Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/915

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mom. 1857 Department 0 Jurtfee-Continued. has Dspwmarc o Laban-Con usd, Psp. appropnatrim for Assistant Attorney Gen- offices, bur£an.s, etc., tratdzerred Inn Deeral, deputy, attorneys, etc., in cus- partment of Commerce and Labor.. 737 t·oms_•:ases .··· 463 Commissioner General of Immisntionn 737 for supplies, etc., customs eases. ... 463 oomminioners of 737 for witness fees, etc., before Board of Bureau of Immigntion and Namnliw General Appraisers from customs ex- tion .. . 737 Jrcnses . :. . , 2 .. 463 Division of Infomation . ;. . 737 for efending suits rn claims. . . 4Q of Naturaliation. .. 737 for detection and prosecution of crimes, Immigration service at large . 737 _etc...: ... _ ... , 463 Bureanoflabor ... 737 for inspection of pnsons and pnsonaa". 464 Children’s Bureau ... . . 737 for investigation and prmecutim of Comminioner of labor .. ... 737 frauds .. : ... : .. 464 Bureau of Immigration established, .. . 737 for defense, Indian depredatron caa¤.- . 464 Bureau of Naturalization established .. 737 for traveling and emergzocy expense". 464 commimioner and de uty made adminisfor enfqrcrng_antit.rust ws . 464 trstive officers of naturalization laws 737 for setting aside conveglnces, allotment: appointments made under civil service W FWS civilized `bee 464 regulations ... . . 737 forenforcingactstoregulsteoommerce.. 464 Bureauof Laborto be Bureau ofLsb¢x {gr gusts affecting S'e“1:nnl•;l1•(a•ll‘;>¤nm¤. . ::44 Stathtgcsé .. ai . 737 rm e etc. ic' e .. . ers an uties commimionu refor Fedexrirlngourt. and Digests. . . 464 Pawtained .. . .. 737 for Supreme Court nity Rules 464 to collect, publish, etc., statistics of labs! for Pacific railroads suits. . . . . . 465 conditions, products, etc ... 737 forUnitedBtat¤Courts 465 t¤¤sferofrecordsand6l•.L ..., . 737 for §mtenti.aries . . ... 466 buildings and Bxturs, etc ... 737 for atronal Training) School hr Boys, rented quarters .. . . 738 District of Colum ia ... 468 officers, clerks, etc . 738 for printing and binding ... . 482 laws prescribing work, etc., made applide£cie&cynappro or repairs to 3 Bona . { . . ... . 738 o Clarms' . . . r partmm to pom` · for Southern Pacific mood land} _ mlary ... ... : 736 suits. . 49 duties of Secretary in labor disputes ... 736 br contingent expenses . . . 610 general authority .. 738 for Volume 28, Opinions of the Attorneys annual report to be made of operations ol.. 733 General ... 610 investigations and reports .. 733 tor Volume 29, Opinions of the Attorneys p of coordination with other depart- General ..,. . .. 025 _ ments, etc., to be investigtsd, ste. 738 for Edward T. Quigley . 611 ra e8ect; rs of inconsistent ws .. 736 for prosecution of crimes ... 611 Stale, for enforcing antitrust laws ... 611, 925 spproprnatim for Secretary, Assistants, for Alaska incidental court expenses.. 611,026 Director of the Consular Service. . 372, 750 for Frank N. Allen 611 for Counselor, oicers on foreign relafor W. and J. Sloane . . . 611 tions, etc.._.. .. .., 312, 750 for United States court ... 611, for assistant solicitors, chief clerk, etc. 372, 750 622, 625,026, 037,038 chief clerk to sign ofhcial papers, etc.. 750 for paying judgments United States lorcluefs ol bureaus, clerks, etc .. 372, 750 courts, under . 617, 934 for clerks distributing infomation among for Court of Clainn, judgments u.nder.. 617, 034 minions .. . . . 372, 751 for roeecuting Indians in Arizona.. . . 622, 625 for stationery, furniture, etc ... 873, 751 for gederal Reporter publishers . . 925 for books, periodicals, etc., for the for expenses, customs cases . 926 library ... 373, 751 tor National Training School for Boys... 026 for lithographer, etc ... 373, 751 for C. E. Newcomer 026 for miscellaneous expenses ... 373, 751 for prisons, etc .. . . . 937 for automobile mail wagon .. 373 soucam re; me Department or labor au- for rent of buildings ... 373, 751 thorined; salary .. . 738 for Solicitor for.. 404, 781 Department of Labor, for diplomatic and comular service .. 94, 688 cmwd an executive department .. 736 for ranting rn the .. . .. 98, 600 Secre ; appointment, salary, etc ... 736 for Boundary Waterways Comnameudrii Department of Commerce and minion 478 Labor changed to Department of for printing electoral votu . 473 Cougtmerce ... . .. .. 736 g Iléi bmdm. . .6*. . . Z 481 pugpqsa ;topro¤mtewe o wage nn ,e .,com on,

 ····‘‘‘‘ a ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $32 dtrep°”t%l°“··“"‘·n;·s··er·l·.. ···· “‘

i mv w ° con itions ... · ency propriatron ri - sixgarrce opportnugties for prodhble em- Tu M ficanzgaima arbitration 9;; syment .,... . orergn intercourse sealfetc . . .. . ... 736 for Samoan claims .. 913

Secretary, clerks, etc., author Tu for annualrpagzent to    913

i .. . recerv from Canaccounta to be examined, etc., by Auditor ada for Congrhional Record to be lor State, etc., Depsrunmta 737 property of .. . . .~··