Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/863

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mnnx. 1805 Banks, E., rear. Bamunilk, Ga., rap. P€¤S*°¤_“{€¥¤·¤¤d -----·-···- · ··-···-··.. . 1062 construction of public building anthorigsd Banks, William, at . . ... 871 Bpenpicn increaaenilé .. . 12% Bameu, John, ¢mM7§9, _ M ·, pension increased .. , ,.,,,,,,, 1171 Pension increased .. -. 1370 Barnett, Samuel, B¤7m0¢k Ifldimhl, Idflhv, pension increagd ,,,,_______ _ ______ _ _____ Ig); appropriation for fulnlling treaty with . 524 Barnette, Evelyn (mins), B¤¤¢¤._ mw (dcuyhvr), pension increased ... . 1276 pension . . 1408 Barney, Calvm E., Bapp, Barah E. (widow), pension increased., ...,..,,,,,,,, 1253 pension increased 1323 Bmshqrr, Longo pq . Bar Harbor, He., pension increased ,,,,,_,___________ _ _____ 1313 ag$0priation for breakwater at 447 Barnhart, Martin, Bw mcinc Wire. pension increased 1],54 free of duty when from Canada,. 10 Bama, Charles W, reciprocally exempt m duty in Canada. 11 pension increagd ,,_____________ _ ________ ug] Barber, Rufus G., Barium, Willis S., pension increased 1269 pension increased .,..,,,,,, , ___________,_ 11gg Barber, Willahm W, - Barr, James, pension increased.: .. 1150 pension increased ..,..,,,_,_ _ ,_,, mso Barbourville, Ky., Barr, Solomon, acquiring site for public building at, au- pension increased 1400 thorized .. 878 Barrach and Quarters, Army, Barclay, D., appropriation {or, storehouses, etc ... 581, 714 pension increased .. . . 1071 commutation at fuel m· qnartsrnnotal- Barjie@, Albert, altar Albert Pound, _ lowed from this fund .,.,., . . . 681, 714 pension increased 1170 remount degpt, Front Royal, Va. ,,... 715 Barfield, Willrhm, dor shelterin e Philip ines . 584, 717 pension increased .. . . 1036 deiiciency appropriation {gr- ,,,, , 619, 935 Bargerstodz, Henry, Barre, V1., pension increased 1098 appropriation for public buil .. 418 Barker, Ebenezer H., credit rn accounts of S. R. I site for pension increased, .. . 1079 public building . 506 Barker, Jolm, Barrelle, James H., pension increased 1264 pension increased 1266 Barker, Marcus L., Burch, pension increased 1201 tree admimion of American, returned tlllsd Barker, William, with foreign products. .. 12 pension increased ... , 1096 proof of identity required. ... 12 Barkley, lllary E. Smilln (widow), Barrels {or Apples, pension ... . .. 1310 stan' ard drmsnsionsrequired .. 250 Barley, brandins; rmsuirements . 251 duty on Canadian, malt . . 4 misbran ing etined .. 251 pot, pearled, or patent ... 4 penalty for 251 reciprocal duty in Canada on, malt 7 in eiect July 1 1913 . 251 pot, pearled or patent. . ... 7 Barrett, Amanda (widow), free of duty when xmggged from Canada., 9 pension .. 1389 reciprocally exempt duty in Canada. 10 Barrett, Ellen (wnkiow), Barlow, Fayette W pension .., , ,, ,. . . 1449 pension increased 1046 Barrett, George W, Barlow, John B., pension increased .,.. 1885 pension increased ... . 1425 Barron, Clark, Barnard, Jane Brand (daughter), pension increased . z .. lm pension ..,..,... . ...,.,.. 1090 Barroomt, D. C'. (oee_Excrss LAW, D. O,). Barnard, Susan H. (widow), 4 Ba:-mu, Mary A. (widow), nsion .,.. 1082 pension .. t .. , 1232 "B)€arnard" U. S. Dredfér Barrows, .FYedencl:S.,;r., transferred to former bor improvement. . 211 pension .. 1337 use of appro riation for repairs, etc., to buy Barry, General P. H., new ...,... 211 appointed on Board of Managers, National Barnes, Alexander ., Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldier. 38 pension increand .,..,.,,,,, , ,... 1088 Bartelle, Catharine Amr ` Barnes, Franls E. (um), pension .. . ... 1431 pension .. 1323 Bartholdt, Honorable Barner, John W, dencrency _ appropriation for contestedpension increased 1282 electron expenses ... . . . . 931 Barnes, Lurinda P. (widow), Bartholornew, Harvey, pension increand .,..,,.. 1386 pension increased .. ’ .. 1Z)8 Barnes, Philo H., Bartholomew, James, pension increased ,... 1160 pension increased 1435 Barnes, Robert A., . Butlett, C., pension increased ..,. . ... 1353 pension . _ ,.. 12 13 Barnes, Sylvester W, Bartlett, Henrietta F. (mdoev), mj]jLgyy yocord corrected .,... 1374 penswn mcreaed ..., 1094