Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/8

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X PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pac. (H•ildre•s’a Bureau. An Act To eetablidm in the Degpnrunent of Commerce and Labor a bureau to _ be known an me Cl1i1dren’e Bureau. April , 1912 ... _ ... 7 0 Yosemite Park, additzbn. An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to secure for the Hniteng Stag title to patented lands m the Yosemite National Park, and for other pureposes. 80 wm wm ```°`` .` {,5612 `éiéié }§1§6é;313&}i.§`£¤H¤&i{eL§ lirié ¤».,.. §§"°*3’.‘§’.i;°’°°»...{,‘ *§‘’“ ”2¤‘°‘”‘·*· ‘·‘·‘‘ rem ··‘· "2 ··‘‘··‘· ea.;" ‘··= ‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ . e eo en c homgtenders on the eyenne River Indian Ruavation, in the State of Dakota, and gn t Bock Indian Ruervation, m the States of South Dakota and North Dakota. 84 com aww 1@ ·¥6 }Z>}'$*`éim¤· ```` '6fi»L`ym¤ '``' Yéi liiixlié gymente due {mm homesteeders on the Coeur d’A1ene indian Reservation, ·ns_ provided 15 ulrgiizer an Act of Congres approved June twmtyéirut, nineteen hundred and six. April 85 Dm, mai '`````` '````' ""2»iI `'`“ ii£»éi£i£a%r§ 85 mw · ’rpi zz; · _ An Aé{.iKp¤p·.»¤¤g· ````` mj '``` hundredi `` I; Eoin ````’' {Li " _munta1nmg_ impending leveeaon elixmmp 0»¤...;"'°'"*"if5"».,"‘T “"5‘2§’ 2`•:1`§:¥'A$¤g»¤ ¤.g· ··‘‘‘· ;·1,2·g.;§ $.;;.;.;.1; east:. 2; acbon, carnage canon or paces. ..

 kn ActAutl1oriagng_t1=•B    aerouthe Willamette 86

ornesr ewbeng, , . . Ouga Indimollohnentr Obldomc. Act toand e Act entitled "AnAct forthediviinnoftl1elandsmd dthe0¤•geNationof1n in0k1ahoma," agpigvlgd June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and nx, and ier other purposes. April 86 Bay hm '```° ‘ `'`' cum: '`'`` ``°'`` ```'`````' hexicankailway (bmpanytoc¤nstrnetabiidt;ea¢r¤¤tl:eHmria¤d ’ _· I aq1,]2•;••¤x£·A&~i‘;••••••·•••§•i--••·-•i•·•·•iI;¤•••••hl-•vv·•••¤•$¢$••·••% _ , 1912.3;.. 89 Badge, H•a•o•nR••¢. _AnAct'1‘o•n¤mri¤e,the@tydBouthBiouCity, in the oiliebraska, . :> 1;-bndgeacm¤sthel[mounBrverhetweentheSt•t·eotNebn¤kaandIowa. 89 Alabmna coal 11.. o-pentnon '`'` ° “ `éf m..£§ °`` Am. ‘`'’' _ hundredandtsn,to hndunnabanu. Ap¤123,1912 ... :._ .. , .. 90 Inmqmuooloollaada. A1lA.CtGIIB¤IQ&h(lH&&$0\'II08¥I\80‘IA)|lIII$lI|. _Apnl23,1912-. 90 "“""’§."°it.%"?.l"*»?..r,**" "°‘."£""°”"”"¤.Q,Q.,..l..r"‘° ‘°'¤'i°;..°‘»¤’°"°°{' """i‘°.f¤‘£‘I"'{§i£"" "“"’°"°‘ .0 a ve . , America; Ne!ioMlR•dCvo••. AnAetTop¤ovi<\•£c•rtheu•e “IOAIIl0§·'i¢lIIN|Wt0Il§lR»$C!0S iuaidotthehndaudnnallinrcenintimeotaetxxalorthreatenedwar. Apri124,1912 90 ,W€ndR£•aR•••y•&•on,W%,hong•ued•. AnActl’rovidin&iorp•tentamhune¤te•d¤ontlm ‘ c•d•d£::onolth• nndRiv¤·Re••rvationmWyommg. Apr1127,_1912 . ... .. 91 Kiowa, etc., , Oklahoma. An Act Authorizing the Secretary ol the Interior to subdwnde and errand the of settlers in the Kiowa-Comanche and Apache ceded lands an klnhmna. ... . ... Bridya, Rnaall Fork, Bi; Semé Riva. An Act Authorizing the fiscal court of Pike County, Ken- gl tucky, to construct a budge across Rupell Fork of Big Sandy River. A ril 27, 1912 .. 92 Right o/any, An:. An Act Granting toE1Pa¤omd Southwestern Company, n _ ugnadandexi•tingundsrthelaw•of theTerritn§$°and8tateoiAnnonn, a ¢_oi way_d ugh the F¢:t¤dHy;ch¤ca M1ht•ryRe¤erv;tion, in gtateof Arizona, and au an coiponnon succemn connuucg · through and Fort other 92 Br¤2ge, Selma-Nadu; Canal. An Act To authorise the Port Arthur r Compen to

t;uI;ndge acm: the 8•hrn•·Ndche¤ Canal, in {mnt of the town oi Port Arthur.

_ _ i , """"""j"""'°"""""°"'*'°"'••"""""‘°'•"""‘•'*'*•••* ” D•uru:z.oj¤»lusbu,ahor lendeuknae. AnAtPro" I th f ‘ ,1%... 8..f.»¤.5_.¤...f.,,Y.'.";“,§’..‘l'.; .§.”i'·?.‘??...E‘.‘L“1£’..i?;$&‘.§°i'?..‘“..‘iT · jp "* -"°’ ‘?.§,.¤""°‘°’*‘ E‘i§“.¤..‘ ‘“".“°X¥. i'.°{’*uE“" "“.‘{.‘m.."""°".f..."’%‘§".3;. ‘f‘>¥,§i‘.f.7;.}3‘f.;.a ”

Prnw Sgzvice for the fiscal year ending June th,¤ineteen hundred and thirteen,

Hmm, ```````` Xéi ULEK ‘`'`` ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °‘ of cost cer¤m public buildings, to anthori·:e of ¤it»e?f?rl;n$blic b t: theerec¤ouandconnp1e¤azn¤£public buildingn,and forotherpurpo•gg." 1¤—.»»..·...».,_ ..1..* :.‘·.;.;n... ····‘ a.;·.»... ····` ······ 1... ······· ········· · ········· ‘“· ‘ nmetegn Angggnal ten, entitled "An Ac: ltolpgovidetior agncum Iumgggg-Iscczz · · M i · '*•ElE?i‘·•'§£*••:¤•&••••·•••-·¤•••••••••••••¤•»-q.-..• _ in theUnited8tat¤•. if 'pg,1912 . ... . 105 Publu: ,_ ApActAu th•S•cretuydtheInt•rior:togzantf•rrther utemmn evntlunwhachtomake ¢nd••ert·1and•ntne•. Apnl ,1912..._... 106