Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/927

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904 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Szss. IH. Ch. 148. 1913. °¤¤·¢•= btvided r¢.'•er,Thatf mandsfterthe ofthisActa1lawards "°:’°d by ng"` of conigacts for prodisiom for the Na be made by mdividual items ghie contract for each item being awarded to the lowest responsible i er. ¤¤·¤·=¤- Mamma Bunn Surnms mn Aooomwrs: For fuel um books and tixancllis, stationgrylrnterior fittings f storehouses; pay omtcgs and accountingf offices; navy y to; cofge and . ° to; expenses 0 nava othing ac an_ machmery ildggrme; ihcodernizing laboratory equipment andrhrmging same up to date; tolls, femages, men’s stores, safes, newspapers, and other incidental expenses; lah; in general storehouses, paymasters’ offices, and accounting in navy and naval stations, i°°hti¢i»iilgrnf1Y°iJ°t§f:a?n§t:1¢:»i°t:silai°derpem ,8 ‘}..*’f.Z';?°“‘ .r]j.‘§°F““.t‘L?‘.£' Ti o e m F·¤•*•·· _,_ yildsed and manufactured urider general account of a vances: groic;-eiah at" vided, That the sum to be paid out of this a propriation, under_ the direction of the Secretary of the Na , for cliemists and for clerical, inspection, and messenger service in ge general storehouses, and ay- masters’ offices of the_navy yards and naval stations for the iihcal year ending June thirtieth, mneteen hundred and fourteen, shall not exceed $520%)0; in all, $1,470,000. A An _ md nus¤=.D¤v•-r¤¤·¤¢ Fnnranr, unmu or Summa arm ooomus: """""°°"" expnesschargespertainipgto theliavybepartmeaitandits reaus, excepgw the transportation of coal for the Bureau of Equipment, $425, . uiamaeay- N Aoan amr:F th fthenecmuyland for

 °f ud bl the ggion of t€1l;!NI;vsl Acad;nr; s¢(:me point in the vicinity

of Annapolis, Maigland, convement for commumcation and for the t rtation of products from the location of the dairy to the senden, ee N ag? Acapeimy, and lt: the tranefeih to new , 5:1 reerectiog th , to e resen , re air an’t1ioxi)3§ as may be Ifound on thedlancll g` be pu; chased, o neceeaig urposes connecte wit est mm °“ "“°£‘s’3“»&1r%%°°°r,waa‘ T”“%‘l‘° °§.?° f not ex , : , t •nili1¤;Zii?$.ii»`:ei°¢$ig[ gmghlnt appropriated for this purpose shall be treated as an aclvanc: u to the midshipmen’s store fund at the Naval Academy to be ulti· "°°°`m xl" mately repaid to the United States: And provid¢d{urlher, lfhat n- ditures hereunder shall be reported by the Chief 0 the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts to the Secretary of the Navy in the same manner as now prescribed by law for the midshipmen’s store fund. * ,l.$“£§,,E‘l£""‘°‘ enum or consravcuos aan anpam_ ·w‘?§'g§‘§g§g?;} “’d "·" Consrnucnox Arm REPAIR or vnssnmz For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and m ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers, pneumatic steerers, steam cagzstam, steam windlasses, aeroplanes, and all other auxiliaries; la r m navy yards and on foreign stations; purchase of machinery and tools for use m shops; carrying on work of experimental model tank; desiggiiig naval vcsmls; constlruction and repair of yard crafii ' hters, an arges; wear, tear, an rep f is afi t· % increase, find tygotection 0; the Na§ui€ tillage $518 ddnst§gt?on an repair; mc: en expenses or vesse an , to ’ offices, such ag ]p!l;>togmphipg,$ks, professigangii st tione , an ruments or t' , f lassifi

 {02.,., .m‘3e- at tml., »8,25t,pt¤?“5»SQ°.€t2'id““n£5 Eiylllé of tis

”" sum shall be apphed to the repair of any wooden ship when the estimated cost of such repairs, to be appra1sed by a competent board of naval officers, shall exceed ten per oentum of the estimated cost, ap-