Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1292

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xlvi INDEX. Caller, P¤8¢· Circuit Courts of Appeala—Coutix1ued. Pam. duty on .. 133 jurisdiction, etc., to enforce, sem aside, or Cigar, modify orders of Commission or Board duty on, bands, lithographically printed. . 145 final .,,,. , ...,,,____ _ _ 736 Gig casesbcuigers, holders, etc ... 149 to decide appeal? gem district courts on ' arette eet , questwn 0 w in awards 0 b d Gizppngpgaugn for investigating .. 433, 1104 of arbitration of railway emplogfgesg are e oo , e c., coutroversxes . . ... . 107 glu ty ou .. 152 Circuit Juglges, Gzgarettes, appropnation for .. 506, 1047 duty on ...-.. 132 {lor ex uses, outside official residence. 654, 867 paper for ... 152 Circuitg, jxzdimhl, Giivlpecnal tex on manufacturers of ...· - . - - 753 C;1ismct¤iuc1udediuur¤z;Pon» Rico added. 803 ars zrmuea, speeial tax on manufacturers of ... . 753 special tax imposed on proguietors of. . . . 751 Cigars, Oigaretm, and Cheroots, payment reqmred for eac State, etc 751 dutgr on ... . ., 132 Cit·izens·in_.]{€xz~zk;o, American, w1t drgwal for home consumption oi, made sppropnauon for !`9}19?, etc., of .. 238, 346 1f;10bouded mgéuxtgacturing warehouses deficwucybappmprmuon for miie; of . 208 m nmport acco ... . . 198 or re1m ursing y or re 'e etc., of duty and iqterpal revenue tax to be paid. 198 _ _ destitute . Z ... 313 stamp to mdmate character, ongm of Omzena TmstandG11.ay·anty Company, _ tobacco, and place of 198 deficieucg apprognémtion for payment to; Omcluma Bark, ctc., in emmty nd ., . ,..,,,_,___ 321 on free .. . 154 C·it·izena}ri_p, _ elkaloxds or salts of . 161 admismon of aliens serving in Navy, etc., Cmcmnatg, ghugf _ ’ f to, without previous declaration of approprm. on or assmtant treasurer s o — intention. . .- .. 395 566 _476, 1018 requirement for wutchpiiicers of vessels condersgvned cmmqn granted to Umon 1204 forengugommerce may 9 011 ·-···-·--···-------·- euspe ‘ ons .. 609 terms of court at .. 1188 suits in United Statzes courts based on di- L'·£ apIg Rigtwu, f VGIB9, the fict may be shown at any u cnn veiilms or . . . 151 stage . . 956 p0sit;ive°E§¤ for .. 151 crm Acid, C'·£1ma1mm., duty 011. . . . 114 dutiyi cn, chips ,.,..,..,,.,,.._,.,,_ 135 Cigon or Citron Peel, o , ,,,_ _ ,,,,,__,..._,_,,, -... 117 u 011. ... 134 nmgmuud ,,____,,,. . ,_,,,,... 135 Oigrofryella or gemun. Grass, mma mmm of Appmu _ my on, <>' ·----·------.-·--·.. 117 appropriation for circuit judges 506, 1047 Gum g“”k"`• . . . , , for cle,-ks __________ :_i1_i1 ___________ 506, 1047 deimegecy appmpnamon for investigating, 797 t . 1: ' , _ _ ·------··----··----··-·---····- rg; gtgj Eg ?T? mg €‘·¢¤w F¤e¤¢a<·¢<= ¤¢¤<> ’1`r¤pic¤1F¤¤i¢¤>. cases in appeals and write of error from “PPY°P¤·“u°P f°*' i¤V°¤ti8‘¤1i¤8 i¤¤¤¢t¤ supreme courts of Hawaii and Porto _¤E¤¤¢¤}8· -··----·-·---·· _- ;·; · · · 433, 1104 Rico _____________ _ _______________ 804 for nmlgiovxug fmethods of uuhzing by- decrees, etc. in baukmptcy proceedings P **0*8 0 - ······---··· - -···----- 1102 gndncesf, and controversies arising City Delivejry Divifon, Post Ojioa Department, 111, ue .. 804 a ro nation or te t, l ks, review and determination by certiorari PP pete . { . g 61}. . it 495, 1036 irprp Supreme Court allowed; con~ City Delivgryz Postal Service, _ _ d1p10u .. ._ . _. Z .. 804 approprmtnqn for letter cam-iers ...,,,, 299 junsdxcgxoq to revnew Hm] decisions of pmmognom, ._.,,_,__________ _ _ _ _ 299

 .. 333 for substitute, auxiliary, and temporary

ex co , . ,.,.., 3 carners __,,,_,________ _ ___________ 299 exceptions ... . _ ., . 803 for new offices ,,,, _ ________________ _ _ _ 299 decisions final in designated cases ... 803 pay of substitutes mud ___,___ _ ______ 299 tmde-mark sppealeadded .. - , . 804 for horse hire and vehig1eg_ ________ _ _ _ _ ggg orders to prevent unfanr methods of com- for car fare and bicycles _______________ 299 Eetmon m commerce to be enforced for street car collections ...,,_, _ _ _ _ 299 _ y-; ... . . _. . I . . 720 for Deuoit River service ...,,,____ _ _ _ _ 299 epphcatmu of Federal Trade Commzmsmn for mmdental expenses _______ _ _________ ggg for; tmnsmuyal of findgngs.: ... 720 for speci21 delivery: ...,,.,, _ ,_,________ 299 deer?) on_ fgldmgs; modriicatnons by 720 for €§H§1'1¤1€!1t8·1, m minor towns and 9 mmnsm ... _ ...,,,_,_______ _ __________ gg to beiigml; review_by Supreme Court. . 720 forsuppheg ,,,,,,______________ _ _____ 303 apphcutmus igoset garde; procedure .. 720 deiic1e11cy_appr0priation for ... . .,,,_ 333 exclusive Junsdmctwn pr .. : . 720 for submtuw, etc., carriers _ __________ 236, 324 Pfeeedenqe aug} expechting to be gnven. . 720 for horse him, ou; _____________ _ _______ 324 _ aptqtrusthsbmues noteffegted . : t . . . 721 for cer fare and bicycles . . ... 324 3u¤sd1ctmn,_etc., m cuforcing provrswns for c¤rriers,etc.,newoffices .. . . 324 _ ei Antxtrust Act . . . 735 forspccial delivery fees. . 573, 578 mdgngent md decrees final .,... 735 for supplies ... . 796 renew by Supreme Court. - .. 735 for camera, eu: . . .. 1159