S§‘{2..‘Z{ 3********

\|?!09B9 acres o ommg th(4;cAr:1nsas ass Statig1;?Texa}; and Etéhge appropiiation " ner expenses, ouse rvioe," th al hich theiphuggiase is effecltgdhis hereby made avgilablza for thhcgrurlghzse of sai . xm Hmm uonmousn ms·r1ucr. ¤;·L3·:dL'§35i£`m» That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is authorized to use the U., of wm,. gn, unexpended balance of the agyglogriation of fifteen thousand dollars ¤¤§;Q¥,g·,g;-,_ for a storehouse and dock at um, Porto Rico, made b the Act of May twenty-seventh. mneteen hundred and eight (Tl¥irty-fifth