Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1142

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2084 mmzx Squaw, dc.,for1Qome•¢£cA••{••¤l•-(.%mtd. Plas Shqfer, John B., Pere. inspection of nmpcrud, by ·Bure•u oi peneionincreaaed . 1113 Apimglflndueu-y .. ac 832 8M[a·,Alj5·•d, mz rejechon worthless, dangerous, . nnonmcreeeed .. . . d:cdr1r:)ti&n;e¤c . ... 832 SI$'er, Chgrle: A., rulee, e . mug; reagd ,,,_,,,_,,______,_______ 1Q

·emii;:£cetc.}’¤;)n_worthle¤, '5'f.¥,,°.’L W im
nmueeeed  . .,,

bn•,etc.,0flipe¤zetoe•t•b1id1menu!or 833 pm -· m ¤&°i2'*‘R.».·"‘°'_ °"°"»¤. ························ **5* _ vurthlea; dangemueguaiza .. _ Z 8., . 1258 twig 01 inspection, etc., 833 ...,..,,.. , ,,._,,,,, IZQ •um¤,•tc.;|ne•rmgp ... 833 S lq,I•oue, ` au hgtngent to mspect, etc., at Q3 . .. 1133 any ,.. Rua, . ., uniehmentirxvidatirns . 833 forimpunvemen of 807

iorexpe·me•  .  .. 833 Shxgrm Qoy, N._0., t ° ,

8•·¤¤ne,dg., Tuba·culm, nppmpnetmnionm rovementof ZT! eppuprudrm fog purcben, etc., nl, $1:1273,832 M¤yH.g•ido•), 1344 uBImIlI®lldl|1-.•••...-• 11. ... ... ...-... ’·"····.,i;.,,,,.*"·*·.r·:,‘;¢··,.1·:*...**········~.r..“;, .5 68, *£J__._:_.*‘;·:.··**‘c.,.<··‘·*··>· M d "&""'•' I . • *••""••’•'•*••°""••' _ .. :  :-.. 96,688 •p¤pruprist£ouforexpe¤¤,United Staten 8a·••ozmd¤f;o:•e$;nobPmmm, for ¤gur‘:i¤cr(¤nim . . 101,x ormnreeervmem pneo expeneee ,.. . .,,..,, pm W•rat62ye;d0ver .. . .. 112 8h¤·n•y,AI¢¤mo'a·, lm, for80d•Ls' e¤viceinlInxicmW¤ 113 increued"; . . ... 1215 8¤·vie•S _ , Any, “ HobarI JZ,

o¤·m•¤·¤ctionexpe¤ne•.. 570,704 in nqcogmta, Nexium Cenuumhl

I Q 'I ••·••••--•••~•••••-•••• m peneionincreased. ... 1114 Sh¢¤mon,Ad¤n•E'. · smh .· ° ] •..•-.·•..-.·•··•--_···· Im penkouinuuesed 1247 Smno-:,nJobnA.,_ Sevenurnzh Anendnmuotk Constieuion, sm`? ... 1842 proposed by Ccmgren for the election of Jooeph R., Benswnby thevotreof thepeogyle in¤re•gd ,,,,,.,,_,,_,,,_,,,,,___ 1274 0fth•_8¤tp-: M0 _ Washington 0., Seventh Judme10¤~;•¤¢,_ _ increased 1164 ellotmentoffour cxrcurt udges to.. .. 58 Bgrgilonn P., Sonia Notjoml fom¢,_Uh}r, We * mmm ... . 1168 •ppropration mamtenmee, . .. , Sage, ge., Noszibkk Qtryugr Md LEM, agian increased 1297 veeugn ecung ueaeee mm, ,Do•••, gut?}-1;.6 . .. . .. {2 .. 909 . . .,,,..,... 1113 Seoul, Willis; H., , Edwin,

 . 1378 incneend .. . ..,,, 1151

Swank, _•2ls¤n, ., ‘ pemniornmcreend ... . .. 1 . 1335 Bgninnincreend ..,,... . ,.,, 1860 8ewell,_$a·rg•1rd, ,_Job• J., pe¤n¢B1gcrund .. L .. . .. 1154 ,,,,,,, _ ,,,,_,__,,,,___ , 1126 pzup·n¤o¤’ •' P i¤rdeemng' •ndNpunng' . 15 950 , .. .. 1068 ·p of mgm trucb 1,151 , Gal., fcrpurppxstnuon .. . 15 1,950 eppropdatimformeinrternnee, ew., ei,. %5,841 forman pnpe .. . . 151,950 mchmarioneuhrgiq .,,.,,,,,.,.,.,,.. 1150 inreuburbun 151,960 Samui, Imy(¤ido¤), iorrighbofvsy 151,950 . . ,...,.,,, . ,. 1401 for Anncuetia. main interceptor ... 151,950 , Edvard}., &!B0¢kcl@klIliIlf.I1 ..`... 151.950 neion . . 1284 dc!ida¤¢Y •P1¤¤p!kti¢n!w toofny.. 916 8£:er,_h¤nk, Seton., Jaynes, Sw; . ,..,, 1275 pennimmueend . .. 4, ..,. ,-. IM7 ,_PqyG., Mm e mu-ec Qhtimckpublic n¤i1amg‘ ummm m Cbndophvj Ai.} `````````'`````````'`' lm ¤··-···. .¤·····, ‘‘‘‘‘ ig, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ W ¤·*¤Z""‘ ;····· K, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M pennonl _ . .. ... . ... inueend. .. . INA ... .; ... lll (kb, ,8IiD.(•ib•), huend . . .. 1010 pendnincneoed . ... lll