Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/252

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1266 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 231. 1912.

  • ·¤¤ ‘¤`¤¤¤¤•°¤- The name of John Thom n, late of Company L, Seeond Regiment

New York Volunteer Cavgé), and gay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in eu of t at he is now receiving. ""‘°' "·“""°"‘· The name of James H. Barrelle, late of Company I), Eleventh Ilneigimentanaind Cloirzpany Q, Eangihth Rggiixzent, Illhiilons Volunteielx; , a a on era 0 hirty o are r mon M N K M ~*··~"·§ . .. . C A 2 ... " °"· ameo a n,aooman , even Reiginegt Pe i3 Xolunteer Cavtmlry, tid 1: pension at_erateo oarspermon m euo themnow ,°,*’°°’°“"“ ’· °"°‘ mcT•h:1:§ine of Benjamin F. Hudson, late first lieutenant and adjutant im, p. ma Fortzglixth Regiment Iglnited St¥tes§}olo‘1ied]1:L;>lunteer Infhantrg, ant; pay ’_apen¤non_a_terate0thirty 0 permon in'eu0 °°"]" ‘T‘°°`°” ihglildc nsaiigwof J. Strain, late unassigned, Sixty-second me %·°“v.‘£:‘mr *****2**** mt Mmm °°··¤····*· at ran eserve- 0 , an a a e t cm] E I the rlaite of;dollars per month in lg: of tha he is nowprelgnitging. °' The name oéx Rarlea Bennettalagg of Com&an¥l]?, Ogftgnmdred and tw en nt, an mpan_ ' - ‘ t Illii1!ig_V:lunteer mm, and a at the fate oi nom. Dowhmy thiéthy dollars p;n·T1{l1onth lieu 0 L he isfnglv D . ‘ ame 0 omas ougherty te 0 pn ‘ · Severitllx Regment 1§entuckydVl{>:’inteer In!?lt11·;,h:nd si pensionatjerateothirty 0 permon in'Vu theis wmnmuanny. mw r°°°"mg• . . Th f Wxlham Manel late 1‘ Co K, Twelfth B °· ment6I<I:w?1iuV¢(ilunteer Iniantgfand pa‘yhi1nnel”p-gision at the ntgf ch I S mm twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that he is now °°° °° The name of Charles Sponslor, late of Com any B, Nineteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the mu mmm ratieh of thirty §r month lie;1 cig that 11% is now receiving. ' ameo u ersoe, teo , 'hthReg1m` t Kentiidxkyl Volunteer Infantry, and ay hligasypensilghgat the rat:,6f T uu mmm thirty dollars month in lieu of that he is now ° The name 0F?I`rol1er Peterson, late of Compan G, Thirteenth R '- ment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and ay a pension at Ee Gem, W mm rate of thirty dollars per mouth in `eu of that he is now receiving. ' The game of G`¢;oi·ge W. itgfmes, late 0% Company A, Twelfth Begment en uc 0 ntee t , h' ' mmm mm____ rate of thirtyg>llarsupem· niiontliuinrheumgf tgz hglils iniignmreeenw et . 0 m. The name of Margaret Williamson, widow of John Williamson ate of Company B, Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer fiveavy Artillery, and peg. her a_pension at_ the rate of twenty dollan per ·*·*·*···· °···°* “‘·i‘·§£‘ }.“t}L1".§¥‘A§.Z?.*l2.’“S‘}3"i°°f‘E“g& e. D mm. nd., oc , a 0 m an pendent Battalion Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, ans pzy him a pension gscthsiggte of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now Benalon. ' nmabwin. ThenameofIzoraE.Dwirewid0wofHiramDwirelateofCom— yo, 0¤e1uma»e4•¤e¤¢y‘ -rem-u.1c‘ tdmexe al gtulard Infantry, and former widow of John Evienlate of Coxznpinliny tgne hxlindred and twzntagethird Ohio Volunteer Iéiblautry, 5,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, er a muon rate e•¤;•w.a¤·n•y. Rowley,‘late0`; :II1l’i:nth R ' mentConneetwutVo teerlnfantry, and pai.; apeuionatx _,__._·,,___ rateoftwenty-fourdollan ‘ monthmlnenof heinowleeuw ° . The name of Jame•1[.%·¤, lateolComp•nyC,S¤vanty-nin RegxmentIndianaVohmteerInf¤;¤·yund him•` attbi rateoftlnrtydolanpamonthmheuof heumwreeavmg