Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1253

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I1§® vu Alma, Kam., Y _ ?•¤· American (}it·iv¢·rn in Europa-Continued. P•¤· condemned cannon ganted to, for court- appropristionforrelief,etc.;cha¤·t»er,etc., of house square. ; ... . . 12(Xl vessels 776 Almonds, _ statement of exggnditnues and reimburseduty on .. . ... 134 _ ments in submitted to Cougmes. . 776 011 0§..._ .. . ..., 117 Amerwzm Qdizena in Mmbo, Almonds, Bguer » aprropnption for relief, etc., of destitute. . 238 duty 011 01] 0i'- -·------·.. v .. 117 or relief and uansporting home ,,,, 346 Aloe, _ _ l deiciency appropriation for relief, au., of on freq hst, cotton bagging made from destitute, m Mexico ___,_,___ _ _____ 303 suigle yams_0f .. .. 154 American Ephenwnls, Nauhbal Almanac cmd, AZPGM H¢;‘)(8¢¢ HMI, Angora. Goat, Alpaca, A apgmpnation for preparing ...,,..,,,,, 486, 1027 e . . mmcan E¢hnoIo?y, Altima, _ · · appropriation or continuing researches on freehst, root, etc., unmanninctured .,.. 159 in 26, 625, 838 Altus, Qkla., _ _ American Financkrs, Uernfereme 0jQ deficiency appropustmn for public build- President authorized to invite re renault mg ·.--·-..·------.- . .. 559 fives of Central and Southernmican Alum, Alun Cake, ¢mdPa¢¢n¢ Alum, · · . Governments to ..,.,..,.. ,, _ , _ 1127 Azcgnty on ... . i . 114 bankers of Te United Snmgn ...,,,,_,, 11% ma, — . a non or expenses . 1128 duty on hydmtod- .. .» .. 114 Fisheries, ‘ manufactures of, not specially provided on freelist, fish, oil, and other products o£.- 160 for . . ...»-· .. 114 ·Ame¤2:¤n Historical Association, - sulphate of ... . 114 appropriation for printing and binding an- Alummmu Cake, A s a uual reports of .,...,,,.,,,..,, 69,672, 331 duty on. ... . . · 1 14 Apwimn Indiana, · Aluminum, appropriation jon- e¤hnolugioal_ researches diliuy on .. _ 128 _ among ... 26, 625, 838 ow, etc ... ... . 128 Annaricm Natgnal Rcdgrcu, · , · amc es, not spec' y pmvi or, not charter oreigm to c•.rry~ gold plated, etc .,. 130 American 6%, for nmseafnmpplies, _ leaf 128 etc., war in u.r0pe...; . . ... 777 plates, ban, strips, etc .. .., 128 loan of Army and Navy sanitary equipscrap . 128 . — ment to, authorized 771 Aluminum Eruxmclcd Hollow Wm, memorial building to women of Civil War, duty on utensils of ,..,... 127 to be headquarters of . . . 233 Alva, Okla., president of, designated on commission condemned cannon granted to Grand Army to erect, ctc ... . .. 233, 326 post .. 1203 maintenance, etc., under direction of. . . 238 Alves, John W, sale of Army medical supplies to, papayment. of Court of Claims Endings to 968 muted 1080 Amarillo, Tex., Awwricnn frqctibul Navigator, Bowditch, appmlpriation for public building . 4, 609, 822 appmpmuon for prmting revised edition. . 68 Amaryl is, Bulbs Ammcaye Regngtry, _ . duty on .,.,..,.,.. . ...,.. 133 age hmigauon on admmnion of ioroign· Ambassadors, bmlt ships to, ragged 698 a mpriation im- salaries ..,.. I 442,1116 Americwg Republncs (see American Undpegciency approgriatxou for salary,_Spa.m. . 312 _ xorg. appointment authorized to Argemma . 378 Amerwnm mmm (ms also Merchant Seato Chile ... .  ; ... 378 urea), _ _ grade of representative to Spain raised to-, 110 appropriation for rehef and protectnon of, Amber, _ m foreign countries, etc 452, 1125 duty on ...,..,.,,,,.,. . ..,,,,..., 117 deficiency appropriation for relief, enc 332 manufactures of, not specially provided _ 335,1158, 1166 for _,,,,,,_,,.. 150 Ameriexm §ugmen, Slupwrecked, ni] _,__,____________,,,,.,,____,.,..,,_, 117 approprmtzon for life-saving testimonials on free list, chips . 158 for .. 445, 1119 Ambe;-g;·i.;, American Staten, Qfth International Conferduty on ... . .. 118 ferergu cj] _ _ _ _ 0;] __________,____,,_,,,,______, , ,,..._, 117 appropriation for paruclpsting m .. K0, 1126 Ambzroid, Unmamyadwcd, Amgrwzyn. Surety Compgmy, duty on, not specially provided for ... . 117 deiiuenc appropriation for refund of Awww, Jolm, _ _ yuxgmencw ..-- · -·-..-------·-·.- 567 payment of Court of Claims findings in ad- Aypmcan Yessels, _ _ _ miniguawg of ,,., . ,.,.,__,_,,. . ...,, 979 importauons prohibited unlem gn, or ves- American Onlizau in Europe, sels of country of proquctnon ._ .. 196 appropriations for relief, protection, and not applicable so coxmtrnes having no uansponatiou of, growing out of mmilar provxsmu .. _ 196 poliucal disturbances ..,,.. 776 articles for repair of, may be withdrawn repayment, eu; ,,..,,._,,.,.,, 776 from wutehousg {IGP. of <!\1fy.._ .. 1% for rehef, etc., of, and expenses con- discount allowed on xmporhs m registered nected therewith . .. 776 VGBBBIB. ..-. · »·-----·- ~ ··------·--· 196 repa ent, eoc ... , ... 776 treaty rights not_aEected . - J . . . 197 e1npi:>l;mentoi,·&rmyand Nav odicua, provision for wu mk lmxmmce of, frexght, vesels, supplies, etc., aut.gorized.. 776 pamnge moneys, and cargoes ... 711