Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/275

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§IXTY·SEOOND CONGnEss Sess. 11. cm. 302-304, sm. 1012. 1289 l 'G.R0etsel dPulChi ,partnersdomg° business de

 phame of  tplnd  i1co1:1t·1·“acto1·3 of 

dana, e sum o our thousand un tlnrty dollars, and said sum of four thousand two hundred andn thirty dollars is hereby spporeppriated, out of apyuzoney m the frrlot otherwise arena ,m ymeno amounwn mthemu

 damagegl under a certain contract for the construction of

concrete walls, and so forth, at the lock at Grand Rapids, on the Wabasgflazegoenterpd into by aIr}d_£•&tgeen tlfnguly authorized . o Engines , m tates , resen ' m:·:;*··* .?*.=mr°·’.§.%···**°·,...°¤"**·..°¤s.P·"z.··*d *·‘*·y··.1'E°H..r·*:§ an , ess r name of and , on the otheurlgparltlsmand a;;roved_ by the Gnef of United States Army, dated dune second, mneteen hundredan nme.‘ Approved, August 17, 1912. ' cna!. 808.-An Ae: res are mm of Robert E. Burke. _ #?£¤,g_1Zig}¤- States mance Omngrm , e re e ¤¤¤•¤ Be·i¢q;_n§ded}ytIte8mdeandqHmue3· o_{’·% lP¤v¤;:·r:’;1 Treasurybe,and]l;?ishereby, authorisedanddimqtedtopaglgout ‘°°°°°"°°°°°°°°’ of any mor? in the 'heasury not otherwise appropriated, to bert E. Burke, Brookmkgew York, the sum four thousand three hundred and forty and seventy cents, as rermbupement for expenses actullyineurred- byhimin connection with hasduties as UnitedSt•teseu•tomsin•pectorattl1ep0rtefNewYork. ·‘ . Approved, August 17, 1912..- mn. seals; ace rw as any cl any J. nam;. *1§*_·*,§#,;*{1 B enacted the8endea·ndH th•U•€ted ¤""•°°·"°~¤r Blatzsuaf Ameribgs in Oongrus at the Secrgtary of the §:,'¥¤f;_{',;°'*‘¤¢· Treasulryube, pple herepyi autlgoridzpfdmdddtirhislcttecl to pai to a»¤.p.m. Mary . anning un an - our and fortylnine cents, the amount of money pzidbg J. H. Mitenell as sgruety on the 'f Ipond od; one fghad Malninmg, wluc_ mplney mptake anmng being ea mmm judg;sn•:tw•• his. said surety the said money having been collected byhsaid J. _Mitchell fromssnd MaryJ.lianning,thewidowofsaid adManmng, by thesaled ceu·tainofher(preperty,whichhadbeenconvgedbymortg•geforthe purposeofin gn.uify1ngthesaidsurety,J. Jlitchell. _ Approved; Augwm? 17, 1912. czn. 812.-An M ro. ur. su.: of umn A. 1.. om. {§‘·;_‘{2¤,.}§* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lgpieaenlctivea of the United ('¤'•°•· "°· N States Ama-.} ‘ Congress mumbled, t tho_ Secretary of the mn,. _

 bs, and K is smby, authorised md mmm to py to  

Martm A. L. Olsen, tmaster of the city of De Kalb, Illmoxs, out of mgm in the otherwise appropriated, the sum of five andiftem _,wl11ehsx¤n1sl1e¤·ebyapp‘:·l•;{¤nated f6rthatpurpose,tordmbursehnnfo¢p0stalsa _ postal sa' stampswhichwasstelmwhnthepcst atsudenjyd De'%b,Illm•i,wasbur·gl•rissdenthstv¤1ty-fifthdaye( uly,