Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/957

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INDEX. 1899 Hawkins, James, N York V I I , P . gwky pension increzmediui .. 1;; pensio¥??.fl;§@. W): ,... 7;; Hawkrns, James, Tennessee Volunteers, Health, Amident, and Q Insumrldel pension increased 1384 nies, D, C. Hawkins, Samuel T., designation ot, anithoriaed w conduct busipension increased ...,, _ _ _ 1097 neg __________________ _ _____ _ 16 Hawley, Chastina (widow), minimurncapital required .. I 17 pension increase 1063 limitatio licies ... . . . Hawley, Henrietta V. (widow), 1364 annual . pension _ , mgm an to be mgd ‘ nanny, nay, Elrmce . f’.$‘fZ`f".°.'.‘“..‘f°E‘T?'TYf’Y U pension increased ..,. 1392 suspension if @ts found lines. . 17 Hawley, Theodore F., appeal to Comrninioners I ... 1 7 Hpensgnngllnicreased .,.. 1351 to igrue yglovisions complied with. 17 41 vr , n, ternal e moon' tions ‘ - pgnsion increased 1129 cludedlf __________________ _ 18 Hawthorn, James A., mutual relief amociations of Arm Na Hpension increased 1033 :3 egacutive employees, Zac., Q 6% .. free of duty when from Canada. . 9 inconsisteelit laws repealed; other provi- 18 recgnéocally exempt m duty in Canada. 10 sions not aEected. 18 Hidyuty oiaéanadian 5 Hzgglrozcrgztrion io; o£¢or, inspgcwgg, Hrecgprocal duty in Canada on L. 7 f etc . 164, 961 ay eddera, or preventing contagiousdisesses, etc. 105, 961 duty on Canadian 5 for diainfecting service _, _ , 1 961 reciprocal duty in Canada on . ... 7 for sanitary emtirgancy fund . . 1:2; 961 Hayden, Catharine gwéiow), 1437 ;or gxupenseir, i al, etc., adultentiom. 165,962 ' in .. . . - ... or terio ogic laboratory . 1 962 H¢?;d.eE:0l‘VMigrml Forest, Wyo. and Colo., for contingent expenses ... 1§962 Haptggopiangiin fo; maintenance, etc., cf. . 283, 840 ger dairy farms, etc 166, 962 , ., or con ous diseases isolatmg` wards. 166, 962 Hlgmsion inc%d . .. 1030 ior page cremattfry .. . . 166, 962 ,Aie .(' , or tmg,e.,pon stagnant Hlilyecgnios ... . 1276 water .. . . 166, 9Q ayee, _Henry E., 1388 for p;;c£?;<g hnwg rzoémd and stable; on nsron increased ppm . Hgfes, Noah, for exhibit Congrem of’Hygiene and Depensionincrensed . . .. 1166 _ !¤0g1’¤pl\y..:..: .. z .. .. 1” Hgufgrfi, Enum, H13 de6cre$ry}; appropnatmn for public cmma- ou [uc , ..·.-.·.-.. ·-.·. · H5;:§1??]a»yM; P_, contagous diseases allowance increased, . . 911 nsion increased ... . ... . 1111 Health, nternatiornnl Ojlee of Public, Hg;.,M,,, yadgm gu sppmématron for annual quota . 101, 694 pension incrisaied. . ...- . ... . . 1217 Health {bi'., _ t d t t IM 961 Haynes, Danie ., BPPNPKN 0 _ , ¢P11 Y, 0 C. , Hpension increased ... · 1429 Hwmyv in Land 1·$¤¢~·. amy, Jqupy, ww apgroprratwn for egpenses ... 465 pension increased , . ... . , . 1173 de ciency grpropnatxon for expenses . 620 Hays, Alexander F. Heorn,_John ., pension increased 1272 pension increased 1331 Hays, Joseph H., Heath, H., pension mcregsed . . .. 1324 Heiaeilnnlonlmcwmed . ...,.__ _ , _ _ ww Hays, Lorenco ., . _ » · ' creased ...· 1401 pension .. 1221 H.§’§’,‘I“6’,'?.,l.‘2n 1., neo, eww, Hpension increased . . ._ . ..,. 1415 Hpensron . ._ . 1279 ayamer, 4nna M. (widow), ezrvy-01l_ nrme régrne, Hpengion anereased .. . 1415 appm;;r;;ng¤;ulfof:1e{a:\e1lopment of type of, 906 ard, ., . ·········--·-·- · · gzggw riatzzn ior Indian school ... 538 Heckelrnanqr, Anna B. (ungaw), Hazen, george B., P€’!’*°“F;’°'“”d ·····~---·~····-· · -·-·-· 108% Hpemion incrgwd __,.. . . . : ... 1047 Hvd¤‘mg,n iuwky B.; 1211 · , James ., ····-··---··-----· - -···· Eafgggzivou increased,. . ··-·----· · ·------ 1039 H¤i9;§ig;k;n%c mw md , · · -·-- ..-··.-. approiazriation for refund of, erroneously col· Hglges, Chrulum lecmd _____ · _______ _ __,,... . ..,_ 476 mill corrected ..., - 1376 Headstones for suwary Grover, H=!¢»,_ appmprgsqou joy, in national, post, etc., pension mcmased ... . 1060 cemetenes, etc ...-..- _ ---· _ —----- $39 H€#¢¤,_G¤Z"9¢» fm., unmarked graves of civilians rn post pension increased M50 cgmeteriu. -_. .: ... 439 H¢_#¤1,_ Kerry A. (widow), V deficiency nppropriauon for 619, M, 935 pension increased . . .,,,_____, 12Q