Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1287

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mnnx; xii Cemetery Cmnpanks, ?•S•· CmtralReaer1»e Cities, Plumccme tan not levied on, operated ex- status of, under Federal-Reserve Act . 262

 fgrw mutual benefit  172 Centralab, M0., f bl bull 10

, eetor o , appropriatiou or ic ding' .. 6 appropriation for, statisticians, clerks, C¢f£7€l·lC$C¤0Tl, etcjm ° etc .. .. 499, 1040 duliyon . 119 Census Office, Department of Commerce, Caea Planta, ‘ appropcrgatgn gr Dmector, 1040 appmpifiatiqn for investigations of- ixrsscgizssa 1104 er , e . . . , ... ·. for collecting, etc., statistics . 499, 1040 Cereals (ae ), _ _ ji _ K for speual agents, etc. . :  : ... 499, 1040 appropnation for mves·‘t?at1ng producfor transcripts from registration recordings 1040 C tcioxnehseases, .,.. 422,1092 etc , erium, erite, or Cerrum` , pay ofspecialagents _ .. _ 449,1040 onireelistni ... _ . 156 canvas of manufacturing establish- 1040 Certificate! ggeboat) Hen (see Life-Saving ments .. . ‘ for tabulating mag:hines,_etc .. 499,1040 Certéicatea, . M ¤· taking dsicenmal agricultural census 1040 C stamp tanfon, not oztgerwise specified . 7*61 repeal . . . ertmezateso Damage, ., · for printing and binding for ... 09, 673, 881 stamptaxonmanne ... . . . - 761 reports of 13th Census excluded . . 673 Certificates of Indebtechua, , ' reprinting publications of 13d: Gen- 881 stamp bta: onigaued on and after Decem- 759 • SI15 ... 1 . .. I ·. deiiciency appropriation for collecting sta-· Certryicates of liupeetion, ‘ ‘ · tmtlcs . 224 provisions for xssuing, etc., to steam ves- · for tabulating machines, etc. 325 gels _,_.,..,, . ...,..,...,,,, 1216 for expenses of Thirteenth Gensus... 1158, 1100 Certijicntee of Projts, lease of addition to Department of Com- gtamptgxgu ,,...,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ; ,.,,,_ 761 “°'”£1‘;““t§“‘°2f*““”°“¤;mxm‘;°§;z$e;.· “” °"‘““"°“·”""··t.. bam. reprinting pu ca ons - ‘ bhie ` , ;,, $23 sus to be paid from department allot CI:zl·iii nVer&P;n, ‘ ment foagiiu ... 1154 duty on ,,,,.,..._.,,..., Y .,,.. ,..4..,;, 143 Volume II, dal of United Chaim, · States dilwulihll . . . 224 duty on fancy patterns of . - ... 149 Certtennigvl Cellzdbration., National Star- imnorsteel,not‘speciallypmvidedfor.- % Bimur, 1” foreign mammu invited to attend . . . 773 xw; and machine _,,, , ,,,,,.,,..,,, 126 Centerville, Va., Methodist Episcopal Clmrch Chair Cane, Smith, _ duty on rattan or reed - - .. 131 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to 989 Chalcraft, E. L., CQVIJTQI Approved, Goverrmwnta ojl alipropdatiou for servics .,,., ,. , 98 mvited to send representatxveato Gonier- Cha , ence of American Financiers 1127 dulgggu _,,,,,_,_,,__,,__,________,,,,____ 119 Central and Smit}; America, mg ctc ch ,,,,_ , .,,,,____,,,,__________,_, 119 appropriation or promo , . com- paged ° f ___,,______, _ _,_____ 115 pp pmercewith . ¤<¤».m·¤ ¤.."¤?;¤ n.t,"$§.“<L,°ri’§¤, sa., me Central City, Ky., ; French, crude and u und 168 deiiciency appropriation for public build- chalk} Nqgwml Forest] H, al .-··.-··--- - --------- 560 appro;;‘1;ati%1 fg maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1096 • ° ·· . . . · ·• deiicieywy ¤ppr¤pri¤¤¤¤ f¤r 1>¤b1¤¢ build- 560 Eymeaéiitgogkor Claims endings to sm Central l N l · deficiencyiapproi pniation for public buildpayment of Court of.Claims wz. . . 979 ° ______,_,_____________,,,,,,,,__ 560 Central and Emergmvy vvptwl, Cha·rnber:l:>§ Cmnqnerczh etc., 172 . ., _ in tax t ;conditi ns. .. upprepijintiou fo1’ CSN of i¤d18¤¤¢ P¤· Cha1$••l>]:r$ of ugomciinlercglxetc., Inlernational tnents. , . . . ... . .. 545, 919 Congress: for C011BliI'l1ClZi0D of DGW . . . . - . . 9].9 gcceptgncg of Invitation {,0 in, Central Heating and Power Plant, . C'., guthqriggd _______ _ _______,_________ 773 construction authorized on land and wharf 25 Chambers, Rqyqll, roperty ..-.---.------ 1; t Court i Claims &udmgs' to buildings to receive service. . , - 25 Paymesi1dui)inis¤atdJ;)0f ... . ... 976 limit of cost; contracts authorized ... 25 Chqqywig $5,-,,, location; termination of lease of wharf. .. 25 duty on ___________________________ _ ______ 150 area for District asphalt plant to be Chmnpagm mewed ············· 2 ············ 26 duty 011.:. .. . ... 136 appropriation for commencmg_plant 26 Cham mm ' employment of technical services in Ar- Wm on www etc of 746 chitect’s Ofhce, ay, etc 26 P ’ " ‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ additional to regugr force . 26 Clwndk'3 Bethd G-» _ _ emma page Railroad Company, exe., _ P¤Y¤¤·mt of ,€<>¤¤ <·f CMM fi¤dmg¤ w conveynnces of lands on right of way m admlmsuuwrof -······------·-·- ··-· 962 certain Nevada cities, legalized . 1198 Chandler, Okla., _ _ _ _ acceptance to be tiled . . . 1198 deliciency appropnauon for public buildright, of way maintained ... . .. 1198 mg. ...··--··..-..··... 560