Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/462

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1480 CONSULAR c0NvEN·r10N-SWEDEN. Jm 1, 1910. convenient to recognize' such oth- 6 a latser, med undantag dock cers. This reservation, however, fdi·1§1ld)ana platser, hvareet det ej shall not appl to one of the High skulle vara lampligt att erkanua Contracting gvithout also gylika tggigsiltemigl g)ettk1; unria ly1ng` to eve other wer. an em erti ic - PP ry P0 med afseendg l en af de ordragsslutan e partema natal att jamval tillampas betrlfande ofriga makter. Arrrcun II. -An·nxnr. 11. ¤¤¤•·¤¤1>¤*¤·¢¢·· The cons1rls·general, consuls, Enhvaraf deh af6rdragsslu· °°°` vice-consuls-general, vice-consuls, tande parternas ggieralkonsuler, deput consuls-general, deputy konsuler, vicegeneralkonsuler, consugk and consular agents of vicekonsuler, dem generalkoneach of the two High Contracting ruler, deputy ko er och konsu- Partiesshallenjoyreci ro%y, in laragenter skall i den andrea the States of the officr, d the stator omsesididgatlamjaicta :1la de riv1leges` , exem tions, an im- rivibgier" , un omiiiumiues that arepexfoyed by 0E- xlier, som cersof thesameranlrandquality afmotsvarm rangoc stalming of the most favored nation. The tillhorande den meet gnnade said officers, before being admit- nation. Innan sagda tjinstemin ted to the exercise of their fxmc- tillltas utofvasinverksamhetoch tions and the enjoyment of the atnkita dartillhorande forminer

 thereto pertaining, sko de forete fullmakt utfirdad

shall present their commissions m i den form, som anvandes i deras the forms established .in their re- respektive hemland. En hvar af

  • ¤¤¤•¤¤¤ spective countries. The Govern- do tva hoga fordragsslutande

ment of eachof thetwoHigh maktemas regeringar skall af- Oontracting Parties shall fumish giftsfritt forse dem med n6d§ the necessary exequatur free of exekvatur och vid foreteende charge, aud, on.the exhibition of donna handling skola de att this mstrument, the said oiicers atnjuta de rittigheter, shall be permitted to enjoy the och formlner som ti1l¥d1rs§krats nghtakpuvileges, and dem i denna lzonvention. gran by this Convention. _ Anrxcnn III. Amin;. HI. Bum tons ol con- · ,,,,,,,,{’,,L.,_ Consuls-general consuls vice- Gcneralkonsuler konsuler viceconsuls-general, vice-consu1’s, dep- generalkonsuler, vicekonsuldr, deuti consuls-general, deputy con- pgty generalkonsuler, deputy su , and consular agpnts, citizens nsuler och konsularagenter, of State 3* w 'ch they are hvilka are undersatar i den stat, appomted, sh _ be exempt from af hvilken dc blifvit utnimnda, arrest except m the case of of- skola vara fritagnafranhaktning, fenses wlnc the local legislation utom dl frtga ar om stdana I qualifies as cnmee and puuishes , Gfvertridelser, hvilka af lsgstg: as such·_ they shal1 be exempt nlugeh pi platsen beteclmas from military btlletmgp, service m Bisom brott och bestraifas sasom the_1@egular Army or my in the sidanaj de skola vars frikallade miht1a,ormthenatio guard; ochfrau they shall_ likewise be exempt tjinstgoringideu jira haren from all direct taxes-—·nationa1 national., State, or gidct; skola likaledu vara upon persons, either m nv frlna1ladirekta•katter,vare ture otocag-tprtxon tax or m re- sig unicnella, stats- eller korn- 9 mr h · · auch taxes becelinrgplildz on ic- gen after hufvudtaletugg i for-