Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/218

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1232 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. .11. cu. 180. 1912. ¤*··=¤<~··· *···=····-L Th t Ed mi Cotter, 1 t { Com D Tenth Re ‘ ent mm M weM°v"u‘§$‘1§iZv01u‘Z.t.e, IMM; 22.1 ,..,L$’._ptMMM M £5“MM of thirty dollars month m lieu of that e h now receiving. ’¤¤·¤· ¥·B***¤· The name of M. Brewer, late of Company A, Exgllnitg-fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and Company G, _ t Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer En&neers, an pay lum_a pension_at the rate of dollars per mon in lieu of that he 18 now ¥·¤ A- °’N¢**· mglghguhgame of Mag A. O’N# widow of William O’Neil late of Company L, Fimt _ egiment isoonsin Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay her a pension et the rate of twenty dollars per month m heu of that she IS now recenviép. _ "*“*•¤ K-°*°¤**— R The namv} of Oreuflti late of Ciampanihli, egnment isconsm unteer an , an a penmon a the rate of ° dollars Ear month inllzu of thaptehe is now §,*:g*f_·m¤¤ The name of A._ moss, widow of Barross, late of Company F, Twenty-thu·d Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and paylm a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month._ _ §;g¤u:_$·,§;,°F3._•§_;$·_ name of Wilham C. Medbery, late of Company F, First Regi- _ _ ment Nevada Volunteer Cayalry, andapsy a pension at the rate ofthn-tydollarspeizmonthnnlxeu of theunowreeeivnng. ¤·¤*·* J-*'•¤= The name of Dame] J. Evans, late ofCompany O, Fifth-sixth Regiment Oh1o Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars pergnonth m lieu ofthathensnow . '"""°"‘ “""'° The name o_ Elizabeth Kernble, widow of Isaac B. Kem le, late of Company D, Sixty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; and pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now - '“"°' “"°“°“· The name of James Mi ell, late of Company C, N'mety-ninth New .l€§’1{§S’§£‘$“$eIi‘¥§“E’°?€tE€{h*.T ° ’°°“MM,°"·’° "h° ’“‘° °‘ "**"’ e now . §;',.,,,'¥•'}_,,,,,_ The name of Bates, former widow ollggeob Nohl, late of Company K, Thuty-seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and payh er a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. _}’f_1‘g'i‘,'; _ e name of Josiah H. Newland, late of Company G Thirty-seventh Regiment Kentucky Volnmteer Mounted Infan , and pay him a Kem

3: at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mom in lieu of that e is

receiving. · “"*'"·""*’°P· ThenameofEdwardB. B` lateofOom yA,'IhirEethBega·'~ ment Kentucky Volunteer , and p:y hL¤a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars r month in l1eu that he is now ·‘°’°¥"’ ‘°'"’”· The name of Joseph §enney, late of Company I, Twentieth Regimelptt Oh1odVé>£;1teer Infatnhtry,]:nd a pension at the rate of y—s1.xo mon"of the' '° ¤—-·¤¤- -··-·» 11.., me MQ B.Mo:>ti1 E3. M e'2,Mp.L?,“f$‘fq‘¥.‘?.*§“,,{‘,$‘e§g,,,,,,, Reg1ment_ olunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the mm i 1'•¢6¤Hh¤1‘tyd ggnvntbinlicuofthatheisnowreeeiviggg. _ The name of John ,_late of Compan F, One hundred and eighty-seventh Rgumnt Oluo Volunteer Ingniry, and pay him a pens1$1];ttherateofthirtydollarsper·m¤nthinlien ofthatheisnow ""“""°“· 'I'henameof'.lQh¢gresiaBell, widowofA.ntl1on Bell,latee{(}°m£my ,’?.:..‘Q'.*’.I.F’."? M-,“‘ ”°“’“"‘°‘J. M §£“‘°°"""t, Mi1..‘£°‘“"‘°°',...» ...'l""‘*’e. ~ e..;2.’?l’:’.1.%"‘ . . m “*°"‘"‘°""“"'· n°ThenameofAlbertN H pkinglateofregamm bmj tgwlnvu _ _ . o ‘ RQII!l@Q v0hI!1t8¢ Cavalry, and pa at tl: 'm“_I_‘_ 1’¤i¤•¤ffh¤’ty jermunthmlieuofthatheisnowreeeivirzg. '1h9Dl¤I90fw-IIIIIIBMCKQ lateofOompanyD, SeventhRegi— mnt, and (bmpany H, Sixth Fegimmt, Kentucky Vohmten- Cav-