Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/600

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1618 EXTRADITION CONVEN'1'ION—HONDURAS. Jnrunr 151909- mander of such -vessel, or by dicho buque 6 do apoderarse del fraud or violeélcssl taking posses- mlllllli por fraude 6 vnolencm. ·~·-···¤·· ··· ···=» “‘°ZZl§’f,£§’$.l{ on. board ships ·1>-Abonaojo com buquo on md · the with intent to alto mar con mtencion de causa- `cll60l?odilyil11§:·1m.S°·s dance materinles. Burzkry- 8_ Bm.g]m-y, degmd fg bg the 8——El acto do ellennr lecesede ect of breaking into and entering otro dunnte le noehe con el pmothehouseofanotherin thenight- sgqto de wmeter en elle un thine with intent to commit • hte. · feon therein.- · . em ¤¤ r¤\>l>¤¤>- ‘ ’ md 9-Alllmamienlao de la ofcms "$‘?°°°¥"°‘°' °,,9t6`nH'hm; gzcgooftkomzhngmcamgg dm del Gobierne y eutoridedeslpdbli- Government and public author- us. 6 dp bancus 6 owns gie mcs, ities, ortho officeeofbanks, bulk- 6 dg cms do •h<>rr¤, cmu d0 dsing 1.ooooo,_oov1ng banks, tnnt p¤¤‘;:¤.6d¤q¤mp¤¤1¤¤ ¤¤z¤r¤• compemes, insurance companies, mss edliicloe gue no seen or other bmldmgs not dwellings 1¥·¤¢¤0¤¤•& {->°¤ mt¤¤<=¤6¤ d¤ zlith intent te commit o felony cometerlm dmerem. * ·- r ¤·*·*···· no. Robbery defined tobo the 10—R¤b¤ ·¤¤;¤¤¤<ii6¤d<2¤¤ pw not of feloniously and forcibly tok. tel In ¤¤¤¤t}¤<=¤¤'»¤ ·i•_ bwngn 6 mg from the person of another. {micro de otro con vxolcnczs 6 goods or brlnxney} by violence or by 1¤¢11111dM¤61\· -· W ` W- . . . . ’°‘*°"· ful 1l;n§’erge§ or the utterance of d°I&—F¤l¤£t‘¢;·s¢? d1¤6¤ _ ocumen oe. ,;,1-g¤;ge· ··· ···=· °i‘£d·P§Ei?rgoy or ronitneoo _¤z—F·¤»iso·oaq¤ y ougpne- ' of the officiel acts of the Govern- 61611 d6 ¤·¤l·0¤ ¤£q¤l¤¤ del _ l>1¤r· ment or public authority, includ- ¤¤ 6 de ll §¤t0¤dId Plibhfil ining courts oilustiee, or the utter- clusoe los tigbnmeles d.0]\|8t10il., 6 ing er fraud tmt use of the same. l‘¤;¢iXP¤¤3i1<=16¤ 6 ¤¤0 frwduhnto oe m1sme•. °"“°""°‘“"'·°'°* { 13. The febxlgiglfionof counter- hl;3-Lips febri2&6n dglpnexzede ‘t , w er no e, len sea m °ce pz-, Igoonlgarfeit tifgcgneoupclim pepel, titules cupongs falsoo gg of publicdebt,_creste¢ibyr1et1ounl, e. deude poblroo, creedu por sustete, provincial, b0l1'.ll•01'lBl,l0¢I.i, tondadga nacnonales, provmereor municipal governments, bank- les, temtomles, locales, 6 mumcnnotes orothermstlumentsofpub- pales, billetes de benoo 6 otroe hc credit, counterfdt seals, valores publicos de crédito de stamps, dies, of stete sellos do tnmbrg, cuties y merees or public administrations, and fslsas do Admmutncién del Esthe utterance, circulation, or tade,6 p6blices,ylee dicion, fraudulent use of the above men- circula.g16n 6 uso freugulento de tl0I10d0l)]%¤. cualqmszl de los objetos an-rib; menere os. ¤¤¤•¤¤·¤=¤¤¢ W 14. Embeazlement or criminal 14—Pecu1ade 6 mel ‘ "“°u° °°°°”‘ mnlvexsetion committed within criminal cometide ‘dentvr:md:1T: the jurisdiction of oneorthe other `urisdicci6n de Ulu. de embas party by gubhc officem or depos- lhrtes por empleedos publicos 6 nteries, w ere the amount em- depoeitarioe, cumdo ln cnntidsd gegzled two hupgred dol- sustrnido. exeedn de 200 dollars or 0 urunequi ent). (6 °s.lte H d . MQ-;g:§*},_:_‘!¤• W 15. Embozzlenyent by en_ydper·· fgjglsstrazeuimmmnfigsdliugor sonorpersonshuedsulnn ,01- cueluier nn6 nasal- _ _ perse perse employed, to the detriment of magna 6 empleedns, en detrithenr employers or pnnclpels, monte de sus ’pales 6 amos, when the crlme_or ofensexs pun- cumdo el cestigedo uhsblebynmpnuonmentoroths con prisién 6 otre pon. corporal